Episode 15 – The Casualties of War
The team’s ‘surprise’ replacement is given the chance to prove his metal. A successful extraction brings new perils as they are dispatched to recover a safe, by a mysterious stranger. This time, the team will not be facing rebels or looters. They will be going up against another group of high end edgerunners.
War has erupted on the European Continent. The long running Czech Civil War exploded as the EU, who finally had enough of Poland’s support for the rebel Free Czech Army, sought a quick victory over the Polish nation in the spring of 2050. A resurgent Germany promised a quick victory, but the Blitzkrieg of 1939 was not repeated. The Polish Army resisted with fierceness and courage that surprised the EU forces. Russia and Belarus came to the defense of their Slavic brothers and sisters with ‘volunteers’ pouring in from those nations. The EU response was to attempt to destroy Russia’s warships of the Rocket Corps. The Komsomolsk and the Potemkin along with two large Russian transports were destroyed in orbit and the Russian space port in Kazakhstan was bombarded. The Gagarin in the asteroid belt was severely damaged, but still lurks out there. This brought Russian along with Belarus and Kazakhstan into the war officially. This attack caused the Scandinavian Bloc to declare neutrality and refuse to help in the EU war effort.
Ghost Team 1’s actions in the Czech Republic remain a secret from the EU. They have been transferred to Cyprus to work principally for the Bast Corporation’s main client in the region, Global Share. This Commonwealth NGO brings health services and modern infrastructure to developing third world nations. The Cyberpunk World is a dangerous place especially in these areas. It is the Bast Corporation’s job to protect this altruistic organization.
Dramatis Personae
Ghost Team One
Allison Cole (aka Hanna Woo) (Sergeant): Grew up in the Burn Notice Campaign and remained with her best friend from school, Catherine ‘Cat’ (Fisher) Vaduva. She is a high level prowler and martial artist with extensive covert operations training. Her cover was Vlada Roslykova on the recent Mission to Prague.
Brandon Heath (Warrant Officer 2nd Class): A solo who is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He recently served as head of security for the Petersen Point Resort.
Duke Strider (Sergeant): He is an experimental dog/human biogenetic hybrid made by the Collective on commission by the Bast Corporation. The Caitlins, who own Bast Corporation plan to create males members of their race but decided to make another species of hybrid first to test the science. His cover ID was Luke Walker from Texas during the recent Mission to Prague.
Mason Verge (Staff Sergeant): A former Marine Force Recon member turned freelance solo with a good relationship with the Thelas nomads. Mason came to the notice of the Bast Corporation while serving as a security officer at the Petersen Point Hotel during the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign.
Natalie ‘Natty’ Lanikova (Warrant Officer 1st Class): ‘Grew up’ at the Petersen Point Resort when Brandon and Owen were there. A covert operative who most believe is the daughter of the late Lt. Alina Lanikova formerly of the Czech Special Forces (601st SOG). She is actually one of the prototype (former) Biotechnica ‘Caitlin’ clones trained to operate in the Czech Republic.
Nip Lacey (Corporal): This slightly crazy young woman is the result of a failed experiment to create a gestalt mind of several netrunners. This project also created Fred, a ferret looking creature that inhabits the NET that is fiercely loyal to Nip. While the girl is only 21, she has already earned advanced degrees in Computer Science and Robotics from Night City University. This has allowed her to create a physical body for Fred and a slew of small spider bots to assist her. She, Allison and Cat Vaduva went to high school together in Atlantic City.
And introducing Noah Michaels (Corporal): This 19 year old joined the Bast para-military forces a little over two years ago with the recommendation of Mason Verge. Noah is from the Thelas nomad family that Mason helped just before his separation from the US Marines. This ‘help’ earned Mason a ‘Family +2’ on his life path. Family works both ways and the former Marine was called on to help Noah get a job. This young man distinguished himself on the Pac Rim and earned him a test for Ghost Team training. With training finished he found himself passing through the Cyprus base when the call came for a boat handler. Next thing he knew he was on a supersonic jet to Cabinda with Ghost Team One’s gear. Noah was raised not only on his family’s boat, but in Blackwater, Florida by his maternal half Vietnamese grandmother, Rose Trang with his second cousins, Jenny and Sammy Trang. During the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign, Jenny Trang worked at the Blue Moon Revue as a cocktail waitress but ended up running the team manning the security monitors for the Petersen Point Resort. Sammy Trang was the drummer for the band, Velvet Blue. Noah was there at that time and followed his cousin’s band. As such he knew Natty, Paris and Ty casually. Noah fought with the nomad militia at the Battle of Petersen Point.
The NPCs
Antonio Bernardo Bembe is a Cabindan official and old friend of Jonas Barton.
Arvin Akins is a man from the Bureau of Statistics (whatever that is) who seems to wield great power behind the scenes in Cabinda.
Commander Quinn: He is a retired British Navy commander from the Special Boat Service (SBS), who is in charge of all Bast Corporation para-military operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Dr. James is a biomechanical medical technician from the Bast Corporation.
Jonas Barton is an old Africa hand. He is at the conference to network with the reps from other NGOs and local government officials, who will be in attendance.
Lars McGregor is the major domo and right hand man of Nicole ‘Nikki’ Alexander, publically a wealthy businesswoman and philanthropist but privately a member of a shadowy group of powerful world political leaders and business people called the Consortium. She is the ruthless enforcer for that group and Lars is her number one ‘hit dog’. He is also Owen McGregor’s father. The two had a falling out years ago.
Lieutenant Luis George Nembe is in command of O.R.G. relief force sent to the Cabinda Beach Resort and Convention Center.
Nicholas is a mercenary from Zimbabwe. His team was sent by the gun runner Archibald Kincaid.
Sergeant Andre is the commander of the Cabindan police’s security detail assigned to protect the hotel during the NGO conference.
Sergeant Paul Owusu is a member of the O.R.G security forces assigned to the team as a boat driver for one of the zodiacs.
Security Chief Martin leads the hotel security force at the Cabinda Beach Resort and Convention Center.
The Action
Friday, April 14, 2051:
The Team studies the briefing material. Antonio Bernardo Bembe, his wife and three children are trapped at the government owned Sea Breeze Residential Complex. They have been able to evaded capture, but the compound has been overrun by rebels and looters. At last contact Bembe was moving his family back to their ransacked home. Prior to that, they had been hiding in his brother’s house, next door. The duplex is marked on the briefing map. (Bembe’s brother and his family are currently out of the country.)
Their mission is straight forward; penetrate the complex, secure the family and extract them to safety before dawn. Rebel activity between government positions and the Sea Breeze Complex makes overland extraction impractical. Aerial extraction is too dangerous without combat air support, which is unavailable. Insertion and ex-fill will take place by water.
Two zodiacs are being provided for transport. The small water craft are equipped with electric motors; making them virtually silent. The team will depart from the Cabinda Beach Resort and Conference Center after dark. From there, they will follow the coast northward, at a distance, to avoid detection from shore. Rounding the tip of Ponta de Farol, they will make for the mouth of the Lucola River. The waterway flows through a wooded area to the southwest of the Sea Breeze Residential Complex. It is not navigable, but will provide cover for the zodiacs. The surrounding trees should allow the team to approach the perimeter fence unseen.
Lt. Nembe stops into the command center to announce that the AV with their equipment is on final approach. Natty is surprised he came in person. Such a message could have easily been sent by radio or delivered by an underling. She makes the most of the opportunity.
“Would you be able to spare a couple claymore mines? I would have requisitioned them earlier if I had known about this mission.”
“We should be able to find some for you. They will be delivered to your staging area.”
The O.R.G. security officer is gone as quickly as he arrived. Natty waits a minute then sends Mason to meet their replacement and collect their gear.
(Time enough for Lt. Nembe to reach the elevator or stairs)
The former Marine borrows two luggage carts and heads for the beachside terrace. The large open area, beyond the pool, had been cleared for use as an LZ (landing zone) during the evacuation. Extracting everyone from the roof of the north tower had been deemed too time consuming and dangerous. One luck shot would have turned the whole operation into a disaster. They had already ‘decommissioned’ one 20mm cannon and encountered a number of RPGs. Who knows what else the rebels might have.
Mason is happy that the aerodyne is already on the ground by the time he arrives. A landing AV is loud. In the echo chamber created by the guest towers, it’s deafening. There are already several people unloading equipment onto the terrace. Two are in Bast Corporation BDUs, which seems odd. As far as he was aware, they were only expecting one replacement.
Mason is surprised to see that one of them is Noah Michaels. He had recommended the nomad for employment with the corporation, but seeing him here, now, in Bast fatigues, is almost surreal.
“You’re our reinforcement?”
“Yes sir.” The youth smirks as he snaps a salute.
“Don’t call me sir. I work for a living.”
Noah gives him another smirk. “So how are you doing?”
Mason brushes off the attempt at small talk. Getting reacquainted can wait. The former Marine rolls the carts over to the growing pile of equipment. It gives him a chance to check out the other two men unloading the AV. One is dark skinned, dressed in jungle camo. Mason doesn’t recognize the insignia on his uniform. The other man may be dressed in BDUs, but he doesn’t look like much of a soldier. Noah introduces him to the other new arrivals..
“Mason, this is Dr. James…”
The man in Bast BDUs nods in acknowledgement.
“..And this is Sergeant Owusu.”
“Please call me Paul,” the O.R.G. operative tells Mason as he shakes his hand. “We have two Zodiacs on board. Where would you like them?”
“Uh over there will be fine for the moment.” He points to the far side of the terrace.
The sergeant nods. Noah grabs the second cart and helps with the boats and motors.
When both are otherwise occupied, Dr. James finally speaks up.
“I am here to see Brandon Heath. I understand he is in need of ‘medical assistance’.”
It doesn’t take a genius to guess his specialty. “I’ll take you to him as soon as we get this equipment squared away.”
Natty’s reaction to Noah is pretty much the same as Mason’s. A lot has changed since the Battle of Blackwater. He’s no longer the scrawny cousin of her bandmate.
“Hey Natty, you’re here too? Great, so who’s in command?”
Noah glances around the room. His confident smirk starts to fade as no one steps forward. He glances back to Natty for help and finally notices the rank insignia on her uniform.
“You’re in charge?”
His apparent shock rankles her. She puts out her hand
Noah reaches out to shake it, till she corrects him.
“Oh … uh, yeah.” He hands them over with an apologetic grin.
Natty lets him twist for half a minute, while ‘studiously’ examines his transfer orders. The biogen finally smiles and extends her hand for a second time. “It’s great to see you again.”
Dr. James seems mildly aggravated by the entire exchange. He gets right to the point of his visit. “I assumed the mummy in the corner is Warrant Officer Heath?”
“That’s me,” Brandon answers.
The Doctor looks at Sergeant Owusu, who had accompanied them to the command center, then back to Natty. “Do you have a private room where I can examine my patient?”
“Yes. The room next room has been set up for your use. We’ve installed a monitor so that Brandon can watch the briefing … if that isn’t too much of a distraction.”
“That will be fine. Can I take him now?”
“By all means.”
Brandon follows the doctor into the other room and closes the door.
“Hi, I’m Nip!” The netrunner briefly wraps herself around Noah, then bounds back to her seat.
The young nomad looks uncertain on how to respond.
Hanna offers her hand. “Hi, I’m Hanna Woo. Don’t mind Nip, she’s an enthusiastic hugger.”
“Yup,” the cybergoth beams.
“..And crazy.”
“And a NET and robotics genius,” Natty adds as she directs Paul to a seat.
She places the O.R.G. sergeant as far from Nip as the table will allow. He seemed to have been put off by her overenthusiastic greeting.
“Before we resume, I think we should give our new arrivals a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the briefing material.”
Mason approaches Natty while Paul and Noah look through the packet. “I was thinking … we could really use some claymores.”
The section leader is astounded. He had been sitting in the room when she made the same request to Lt. Nembe.
“I know. I’ve already taken care of it.”
“Can I have a couple?”
“No.” Her reply is curt. She likes Mason, but his actions in Lebanon and today at the airport have made her question his judgment.
When Paul and Noah, signal that they are set, Natty pulls up a satellite view of Cabinda City. She zooms in on the coast.
“We will launch the two zodiacs form here.” Natty highlights a point on the beach, behind the hotel.
“In order to mask our destination, we will be traveling at a kilometer and a half from shore. The light at Ponta de Farol will help us keep our heading. Once past the point, we’ll turn east and head for Rio Lucola.”
The satellite image zooms in on the area surrounding the housing complex.
“Nip will be our eyes in the sky. Sergeant Owusu, you will stay with the boats. Do you think you can hold this position alone?”
The O.R.G. security officer studies the map. “There is reasonable cover. If they don’t patrol in force, it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll let him know if anyone comes his way,” Nip adds cheerily.
“Excellent, would you go out and prepare the two zodiacs?”
“Yes, ma’am.” The sergeant stands and salutes.
Natty resumes the briefing once he has left.
“The rest of us will travel overland from the river to the Sea Breeze Residential Complex. The perimeter fence is roughly 300 meters from the stream. There are three apartment buildings on the western side of the complex by the beach. They are designated as Buildings A, B and C heading north to south. We will take this small path to the fence behind Building A and deploy a grid bug.
Nip, there are two security cameras mounted on this light pole. You should be able to cut into the security system from there. Loop any cameras covering the beach or perimeter fence. Duke and Brandon, I want you to work your to the second beach gate. If you follow the sea wall, you should be able to make it into position without being seen. Hold at the gate and wait for my signal.
The complex is encircled by a 6 foot steel fence. Once the cameras are looped, Mason and Duke will drape an asbestos blanket over the fence. I will then cut through the bars with thermite. After the termite is extinguished the rest of us will enter. Noah, I want you to move to the southeast corner of Building A. Keep out of sight of this guard guards posted at this intersection. Set up your SAW to cover the road. When the shooting starts lay down suppression fire to keep any hostiles away from the beach. If there are any targets you feel might pose an imminent threat, engage them at your discretion.”
Noah gives her a thumbs up, “Got it.”
“Mason, I want you to take position at the north east corner of Building B. That should allow you to cover the guards stationed near the west gate to the beach.” The guard post is marked on the map as GP1.
“If they spot Brandon and Duke take them out. Hanna, I want you in building B. Try to find a position on the third floor in the southeast corner. Keep an eye on the guards posted near this circle (GP4). Drop them down when the shooting starts.
I’ll be on the third floor of Building C covering the guard post to the south (GP9). Once the hostiles at GP9 are eliminated, I’ll reposition to provide covering fire. Mason, once you have neutralized your targets, move up to GP4 and cover Brandon and Duke’s retreat. Hanna, I want you to fall back to protect Noah’s flank.
“I’ll take good care of him,” Hanna replies suggestively.
Natty turns to Duke and Brandon. “Hopefully you will be able to make it into position before any shooting starts. Once I give you the signal, make you way to the center duplex overlooking the beach (left side of #2). The unit on the left belongs to Antonio Bembe. The one on the right is his brother’s. Duke, since you actually met him, I think you should take the lead. After securing Bembe and his family, bring them back along the beach fence towards our extraction point. Signal when you are in sight of GP1.
At your signal, Mason, Hanna and I will take out our targets. When Mason signals that his targets are neutralized, get the family moving towards the hole in the fence. Mason, I want you to fall back once they reach Building A. Noah and Hanna cover Mason’s retreat. When he reaches your position, all of you fall back to the fence. Duke, I want you to wait for me at the fence. The rest of you will continue to the zodiacs with the family. When you get there, put them in the 10 man craft with Owusu. Brandon and Hanna will go with them. Mason and Noah wait for us with the other boat. Duke and I will delay any pursuit. As soon as the family is underway we will fall back to the river. From there, it should be out to sea, down the coast and home.”
Everyone around the table nods except Nip. “What about Fred and me?”
Natty looks around, “Where is Fred?”
Suddenly a mechanical ferret leaps up on the table and gives a small salute. Noah’s eyes widen.
Natty tries to explain, “Fred is a …. well he just is.”
“He’s my bestest buddy.” Nip grabs the ferret and gives him a big hug. His tiny mechanical limbs flail wildly.
“OK Nip, I want you to set the Microtech Attack Drone above the complex, activate your combat identification program and feed it to our HUDs. Once on station hand it off to Fred. I then want you to take the bumblebee with the SMG to a position 150 meters south of the main gate (GP10 on the map). When the shooting starts you will crash the camera system and give the gate guards a short burst. Fly the remote around the east perimeter putting short bursts into the complex as you go. Hopefully the rebels will think the complex is under attack by a large force. When you reach the beach fly towards the river. If you see any targets on the beach kill them. When we are clear fly high cover for our trip home.”
“You can depend on us, Natty,” Nip replies happily.
“OK, everyone put on their Militech EMS-1 gear. We’re going to be armed with M-52 assault rifles. We should be able to cut through a bunch rebels and looters, but don’t get cocky. If you see something that could be a threat call it out. Let’s all make it home.”
Mason checks over everyone’s kit. Noah heads downstairs to help Sergeant Owusu with the zodiacs. Natty and Nip look in on Brandon. With the bandages off, he is a total mess. (He looks like the Terminator after a really bad day)
The amount of damage has Natty concerned. “How long will it take to get him up and running, Doctor?”
“About seven hours.”
“I need him faster than that.”
Dr. James assesses his patient. “Well, I could skip the dermal sculpt. That might save an hour or two.”
“I could help,” offers Nip.
The doctor looks at the NET runner dubiously, “And what could you do?”
“Well, I could help with recalibrating the organic servos and attach the metallic matrix polymer tendons as long as ……”
Nip’s tech-speak quickly goes over Natty’s head, but she sees the effect it has on Dr. James. He’s staring at her with his mouth agape.
“She has two masters’ degrees from Night City University … computer science and robotics.
Dr. James is sold. “Alright. Wash up.”
Natty leaves them to work their magic. She breaks out her Arasaka WSSA sniper rifle and checks over her other gear. The biogen constructs a one kilogram shaped charge form the C-6 recovered from the maid’s cart.
Jump off time will be right after midnight.
An AV-7 Alauda lands on the terrace at 9:22 pm. Its arrival does not go unnoticed. With O.R.G. in charge of security, the team no longer has access to the hotel’s cameras. That’s not a problem for Nip. She gleefully taps into the system at Natty’s request. Maybe the O.R.G. techs will prove more challenging.
A severe looking middle aged man in an expensive suit exits the passenger compartment. Something about the way he carries himself, causes the hairs on the back of Natty’s neck to tingle. He has brief word with a member of the O.R.G. security force, and is soon speaking with Lt. Nembe. The security officer’s confident demeanor quickly disappears when the man hands him a small white card. He looks nervous.
Natty watches through the cameras as Lt. Nembe escorts his mysterious visitor to where their prisoners are being held. Her bad feeling deepens.
The biogen tells the others, “I’ll be back.” She heads for Nicholas’ ‘cell’. The mercenary is surprised by her abrupt entrance. He struggles as she grabs his arm and tries to pull him towards the door.
Natty explains the reason for her haste. “I don’t think the Cabindan government is going to be merciful to the rebels and anyone who aided them. I keep my promises. We can get you out of the country safely, but you have to come with me now. Stay quiet and don’t cause any trouble.”
Nicholas looks at her worried expression. “That works for me.”
She moves him to another room close to the command center. Natty has Nip cover their tracks in the security system.
Security Chief Martin comes by the command center at her request. With her team in the field, there is no way they can keep the Zimbabwean mercenary safe, without his help. Natty shows him the feed from a security camera watching Nicholas. She is blunt.
“No one talks to this man. If asked, you don’t know where he went.”
Martin at the screen and then to Natty. “Of course.”
She is confident that the security chief is as good as his word.
Saturday, April 15, 2051:
At 0030 hours the Team pushes off from the beach. It’s a clear night with a light breeze off of the water. The moon is a little brighter than Natty would like but otherwise conditions are perfect. Swells are minimal as the zodiacs head out to sea.
Fred keeps the Microtech Attack Drone high over the Sea Breeze complex and passively watches. Nip follows the boats with the armed Bumble Bee. There are no contacts, close enough to be a danger. Noah and Paul throttle back as they make the turn toward shore. A large wake could give away their position in the moonlight.
As the two zodiacs angle towards the mouth of the Rio Lucola, the sound of a raucous party carries over the water. Natty spots a bright glow coming from the complex.
“Nip, what’s that light.”
“There’s a huge bonfire near the pool. Looks like one hell of a party.”
The NET runner adds it to their HUD displays along with an amber threat indicator.
The boats make landfall at 0115. Thermal and night vision shows no contacts. The ‘path’ is little more than an animal track down to the river. They quietly work their way to the perimeter fence behind Building A. Brandon and Duke break off and head to the beach.
Nip does a flyover to check ahead of them. “Sand is clear.”
Natty releases the Grid Bug. Minutes pass as Nip maneuvers the miniature remote to the nearby light pole. The NET runner calls over the com-net, “The system’s already down. None of the cameras are working.”
Duke and Mason throw the asbestos blanket over the fence. Natty squeezes out a thin line of ‘thermite’ paste at the top and bottom of one of the bars. Her visor automatically darkens as the compounds flares. It makes short work of the metal. She repeats the process three more times, to create a two and a half foot gap in the perimeter fence.
Screams from Building B bring them to a stop. A quick scan shows no movement from the guards. It was not an alarm. The screams reach a higher pitch then are suddenly silenced. Natty is torn. She wants to act, but to do so could jeopardize the entire mission.
“Keep going. Bad things happen. Let’s make sure they don’t happen to Mr. Bembe and his family.”
The ‘party’ in Building B forces a change in plans.
“Hanna, forget about going into Building B. Move up with Mason. You should still be able to see your targets from the northeast corner.”
Natty picks up the Grid Bug as she passes the light pole.
Mason counts eight hostiles at GP1. Only four are armed. They have a pair of AK-74s, a FN-RAL and what looks like an old bolt action hunting rifle. The others seem to be hanging out.
Hanna counts five targets at GP4. Four of them have AK-74s. The last is armed with an MPK-9. The guard with the SMG also has a bandolier of grenades.
Natty’s target position has only four guards. They are armed with a variety of AKs By this time Brandon and Duke signal from the second beach gate.
Fred takes over control of the Bumble Bee. Nip switches over to the smaller Attack Drone to survey the grounds. The complex’s maintenance building draws her attention. It’s the only building with electricity. Fires not withstanding; the rest of the complex is dark.
She edges the remote closer. There is a vehicle being worked on in the middle bay. The NET runner matches it’s configuration against a compendium of military vehicle. She IDs it as a Ferret Scout Car. From the look if things, the rebels are trying to mount a recoilless rifle on top. The left bay door is nearly closed, but there appears to be a second vehicle in it. Judging by the wheel base, it could be another Ferret.
Nip reports what she found to Natty.
“Change of plans, when the shooting starts, use the attack drone to dive down and fire on the Ferret in the central bay. Bring that drone back up to altitude and then switch over for the Bumble Bee. Fred, just hold the attack drone up above the complex and give us some live footage while Nip is strafing.”
The two acknowledge.
Brandon and Duke’s progress is blocked by a hostile near the eastern most duplex. He is currently pissing through the perimeter fence. After shaking of the last drops, the man decides to have a smoke. Brandon takes the opportunity to scan the target house with thermo. There are seven heat signatures in the northwest bedroom; two more than they were expecting.
Natty is happy she asked for a 10 man zodiac.
The hostile finally flicks the remnants of the butt through the fence and heads back inside. Brandon slips up to the window of the northwest bedroom, but can’t see inside. There is a mattress blocking his view.
Duke moves up to the patio door. “Going in.” He moves inside and sweeps towards the living room.
“There’s a body on the couch.”
“Is it Bembe?” Natty has a moment of fear.
Brandon cut’s into the com-channel, “Coming in behind you.”
Duke turns to see the biomechanical enter through the patio door. He signals towards the bedrooms. The biogen eases around the corner to look down the short hallway. The door to the northwest bedroom door is ajar. He notices a piece of mirror propped up in the corner opposite the door. Its placement could allow someone to watch the hallway while staying inr cover.
Duke takes a chance. He quietly whispers, “Are you there, Mr. Bembe. Jonas Barton sent us to find you.”
There is a pause … then a voice asks, “Who are you?”
“I’m Duke Strider we met last Wednesday night at the Cabinda Beach Resort. I was Mr. Barton’s bodyguard.”
Antonio Bembe’s fear filled face appears in the crack. Duke pulls up his faceplate. The man closes his eyes and sighs with relief. He turns to tell the others. “Help has come, I told you it would.”
Duke walks down to the room. Brandon takes up position at the head of the corridor.
Bembe looks concerned. “There are only two of you?”
“No, sir,” Duke reassures him. “We have more troops outside ready to take you to safety.”
In addition to the Cabindan official and his family, there are two of the Bembe’s neighbors; a husband and wife.
Brandon wants to get under way, but they are once again delayed from the eastern most duplex. This time there are four. They are soon joined by another quartet. It doesn’t look they are going to budge anytime soon. Brandon suggests exiting through the bedroom window.
“They wouldn’t be able to see us on this side of the house.”
Natty feels it’s too risky, they could become separated if someone were to spot them before everyone was outside. “Hold position for now.”
They wait for twenty five minutes. Eventually the ‘rebels’ start to straggle back into the house. They wait another 60 seconds to make sure no else needs to take a piss break then move out.
Brandon and Duke lead their charges out of the house and westward along the lawn.
Mason sub-vocalizes across the com, “I’ve got movement at GP1; four unfriendlies heading your way.”
The four unarmed rebels have left the guards and are heading back towards the party by the pool. They take the road which runs in front of the duplex homes.
Brandon directs their charges towards the beach. Natty hears his directions over the open channel and whispers harshly, “No, stop them! The drones are programed to kill anyone on the beach.”
Brandon is able to avert disaster. He moves them into the shadows of the closest duplex and scans the road. The biomechanical doesn’t see the four rebels that Mason had warned them about, but there is an IR signature across the road from their position. He switches to low-light. There is someone lying in the grass in front of the apartment building on the other side of the road. Brandon watches the figure for a minute, but there is barely any movement. It could be someone who partied too hard and passed out on the lawn.
The delay gives the four ‘unfriendlies’ time to come even with their position. Luckily, they seem more interested in the guy in the grass, then anything happening over by the duplexes. Brandon keeps his gun trained on them while Duke takes over leading the Bembe family and their friends forward.
Bembe’s youngest child trips in the dark and cries out.
(GM Note: The little tyke botched her stealth roll and then rolled a 10 for severity. I had Hanna’s player rolling dice for the family so this wasn’t the GM trying to throw a monkey wrench in their plan)
Mason sees one of his targets look in that direction of the noise. The guard calls out, “Hey, who’s there!”
The former Marine doesn’t wait for them to investigate. He opens fire. Hanna fires on her targets. Noah takes out the ‘revelers’ on the road. When they go down, he walks the fire from his SAW across the prone figure, to make sure he doesn’t wake up. All thirteen targets are neutralized.
Natty takes out two of her targets with head shots from her Arasaka WSSA. Nip starts her attack run on the maintenance bay.
Brandon yells, “Run!”
Bembe picks up his daughter and they all run towards Building A. Duke walks backwards covering their retreat.
Noah begins to lay down the fire towards the pool. He walks fire across any targets silhouetted in the bonfire. Mason nearly crosses through the SAWs field of fire as he sprints towards the downed guards at GP1.
As planned Hanna falls back to guard Noah’s flank. She watches the windows and door of Building B. Natty drops her last two targets. Nip completes the dive with the Microtech Attack Drone and fires two 40mm grenades. One hits the right front wheel. The detonation nearly rips if from the vehicle. The second shell explodes against the armored crew compartment. There are no secondary explosions, but the bay is on fire.
A rifle pokes out of a second floor window of building B. Hanna fires a burst into the arm and head that follow it. The shooter drops back inside. No one else sticks their head out.
Three men run onto the lawn behind the easternmost duplex. They appear to be lightly armed. Duke yells in Kongo, “Go back inside!”
They probably can’t hear him, but facing down someone in full armor with a 10mm assault rifle seems to convince them to go back inside. Duke throws two smoke grenades to cover their retreat. He runs to catch up with the others.
Fred brings the attack drone up to altitude while Nip jumps into the Bumble Bee and starts her harassing fire. Natty fires on the people trying to put out the fire in the maintenance building. She shoots to wound, rather than kill. Brandon reaches Mason with the Bembe family. They fall back towards the fence.
Hanna and Noah follow, once they reach the back end of the building. When Natty hears that the family is through the fence she packs up and heads for the apartment door. The biogen runs the length of the hall and crashes through the plate glass window. After hitting the ground she runs to the hole in the fence and links up with Duke. Everyone else is already heading for the zodiacs.
Nip shoots up the eastern half of the complex then parks the Bumblebee off the beach at about 150 meters. Fred reports that the second Ferret Scout car has comes out and taken up position to defend the Community Center. The rebels aren’t pursuing, but consolidating their position. Natty and Duke joins the retreat. With no immediate pursuit coming their way, the section leader decides not to waste the claymores.
The ex-fill goes off without a hitch. They arrive back at the resort at 0300 hours. Sergeant Owusu sends the Identification protocols so the zodiacs aren’t blown out of the water. It would suck to make it this far and die stupidly. There is a small gathering of Cabindan officials and the media waiting for them on the terrace. Congratulations and heartfelt thanks are given.
After the press has had their moment with her, Lt. Nembe approaches Natty. “If you will come with me, WO Lanikova, someone would like to speak with you.”
She can kinda guess who it is, but smiles and follows him to a small room off of the security center. The foreboding man in the suit is waiting for her. She doesn’t like his smile. “Congratulations on rescuing Mr. Bembe and his family. That was impressive work. Unfortunately there won’t be time to bask in your success. We have another priority mission for you … if you feel up to the task.”
Natty hides her unease. “What do you need done?”
The suit activates a briefing screen showing a satellite view of the coast of Cabinda a few miles north of the capital. There is a highlighted structure located a mile west from the coast and up a long dirt road from the coastal highway.
“This hacienda was formally owed by a high level Petrochem executive. It was taken over by the new government when that corporation was expelled from the country. Forces loyal to the rebels have seized it. In the master bedroom is a safe containing vital government documents that must not fall into enemy hands. Your team will go in and acquire that safe.”
“How big is it?”
“I don’t have the exact dimensions, but it shouldn’t be more than 80 pounds. You will of course have to remove it from the wall.”
“Sounds simple enough.”
“Not really,” The screen switches to a surveillance photo of a serious looking nondescript Caucasian man. “We believe this man and his team are after the safe as well. He is a world class operative and extremely dangerous. He usually works with two other people of the same caliber. We know he has hired some local talent to help with the heavy lifting.
Natty is curious in spite of her earlier misgivings. “What is his name?”
“We don’t know, but we would like to. If you can take him alive for questioning that would be a plus. The most important thing though, is to secure the safe. Bring it back … preferably unopened.”
The surveillance photo is replaced by a plan showing the layout of the hacienda. There is a small yellow ‘X’ in the master bedroom.
“The safe is located in this room. It’s well hidden. I would suggest an approach by sea. The coastal road is still being contested and an aerial insertion might alert the enemy.”
Natty asks, “Once we have the safe could we get an aerial extraction?”
“Yes, the briefing chip I will give you has all this information I have shown you and a radio frequency. Once you have secured the safe and neutralized all opposition at the hacienda we will come in and pull you out. Oh, and one more thing; we need this done immediately.”
Natty hopes the Bast Corporation is being paid handsomely for this contract. She accepts the briefing chip and leaves the room as quickly as possible.
Lt. Nembe is still waiting outside. He falls in beside Natty as she makes her way back to the terrace.
“If possible, I would like use of the larger zodiac and Sergeant Owusu.”
“He will be at your disposal. I will have fresh batteries installed in the zodiac’s motor.” The O.R.G. officer didn’t even question her request. She wonders if his team would have been going on the mission if she had declined.
Natty returns to her Team and gives them the bad news.
“No rest for the wicked,” Mason observes wryly.
The Team looks over the hacienda. It is located in a clearing in the woods. A long dirt road is the only access. The building itself sits on an elevated manicured lawn that stretches about 15 meters to a retaining wall, which rises over a meter from the surrounding terrain. The surrounding woods have been trimmed back to create a ‘kill zone’ out to 50 meters.
Natty decides that Noah should set up his SAW at the edge of the woods opposite the southeast corner of the house. From there he will be able to cover the whole south and east approaches. She will set up with her Arasaka WSSA in the trees across from the north west corner and cover the north and west sides. “No one will be able to leave without taking fire from one or both of us.”
“Brandon I want you to lead the assault. The retaining wall at the rear of the house looks to be your best approach.”
The biomechanical looks over the plan. “I think we should breach at the living room. Once through these double doors, we’ll break up into teams of two. Duke, you pair up with Mason. Hanna will be with me. From the living room, we can clear the kitchen and dining room. That will isolate the bedrooms on this side of the house.”
It’s a good plan, but Natty doubts a stealthy approach will work against top end talent.
“We don’t have the time for subtlety. This is a world class team we’ll be facing. If you can make it to the wall undetected, great. I want you to charge the house. I’ll drop smoke to cover your advance.
Nip, send the Bumble Bee to a position above the house, so we can get eyes on area. Stay up high. I don’t want them to spot our remote. ”
“I’ll watch them like a hawk.”
“One more thing,” Natty hands her the surveillance photo. “See if you can find out who we’re up against.”
“As for the rest of you, draw more ammo if you need it. We’re leaving in 20 minutes.”
The zodiac sets out from the resort at 0400 hours. Given their opposition Brandon decides to bring along the 12.7mm borg assault rifle, <Lars loaned them. Everyone else’s kit remains the same. It takes about an hour to reach the drop point.
Fred keeps the Bumblebee on station above the hacienda while Nip pilots the Microtech Attack drone. She flies high cover, redirecting the team around heat signatures in they move inland. They reach the hacienda near dawn.
Fred records the movements of three separate hostiles coming and going from the house. Two are in civilian clothes. They have been carrying stacks of papers and other material out to large fire in the back yard. The third is in Militech EMS-1 armor. The NET entity also reports that there is a jammer set up somewhere on the property.
Natty sends the rest of the Team to get into position. She pauses at the dirt road to bury a one kilogram charge of C-6. The biogen uses her ear bud to judge the distance of the jamming field and rigs a wire, so that she can activate the device with a radio detonator. Once the charge and ‘antenna’ are camouflaged, she climbs up to her sniper’s perch.
Someone in Militech EMS-1 soft shell walks out to the fire pit. Nip compares ‘him’ to Fred’s earlier footage. It’s not the same person. She calls over the com, “We’ve got two hostiles in soft shell.”
The assault team reaches the edge of the woods. They are being to crawl towards the retaining wall when Mason suddenly signals them to hold up. He brushes back the tall grass and is face to face with the prongs of an anti-personnel mine.
His sub-vocalized warning, cause the others to carefully scrutinize their surroundings. Noah spots something glinting in the early morning light, five feet from his position. There is a gossamer thin line, at about calf height. The silvery thread looks like spider skill, but could just as easily be monofilament wire.
“I may have a trip line over here.”
“Great, we’re in a mine field.” Mason replies humorously.
Natty is sure that the former Marine can find his way through. The others probably have no experience negotiating a mine field. “When I say go, everyone but Mason fall back. Stick to the same ground you came in on. Ok, go.”
Brandon, Duke and Hanna crawl slowly backwards. Mason thinks he understands her plan.
“I’ll need something to mark the mines.”
“It’s too risky. They might see your markers from the house.”
Nip offers a solution. “Mason, I can see you from up here; point to the mine.”
The former marine reaches out towards the mine. Within seconds a small red skull and cross bones marker appears on the teams HUD displays. Mason begins to move forward, probing for mines as he goes. The rest of the assault team follows his path through the field.
They are forced to stop three times and wait for the hostiles to go back inside. On the first two occasions, the men in civilian clothes come out to throw more papers on the fire. The third time, a new man in combat fatigues carries out a corpse and drops it into the blazing heap.
“That’s five confirmed hostiles,” Nip tells everyone.
The four members of the assault team finally reach the retaining wall. Brandon slides his snake camera over the top to check out the scene. There are bullet holes in the side of the hacienda. The French doors to the porch are heavily damaged, but still standing. From this angle, it looks like they may be made out of armored glass. Brandon relays the information to the rest of the team.
“Noah, can you see those doors?” Natty asks.
“Yes, I can.”
“OK, when Brandon calls for the smoke grenades let loose a full blast into the doors. It should break them or at least make them weak enough for the team to break through.”
Nip cuts into the channel to update them on movement inside the house. “The man in fatigues just walked down the hallway towards the bedrooms.”
Brandon gives the word. The assault team rushes the porch under a cover of gray smoke. Noah fires a blast from his SAW into the armored glass doors. The team makes the porch and burst into the living room. Brandon and Hanna are the first ones through the door.
The two men in civvies are already on the floor. They try to scramble back to their feet, but Brandon and Hanna gun them down. Mason checks the kitchen. Duke swings to the right and checks the dining room. Both rooms are clear.
After killing the two men on the floor, Brandon and Hanna move to the archway that leads to the foyer. A 40mm grenade lands at their feet. Shrapnel from the blast washes off of their heavy armor. The biomechanical sees the shooter trying to duck back into a room just beyond the double doors to the patio. It’s the man in fatigues.
(GM Note: As we all know Cyberpunk combat is fast and deadly. Your initiative and where you are looking is critical. So here it is; round by round.)
Duke wins initiative; turns and positions himself in over watch facing south towards the bedroom wing. Unfortunately, Brandon and Hanna are in the way. Standing side by side in bulky armor, they obscure the whole hallway. The biomechanical goes next. Brandon fires at the man in fatigues before he can disappear into the bathroom. The aimed shot hits him in the left leg. It does damage, but doesn’t take him out of the fight. At this point Brandon is still trying to take him alive.
Hanna isn’t aware of her teammate’s plan. She fires a three round burst at the retreating man. Her bullets miss her intended target and only manage to tear up the door frame. One of the hostiles in Militech soft shell steps into the doorway of the bedroom at the end of the hall. He opens up on Hanna and Brandon with a Constitution Cyclone loaded with AP. The prowler is hit by 17 rounds. Brandon takes eighteen. Hanna is blown into the back end of MORTAL 3. She fails her Stun Save, but makes her Death Save. She is down and out of the fight. Being a biomechanical cyborg, Brandon is still on his feet, but a lot of Dr. James’s recent work is undone.
With Hanna down, Duke now has a shot. He returns fire pouring 35 rounds of 10mm cased AP into the gunman with the Cyclone. Several head shots take him down. Mason holds his position expecting an attack the direction of the garage. A grenade flies out of the bathroom, ricochets off the wall and rolls around at Brandon’s feet. It explodes, dispersing a cloud of white hot phosphorous. The initial damage is not enough to breach the environmental seal on their suits, but Brandon and Hanna’s armor start to melt.
On the next round Brandon charges the bathroom. The man inside hears him coming and has enough time to jump out the window. 10mm cased rounds from Noah’s M-52 BAR cut him down, before he can try to limp away. Duke runs out the destroyed French doors. Seeing that his quarry has already been neutralized, he uses the remainder of his movement to reach the bathroom window and jump through nearly bumping into Brandon, who is already inside the small room and still on fire.
Mason calls out over the radio, “We have one down.” There is no response since all radio traffic is still being jammed. The former Marine grabs Hanna’s fallen body by the arms. Instead of dragging her back to safety, he pulls her forward towards the unsecured end of the hacienda.
Stumbling out of a burning cloud, pulling Hanna, he is a sitting duck. The fifth member of the opposition team swings his 12.7mm borg assault rifle around the corner of the master bedroom’s doorway. He puts ten rounds into Mason. The former Marine is big, bad and tough but even Militech soft shell armor can’t absorb that much damage. He is dead before his body hits the floor.
(GM Note: After calculating the eighth hit, Mason reached 41 damage points with two more 6d10 rounds to go.)
Their opponent wins initiative. He is waiting in over watch when Duke pokes his M-52 AR assault rifle around the corner. Nine of his ten rounds hit, but the biogen is still partially in cover. The wall and door absorb a lot of the damage (and are destroyed in the process). Duke is still driven into MORTAL 1. He tries to return fire but misses completely due to his wound state. The biogen drops to the ground.
With Duke out of his way Brandon charges. His movement lets him clear the gunman’s cover. The biomechanical fires his 12.7mm borg assault rifle and hits with all ten rounds. Large caliber slugs tear through the enemy’s soft shell armor (He’s a Gemini). Heath does manage to cripple the other borg’s right leg, but it’s now all down to initiate. It all comes down to who wins the next initiative.
(GM Note: Everyone by now is up and watching this final initiative roll)
The Gemini rolls a nine. Brandon cracks out two tens and a seven. He pours another 10 rounds into the crippled borg and succeeds in coring its torso. By now the fire from the ‘Willie Pete’ has destroyed the jammer in the living room and communications are re-established. Brandon sweeps into the master bedroom. The bed has been flipped to one side and the floor boards torn up. The safe is still set in the floor, unopened. He checks the other bedroom then gives the all clear.
Both of the Team members outside have to thread the minefield to get in. Noah follows the route plotted by Mason. Natty approaches the house from the dirt road. Hanna makes another Death Save. The biogen uses all of LUCK on the First Aid roll to save her friend. Brandon checks Mason, but he is beyond help. The biomechanical turns his attention to Duke.
A search of the house turns up a second body. It’s in the back of a Range Rover parked in the garage. All of the hostiles are dead. Even with all of the damage to his face and head, Natty positively identifies the team’s leader (He was the one with the Constitution Cyclone).
Natty calls for extraction. She examines the safe and finds a Semtex charge. From its placement, she can tell that it wasn’t put there by the Gemini. It’s probably the booby trap their mysterious ‘client’ warned her about. There is enough Semtex under the floor to erase the safe as well as half the hacienda. The Gemini had been nice enough to disarm it for her.
She gathers the explosives and adds it to the Team’s kit.
The hacienda is relatively fire proof. There are still some small fires burning that Noah and Brandon extinguish, while Natty works on the safe. The foyer and living room suffered the most damage. The burned and melted remnants of four computers are strewn about the living room. Any data on them is probably unrecoverable, but they pull the drives anyway.
The two men move out to the back lawn, to extinguish the bonfire. They have it mostly out, by the time Natty walks onto the patio with the safe.
The section leader idly kicks at the smoldering remains of the bonfire as they wait for their ride. Natty consciously avoids browsing through the half melted documents at her feet. What she can’t avoid seeing, is the symbol at the top of several of the pages. It looks like some sort of letter head. She mentally files it away for later study.
An AV-4 touches down in the back yard, 25 minutes after their signal. Members of the O.R.G. security force fan out to secure the area. Med-techs move over to check on Duke and Hanna. The mysterious man in the suit is all smiles as he walks up to Natty. He doesn’t seem the least bit disappointed when she reports that the opposition Team leader is dead. All that he seems to care about is the safe.
The O.R.G. medical personnel load Hanna into the AV. Duke boards under his own power. Mason’s body is wrapped up and place aboard respectfully. The safe, captured documents, the Hurricane Cyclone and 12.7mm borg rifle of the enemy are also loaded. After a last check of the hacienda the AV dusts off. The mood among the team is muted.
Once back at the resort, ‘Mr. Smiley’ pulls Natty aside. “I am very impressed by your work.”
He hands her a business card then turns and walks away. The card is a crisp white. There is no embossed logo or other adornment, only two lines of bold black text and a phone number. It reads, Arvin Akins, Bureau of Statistics.
Commander Quinn is on the satellite phone when it rings, to inform Natty that their time in Cabinda is at an end. “A jet is waiting at the airport in Malembo to return you to Cyprus. Bring your team home.”
Natty check with the O.R.G. medical staff to make sure Hanna can be transported safely. They insist she remain under observation for 24 hours. It’s a reasonable request. Natty wants out of the country, but not at the risk of her friend’s life.
The delay will give her time to put things in order. Natty has to order Duke to bed. He may not be as bad off as Hanna, but her fellow biogen still needs time to recover. The rest of the team busy themselves with breaking down the command center and packing up equipment.
Everyone is glad to be going. They have all had enough of Cabinda.
Sunday, April 16, 2051:
As the Team leaves the hotel Security Chief Martin thanks each of them personally for all of their assistance. He has some of his men help team move their gear (and the equipment Lars let them borrow).
Natty collects Nicholas to help with the load up. She tosses him Mason’s corporate BDUs. “Put these on. Give us a hand with the gear and we’ll get you out of this place in one piece.”
The Zimbabwen mercenary gladly pitches in, though he doesn’t breathe easily until they reach Malembo and are in the air headed for Cyprus. He reclines in his seat and falls off to sleep. Most of the team sacks out on the flight home. Brandon requires very little rest. He remains alert and vigilant. Natty can’t sleep. She sits with Hanna holding her hand. As Natty looks down at her unconscious friend, the magnitude of what happened hits home. She nearly lost a third of her team. Yes they have overcome enormous odds, but the death of two of her oldest and dearest friends is too painful a price.
Episode 16: Going Home
Commander Quinn gives the team time to escort their dead home for burial. Taken out of the mission rotation, the remaining members of Ghost Team One enjoy an impromptu vacation in Blackwater, Florida. It’s a bittersweet home coming, especially for Noah. All they are looking for is a little R&R and time with old friends, but trouble is on its way.
War has erupted on the European Continent. The long running Czech Civil War exploded as the EU, who finally had enough of Poland’s support for the rebel Free Czech Army, sought a quick victory over the Polish nation in the spring of 2050. A resurgent Germany promised a quick victory, but the Blitzkrieg of 1939 was not repeated. The Polish Army resisted with fierceness and courage that surprised the EU forces. Russia and Belarus came to the defense of their Slavic brothers and sisters with ‘volunteers’ pouring in from those nations. The EU response was to attempt to destroy Russia’s warships of the Rocket Corps. The Komsomolsk and the Potemkin along with two large Russian transports were destroyed in orbit and the Russian space port in Kazakhstan was bombarded. The Gagarin in the asteroid belt was severely damaged, but still lurks out there. This brought Russian along with Belarus and Kazakhstan into the war officially. This attack caused the Scandinavian Bloc to declare neutrality and refuse to help in the EU war effort.
Ghost Team 1’s actions in the Czech Republic remain a secret from the EU. They have been transferred to Cyprus to work principally for the Bast Corporation’s main client in the region, Global Share. This Commonwealth NGO brings health services and modern infrastructure to developing third world nations. The Cyberpunk World is a dangerous place especially in these areas. It is the Bast Corporation’s job to protect this altruistic organization.
Dramatis Personae
Ghost Team One
Allison Cole (aka Hanna Woo) (Sergeant): Grew up in the Burn Notice Campaign and remained with her best friend from school, Catherine ‘Cat’ (Fisher) Vaduva. She is a high level prowler and martial artist with extensive covert operations training. Her cover was Vlada Roslykova on the recent Mission to Prague.
Brandon Heath (Warrant Officer 2nd Class): A solo who is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He recently served as head of security for the Petersen Point Resort.
Duke Strider (Sergeant): He is an experimental dog/human biogenetic hybrid made by the Collective on commission by the Bast Corporation. The Caitlins, who own Bast Corporation plan to create males members of their race but decided to make another species of hybrid first to test the science. His cover ID was Luke Walker from Texas during the recent Mission to Prague.
Natalie ‘Natty’ Lanikova (Warrant Officer 1st Class): ‘Grew up’ at the Petersen Point Resort when Brandon and Owen were there. A covert operative who most believe is the daughter of the late Lt. Alina Lanikova formerly of the Czech Special Forces (601st SOG). She is actually one of the prototype (former) Biotechnica ‘Caitlin’ clones trained to operate in the Czech Republic.
Nip Lacey (Corporal): This slightly crazy young woman is the result of a failed experiment to create a gestalt mind of several netrunners. This project also created Fred, a ferret looking creature that inhabits the NET that is fiercely loyal to Nip. While the girl is only 21, she has already earned advanced degrees in Computer Science and Robotics from Night City University. This has allowed her to create a physical body for Fred and a slew of small spider bots to assist her. She, Allison and Cat Vaduva went to high school together in Atlantic City.
Noah Michaels (Corporal): This 19 year old joined the Bast para-military forces a little over two years ago with the recommendation of Mason Verge. Noah is from the Thelas nomad family that Mason helped just before his separation from the US Marines. This ‘help’ earned Mason a ‘Family +2’ on his life path. Family works both ways and the former Marine was called on to help Noah get a job. This young man distinguished himself on the Pac Rim and earned him a test for Ghost Team training. Noah was raised not only on his family’s boat, but in Blackwater, Florida by his maternal half Vietnamese grandmother, Rose Trang with his second cousins, Jenny and Sammy Trang. During the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign, Jenny Trang worked at the Blue Moon Revue as a cocktail waitress but ended up running the team manning the security monitors for the Petersen Point Resort. Sammy Trang was the drummer for the band, Velvet Blue. Noah was there at that time and followed his cousin’s band. As such he knew Natty, Paris and Ty casually. Noah fought with the nomad militia at the Battle of Petersen Point.
And the final departure of –
The late Mason Verge (Staff Sergeant): A former Marine Force Recon member turned freelance solo with a good relationship with the Thelas nomads. Mason came to the notice of the Bast Corporation while serving as a security officer at the Petersen Point Hotel during the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign. He was killed in Cabinda by a cyborg on their last operation there.
The late Owen ‘Crank’ McGregor (Staff Sergeant): A young, muscle bound former United States Deputy Marshal turned free-lance operative. Owen is the eldest son of Lars McGregorConsortium. Owen has steered clear of his father’s shady connections. He was with Brandon at the Petersen Point Resort. His cover was Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf, the Food and Beverage manager there. He was killed charging a score of heavily armed rebel troops in Cabinda.
The NPCs
Anton Zelinsky is the younger brother of the late Steve Zelinsky, Natty’s lover from her days in Blackwater, Florida.
Betty Lu is an attractive 29 yo lawyer of Chinese descent who serves as legal counsel for the Petersen Point Resort. Despite her appearance she is a Texas girl, through and through.
Commander Quinn is a retired British Navy commander from the Special Boat Service (SBS), who is in charge of all Bast Corporation para-military operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Eustis Saint Claire is an old black man who ran the water and sewer system for the town and the Petersen Point Resort. He has retired and allowed his grandson, Ty to re-open the family farm. He was also the grandfather of the late Paris Saint Claire.
Gary is a football player from the Miami Hurricanes on Spring Break at the Petersen Point Resort.
Lisa Michaels is Noah Michaels’ twin sister. She is just as much of a ‘wise ass’ as her brother.
Michael Jay Tran is the great nephew of and an ex-soldier and Philippine policeman. He was hired at the Petersen Point Resort as a new security officer and ws made a Blackwater town constable. He works for Disney now and is head of security for hotel.
Nicholas Pernelle is a Zimbabwe mercenary that took part in the attempted assassination of Lars McGregor in Cabinda, Africa. Captured by the Team, he provided them with important information regarding the coup and its participants. Originally the Team had intended to turn him over to Cabindan authorities but it became clear that torture and death would be his fate. By them Natty was sick of all the killing there and took him out of the country to safety.
The late Paris Saint Claire was Ty Saint Claire’s cousin and Eustis Saint Claire’s granddaughter. The girl was the lead singer for the band Velvet Blue. She and Natty were best friends and lovers (and no, Steve wasn’t jealous, he liked to watch).
Ricco Torres: A former member of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police who became a private investigator when his friendship with certain ‘unsavory’ characters came to light. The Disney Corporation hired him to assist an Edgerunner team brought in to push their political agenda in Rio. He was promoted and moved to Walt Disney World in Florida. When the United States government asked Disney for help, they sent Ricco who is still general manager of the Petersen Point Resort.
Sammy Trang was the drummer of the band, Velvet Blue. Ty, Natty and Paris Saint Claire formed the group four years ago, but the tragedy of four years ago destroyed the band as they were on the cusp of success. He works for Ty Saint Claire now and the two still play music together in a local band). Sammy is the second cousin of Noah Michaels.
Sandomir ‘Sandy’ Zelinsky is the Vice President of the Blackwater charter of the Visigoths MC. He is a tall blonde, green eyed man. Wild and fun loving in his youth, Sandy has matured into a clever and experienced leader. Sandy was the father of Steve Zelinsky, Natty’s lover during her time in Blackwater and Beebe Laugherty one of Natty’s best friends.
Sheila Belanger Zelinsky is Sandy Zelinsky’s wife and Steve’s mother.
Sheriff Marcus G. (Garvey) Mason of Santa Rosa County, Florida is a powerfully built African-American with a bald head and piercing brown eyes. He has been sheriff for twenty-one years and on the force for eight years before that as well as twelve years in the Army. The man has a reputation as a tough, honest cop who protects his county.
Thomas Michaels is the older brother of Lisa and Noah Michaels. During the Battle of Petersen Point (at the end of the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign), Noah shot Tom’s best friend, Jake Halprin accidently. Since Noah and Jake hated each other Tom has always thought that it was no accident. The two haven’t spoken in four years.
Ty Saint Claire was the smoking hot guitar player of Velvet Blue, a band that he, Natty, Sammy Trang and his cousin Paris had four years ago in Blackwater, Florida. Just as they were almost about to break out, Paris was murdered and Natty was almost killed by an assassin hired by the Lowndes family of Alabama. Ty has restarted the family farm and still plays in a local band with Sammy Trang.
The Action
Saturday, April 15, 2051:
A contingent of Bast personnel are on hand to meet their flight when it lands at Kingfield Airstrip. Medical technicians load Duke and Hanna into a waiting ambulance. An honor guard respectfully transfers the bodies of Owen and Mason to another ground transport.
Commander Quinn stands to one side, observing the offload. Natty is grateful that he doesn’t seem interested in confronting her about their extra passenger. Just to be safe, she has Nicholas stay close.
Zimbabwean mercenary’s civilian clothes make him stand out in the sea of uniforms. The borrowed uniform allowed him to get out of the country unnoticed, but there was no way she was going to let him walk off with company property, especially Mason’s fatigues. They were able to secure some civies before leaving Cabinda. Natty returned his sidearm and reached into her own pocket to give him 1000 (Commonwealth) pounds in travelling money.
She walks him to the edge of the tarmac. “Well, this is where we part ways.” She extends her hand. “Good luck.”
“Thanks … thanks for everything.” Nicholas shakes her hand then walks off towards the airport’s main building. He only makes it a few paces before stopping. The mercenary quickly walks back to Natty. He tears one of the baggage tags off of the ‘liberated’ carry-on.
“Do you have something to write with?”
Natty hands him a mechanical pencil. He writes something on the tag and hands it back to her with the pencil. “My last name is Pernelle … Nicholas Pernelle; if you ever need me, call that number. I will come.”
The mercenary shoulders his bag, turns and walks off into the night.
Natty stops for a brief word with Commander Quinn. She explains the situation with Owen’s family and asks that his autopsy (removal of ‘proprietary’ cyberware) be fast tracked.
“I will speak with the chief medical officer.”
The Commander does not ask about the man she escorted away from the plane. With a nod of acknowledgement, she turns to join the remainder of her team, only to have Quinn call after her, “Have your mission reports on my desk by tomorrow.”
The uninjured members of the unit return to the duplex. Brandon is damaged, but the hour is late. His body work will keep till the morning. Noah sleeps in Mason’s room.
Sunday, April 16, 2051:
Brandon goes for repairs to his internal structure and his body’s bio-synthetic covering (flesh). Natty works on her after action reports for the Cabindan mission. She tones down her criticism of Mason Verge’s actions at airport and recommends Duke for promotion to Staff Sergeant.
At Natty’s request, Nip looks into counteracting the effects of radiation on the operational range of the Team’s remotes. The NET runner also works on constructing a new ‘target acquisition’ pod so that the remote can range targets for their artillery.
Noah spends the entire day at the training center on the Sega Atari trainer learning the Tebu language up to +2.
Late that afternoon, Nip and Natty go to visit Duke and Hanna in the hospital. The section leader uses the visit to also make sure that Owen’s body is ready for travel.
(GM Note: The body is ready to go. It will be delivered to the airstrip in the morning. Nip’s player was not on hand for the session, so she stayed on Cyprus while the others travelled to the U.S.)
Monday, April 17, 2051:
Duke and Hanna still have days of recovery ahead of them. They are unable to make the trip to Union City with Natty, Brandon and Noah. The doctors expect to release them both by Wednesday, which will allow them to accompany Mason’s body to the States.
There is a hearse waiting at JFK International airport when they arrive. Natty stays with the Owen while his body passes through customs. Brandon rents a car, so that they can follow hearse back to the funeral home in Union City. Once he is safely on site, the three head for their hotel.
With the wake scheduled for tomorrow evening, Natty uses the down time to work on (updating) her Killer VI program and to take another Tuareg lesson on line.
Tuesday, April 18, 2051:
Noah is eager to see the ‘Big Apple’. Though he won’t admit it openly, Brandon is just as interest in seeing how the city has changed since the last time he was there. He lets himself be ‘convinced’ to go into Manhattan. Natty has no interest in “doing the tourist thing”. She stays back at the hotel and works on her programs.
The wake that evening is uncomfortable. Owen’s family is polite, but the three sense that their presence isn’t really welcome. Though he can’t let it show, these feelings of alienation hit Brandon the hardest. Lars and his wife were close friends when he was Grave. It hurts him to be viewed as an outsider. They pay their respects and leave within 20 minutes.
Wednesday, April 19, 2051:
Clay Johnson (from the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign) makes it for the funeral. The situation with Owen’s family is still awkward, but the Deputy US Marshal’s presence helps Brandon, Natty and Noah feel less out of place. They still leave right after the service.
The three hop the Mag-Lev for Atlanta at midnight.
Thursday, April 20, 2051:
The train pulls into Atlanta in the early morning, but Hanna and Duke’s aren’t due in till 10 am. None of them know anything about Atlanta; nor care to. Natty suggests that it would be safer if they wait at the airport. They actually end up renting a hotel room in the adjoining hotel. After a quick shower and change Brandon and Noah head to the in-house restaurant for a leisurely breakfast. Natty stays in the room to finish updating he Killer VI program.
She had sought the peace and quiet to focus on her programing, but her thoughts keep coming back to the reaction of Owen’s family. His death weighs heavily on her conscious. Their coolness only reinforces her feelings of (survivor’s) guilt. Natty fights to hold back tears and finish her work. This emotional turmoil causes her misses a serious coding error.
(GM Note: The player rolled a catastrophic botch – whoa be to Natty when she activates that program in NET combat.)
Hanna and Duke arrive. Mason’s body passes through customs and is transported to the domestic terminal for the final leg of its trip to Pensacola. Natty ensures that his casket is loaded before boarding.
(GM Note: For some reason the players were paranoid that Mason’s body was going to end up on the wrong flight or go missing at the airport. I already had enough planned for them when they reached Blackwater. There was no need to resort to a ‘lost luggage’ cliché)
Mason’s body is transported to the Funeral Home. The funeral won’t be till Monday. Commander Quinn had taken it up on himself to have a car reserved for the team. He also had rooms booked for them at the new Petersen Point Resort.
They ride to Blackwater in silence. As they reach the outskirts, Natty directs Brandon to drop her off in town. She has a stop to make before heading to the resort.
“Should I come back to pick you up, after I drop off the others?” he asks.
“That’s ok. I might be a while.”
Natty appreciates his concern, but it’s unnecessary. In a way, she’s going home … to her eyes, the Zelinsky home hasn’t changed. It has a shabby charm that some might mistake for being rundown. It looks lived in, right down to the cluttered driveway.
She hesitates at the door. Hopefully somebody will be home … Natty prays they will be happy to see her. She presses the doorbell. A mechanical chime answers from somewhere in the house … After 10 seconds of waiting, she nervously pushes the button again.
The light coming through the peephole disappears, so she knows somebody is at the door. It eases open a couple of seconds later. Standing in its place is a tall man with long blond hair. He makes no move to open the screen door. It’s hard for Natty to accurately judge his age, but he looks young … and familiar. The leather vest over his t-shirt could mean he’s a member of the Visigoths.
“Can I help you?” he asks guardedly.
“Uh, are Sandy or Sheila in?”
He stares at her oddly through the door … “Natty?”
The screen door nearly hits her when it bangs open. The man gives a whoop of excitement and sweeps her into a fierce hug. It catches her by surprise. The instinctual urge to run or fight kicks in, but she resists it. This isn’t an attack. He spins her around then puts her back on her feet.
There’s a dopey grin on his face the make him look younger. She finally realizes who he is. “Anton.”
Natty hugs Steve’s younger brother, maybe not as exuberantly, but with the same depth of emotion. Anton’s yell brings Sheila from the kitchen. To Natty, her smile is like warm sunshine. She hugs her like a long lost daughter. Anton calls his dad, while the two women catch up in the family room. The younger Zelinsky is showing off his prospect cut when Sandy walks through the door.
She always looked on Steve’s dad like a surrogate father. The moistness in his eyes mirrors the tears in hers. His embrace chases her fears and doubts. She is home.
The best word to describe the new Petersen Point Resort would be grand. Disney had spared no expense when rebuilding the resort. Its main build was designed to be reminiscent of a plantation house, except twice as large as any that had ever been built. The same style carries over to the detached wings of quest rooms and private bungalows. The space left vacant by the destruction of the trailer park and employee housing had been put to good use.
Even though the resort has changed, most of the staff (who lived) stayed on. Brandon is immediately recognized when they check in. Word of his arrival quickly passes to the general manager. It’s welcome news for Ricco Torres. It has been years since he has seen any of his old teammates.
Brandon introduces his associates. The general manager even remembers Noah, with a little prompting.
“This is unexpected. What brings you to town?”
“We came back to bury Mr. Verge.”
Ricco is sad to hear about Mason. “When’s the funeral?”
“Monday, in Pensacola.”
“I’ll have to move some things around on my schedule, but I’d like to go … speaking of which…” The general manager looks at his watch. “I have a meeting right now. Let’s catch up over dinner.”
Before leaving, Ricco upgrades their rooms and hands each of them a courtesy card.
With several hours till dinner time the team members decide to check out the hotel’s pool.
Noah and Hanna head to the hotel’s shops to buy bathing suits. Brandon has no interest in swimming. He leaves his bags with the porter and heads out to the heads right out to the pool area. Before heading upstairs to change, Duke stops by the hotel’s main restaurant.
He asks the maître de, “Do you serve venison.”
“It is not generally on the menu, but is available upon request.”
Duke walks away with a contented smile. He salivates as visions of chasing deer dance through his head.
The redesigned pool area is on the same grand scale as the rest of the resort. It covers nearly two and a half acres. There are two separate pools. The larger is backed by a pavilion which houses a pool-side restaurant and bar with swim-up seating. Brandon ventures into the pavilion and has a seat bar. There some foot traffic, but only a few patrons inside. Most of the action seems to be at the swim-up seating. The former security chief strikes up a conversation with the bartender between customers.
Hanna is in a mischievous mood. She shoves Noah as they walk along the pool edge, but he sees it coming and grabs her hand. A struggle ensues, as each tries to throw the other into the water. Hanna is far stronger than she looks. She gains the upper hand and tosses him into the drink. Noah doesn’t let go of her hand and drags her into the pool with him.
Both surface laughing. The lifeguard rains on their fun, with a sharp tweet from his whistle. He sternly warns the pair, “No roughhousing!”
They ignore him and swim towards the pool bar. There are no vacant seats, so Hanna tries to squeezes between two young men to place an order. The bartender is apologetic, but adamant, “Sorry, if you don’t have a seat, I can’t serve you on this side.”
One of the two guys that she pressed pass ‘kindly’ offers her a place on his lap. Hanna smiles at his lame attempt to hit on her. She looks him over. He is young and cut … probably a college kid here on spring break … generic sunglasses, no necklace or other jewelry, so most likely a poor college kid; not worth her time.
Noah touches Hanna’s arm to get her attention. The prowler’s new ‘suitor’ takes offense.
“Hey back off, dude.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Bob. I didn’t see you there.”
“My name isn’t Bob.”
Noah acts confused. “I’m sorry.” He points to guy on the other side of Hanna. “I could have sworn you Neil and Bob. The nomad drops the act and gives them a sneer, “Or is that what you sweethearts like to do each other?” These are brave words, coming from someone who is treading water at fist height.
‘Neil’ ignores the childish remark, but ‘Bob’ takes the bait. “Fuck off before I rearrange your face.”
A voice from behind the bar interrupts Noah’s retort. “Is there a problem here?”
There is a man in a suit standing next to the bartender. Hanna doesn’t know who he is, but if he’s trying to break up the fight, he must be in a position of power. She turns on the crocodile tears and complains to the man, “These two tried to put their hands down my bikini bottom.”
‘Neil’ almost chokes on his drink, when he realizes she’s named him as one of the culprits.
Noah joins in, “Yeah, my friend and I come to town for a funeral and these two try to molest her.”
He tries to look indignant, but has trouble keeping a straight face. His smile disappears when he realizes who they’re talking to. Noah recognizes the resort’s head of security. He sinks back into the water, hoping that Mike Tran doesn’t recognize him.
‘Neil’s’ loud protest draws the attention away from him. “Da-fuck are you talking about? She pushed past me.”
Hanna keeps up the water works. ‘Bob’ mutters something under his breath then tries to explain. “That’s not what happened. If she was touched, it was on accident.”
The head of security tries to resolve the situation quickly and quietly. “You gentlemen may be more comfortable at one of our other bars. The resort will comp your first drink to make up for the ones you’re leaving behind.”
‘Bob’ slams back the remains of his drink before slipping into the water. ‘Neil’ swims away, still not sure what happened. Noah and Hanna take their empty seats.
“Would you like to file a complaint?”
The question catches her off guard. Hanna realizes she may have overplayed her hand. “No … that’s alright.” She wipes away the remains of her tears. “I may have over reacted. The loss of our friend … has left me very emotional …”
“I see. Well I hope the rest of your stay with us is more relaxing.”
The head of security gives them a nod and walks to the other side of the bar. Hanna and Noah are too busy ordering their drinks to notice that he walks right over to his former boss.
“Friends of yours?”
Brandon doesn’t have to ask who he means. The biomechanical had watched the whole exchange from the sidelines. By Mike’s smile he’s pretty sure it’s not a serious question, but still he says, “You arrive pretty quickly.”
“I was coming to see you. Ricco told me you were here … and about Mason.”
The two security heads, former and current, sit down to talk about the ‘bad old day’ and catch up.
Natty gives Sandy one last hug as he drops her off at the main entrance to the resort. She had taken a rain check on dinner. “I need to make sure my team is settled in.” They understood the responsibilities of leadership.
The upgrade of their rooms is a happy surprise. Ricco’s generosity reinforces her respect for the man. When all the shit hit the fan, four years ago, he had shielded her from government agencies and assassins. There’s little that she wouldn’t do for him if he asked.
The general manager actually stops by her room to make sure it is to her liking and to extend an invitation to dinner.
She doesn’t even have to think about accepting. “Sure what time?”
“I ran into Brandon earlier. I mentioned dinner, but didn’t give him a time. Is 7 (pm) alright.”
“That’s fine. I’ll tell the others. Would you know where they are?”
“I believe they are down by the pool … oh, I almost forgot. Ricco hands her a resort courtesy card. “Please let me know if you need anything during your stay.”
Natty is in high spirits. She unpacks her swim suit and Royo Body mask then spends a good amount of time primping so that she can wow them poolside.
(GM Note: The player rolled a 25 on Personal Grooming and 20 on Wardrobe & Style. The Royo Mask allows Natty to jack ATTR to 11)
The preparation is well worth it. Heads turn, conversations lull as she ‘struts her stuff’. After saying a quick hello to Brandon, she joins Hanna and Noah, at one of the private cabanas. The prowler had insisted they move, to increase her chances of finding an ‘eligible’ candidate for her affections. As Hanna put it, “rich men don’t sit at pool bars”. The prowler already has several potential suitors ‘on the hook’ by the time Natty makes her entrance.
Reclining on a lounger, surrounded by men, she looks like a queen holding court.
“Come, join us.”
The biogen feels a twinge of jealousy … a cat like possessiveness. She decides to take Hanna’s request literally. Natty crawls onto the lounger with her friend and gives her a long sensuous kiss. The prowler is surprised but goes with it; when the cat wants attention she gets it.
This intense PDA (public display of affection) draws many a slack-jawed gawker. Even Noah is affected. He fumbles for his cellphone, unable to tear his eyes away from the hot girl on girl action. The nomad is only able to capture the last 10 seconds on video, but the memory of it is permanently entered into his “spank bank”.
(GM Note: For those who are interested, I generally add a player’s out-of-game comments to might session notes, if they have bearing on what’s happening in game. It helps me to capture their characters’ thoughts and motivations when writing up our game sessions)
Dinner that night is a marvel. Paul Gambier, the hotel’s head chef, outdoes himself. To celebrate their return, Ricco even invites some of the staff from the old resort to join them. The discussion turns to what they should do after dinner. Natty want to go dancing. The resort has its own nightclub as well as an outdoor venue by the pool.
Ricco offers them another suggestion.
“There’s a concert at the old festival grounds. Pounze da Lion should be on right now.”
If ‘Pounce’ is playing, Natty definitely knows where she wants to go.
“I think the Blackwater Blues Band is scheduled to go on after them.”
Natty isn’t familiar with the band, but Ricco’s smile when he says the name, makes her curious.
“I haven’t heard of them before. Are they a new act?”
“Pretty new, this is their first year playing the Spring Break Series. Their sound has really come together since Ty and Sammy joined the group.”
“Ty and Sammy have a new band!” She wants to punch him and hug him at the same time.
Dinner is over as far as Natty is concerned. The thought of seeing her former bandmates … she is too excited to sit for another minute. The rest of the Team follows in her wake. She heads for the area behind the stage.
A bean pole in a black t-shirt steps in front of her and puts up his hand, “Whoa, where do you think you’re going?”
It never occurred to her that someone would stop her from going back stage. The biogen suppresses the urge to bat the pimply faced youth out of her way. He must be too young to know who she is. Natty tries the polite approach. “Would tell Ty Saint Claire or Sammy Trang that Natty Lanikova is here to see them?”
“Buzz off or I’ll have you arrested.”
Her name doesn’t seem to make a dent … but her wolvers might. For the second time, she has to suppress an urge to hurt him physically. Natty puts her hands at her sides, to stop from doing something awful. Her anger dissipates as she feels the ridged outline, of the resort courtesy card, in her pocket.
She no longer feels the need to hurt him physically. Shaming will be so much better. Natty whips the card out of her pocket and holds it right in his face.
“Do you know what this is? Do you know how I got it? There’s a monument, right up there.” Natty stabs the air with her finger as she points towards the entrance road to the resort. “It’s dedicated to those who fought at the Battle of Petersen Point. You’ll find my name there and those of half of the people behind me. Now … do you really want to stand in my way?”
Natty can tell he has been cowed. She doesn’t wait for a response and simply walks past him. The others follow. It doesn’t take her long to find Ty. She jumps into his arms and wraps her legs around him as they hug. He takes Natty and her ‘entourage’ over to meet the other members of the Blackwater Blues Band. Sammy Trang receives his own vigorous hug.
The members of Pounze da Lion stop by to visit when they come off stage. Before going on stage, Ty tells Natty, “We’re having an after party up at the farm. Bring your friends.”
Brandon goes into ‘Mardi Gras’ mode and starts looking for someone (of the opposite sex) to party with. Duke goes along as his ‘wingman’. Noah finds a good spot back stage to chill out and take in the scene. Hanna is on the hunt. She goes trawling for a musician or music executive that will meet her needs.
A few songs into their set, Ty calls Natty out onto the stage. She is a little reluctant at first, but the applause from the crowd starts to give her that old rush. With the help of the crowd, Ty ‘convinces’ her to join them on bass guitar. The announcer bills it as a Velvet Blue reunion.
Most of their old band’s success had been in Brazil and South America. They had never hit it big in the United States, but the locals still remember them. When they launch into one of Velvet Blues’ old songs, the crowd goes wild. Natty throws herself into the performance; loosing herself in the music. It’s the freest she’s felt in a long time.
(GM Note: Natty’s player spent luck on his roll. He then proceeded to roll a 10 for her performance. I rolled a 9 for the rest of the band. It was a great show)
Duke loses himself in the music and crowd … in this overexcited state his canine nature starts to show through. Grinding with a cute girl turns freaky as he begins to hump her leg. (Failed COOL roll)
“Ew! Back off!”
She shoves him away. The biogen doesn’t even notice. He continues to dance, wandering off into the writhing crowd.
When Blackwater Blues Band finishes their set, the party really gets under way. The festivities move from the backstage area to the Saint Claire farm around 2 am.
Friday, April 21, 2051:
Natty stops by her room to grab her violin. The ride over to the Farm is cramped and noisy. With just the five of them, the seating in the car had been close. The addition of Brandon’s date made it too close for comfort. It’s not the she took up a lot of space, but she could talk, and did, for the entire ride.
Hanna hadn’t found anyone up to her standards backstage. Natty finds it hard to be sad for her friend. A cramped car ride is a small price to have her with them. Thankfully Duke and Noah were going stag. For her fellow biogen, it had been a conscious choice. Noah, on the other hand, had just been unlucky at love. He was upbeat about it though, telling her, he’d find someone at the Farm to hook up with. At the moment, he seemed content to have Alice … Alex, or whatever her name is, crushed against him on the ride over.
There is a soft glow coming from inside the tent, as they pull up. Natty can see a bunch of people milling around outside. Ty must still be checking for ‘unwelcome guests’. She grabs her violin case and runs off to help. The others straggle along behind her.
(GM Note: As detailed in The Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms adventure, the tent is set up in an open field on the Saint Claire farm. With snakes and other dangerous critter about, the border of the tent is securely anchored to the ground. Things still get in from time to time. Before use, as a precaution, they walk the perimeter of the tent looking for gaps. They also check the cushions inside to make sure there is nothing waiting underneath.)
Noah is happy to see that ‘guest list’ consists of more than musicians and their groupies. He recognizes more than a few locals … many of them female. His prospects are looking up.
Brandon has his hands full with ‘what’s her name.’ The girl looks around and sees all of the rockers talking, instead of playing. This is definitely not what she expected of a concert after-party. She whines to him, “I thought there was going to be music.”
It’s all the excuse Natty needs. She pulls out her violin and calls to her former bandmate, “Unpack that old acoustic, Ty.”
He is more than happy to comply. They are soon joined by a couple of the guys from Pounze da Lion and the bassist from Gristle. The subdued lighting in the tent adds an intimacy to their jam session. They stick to old folk and blues tunes. Natty adds in some Zydeco riffs, with her fiddling.
Noah notices Brandon and Alice starting to get it on among the cushions. He decides to find himself some companionship. The only problem is these girls know him. His cheesy pickup lines didn’t work four years ago and they still don’t. The eye rolling and being ignored he could take. Having one of them make fun of his looks and laugh in his face, really hurt.
(GM Note: The character is ATTR 5 and has no Seduction or Persuasion / Fast Talk skills. With No looks and no game, his chances of scoring are pretty low, without some help…)
He plops down on the cushions to wallow in self-pity.
“You still suck at picking up chicks, don’t you, bro?”
Noah’s shoulders slump. There’s no mistaking that sarcastic voice. He’s only heard it all his life. There are few things more embarrassing than being horny and striking out, than to have your twin sister make fun of you for it. Twins … what a joke. They may have shared a womb, but they look nothing alike. She had gotten all the looks, while he … how had she put it … “had been beaten with the ugly stick, like a fat kid going after a piñata.” It doesn’t really surprise him to find her lying naked in a pile of pillows.
“Hey, Lisa, good to see you,”
She cocks her head end smiles enticingly, “Really?”
“…You know what I mean.”
Another leg rising out of the cushions is the first indication he has that his sister isn’t alone. In the dim light, he had mistaken the dark thigh of her partner for another pillow. Their continued conversation seems to have aggravated its owner. The guy that sits up behind Lisa is a thick slab of tanned muscle, with a crew cut. Noah doesn’t like how he wraps his arms around her waist … possessively.
“You know this guy, Lisa?”
Noah watches him flex his arms to make the muscles ripple. He must think it looks intimidating.
“It’s ok sweetie. He’s my brother, Noah … I told you about him.”
“Oh yeah, hey, good to meet you, bro, Lisa’s said good stuff about you.”
The nomad smiles, but all he really wants to do is bash this guy’s head in for fucking his sister.
“Noah, this is my friend, Gary. He plays football for the Miami Hurricanes.”
Not far away, Hanna’s ‘gold digger’ sense goes off. Football player, college … this may be someone worth meeting.
Noah tries to ignore Gary as he and Lisa discuss getting together tomorrow. The jock doesn’t make it easy. He starts to rock back and forth as they talk. The nomad can’t believe the balls of this guy. Hanna thankfully diverts his attention, by popping over to meet his sister … and Gary. Noah uses her arrival to break away from the conversation, before he does something stupid.
Elsewhere in the tent, Brandon goes at it with Lisa, like a well-oiled machine. The dim lighting and cushions give a modicum of privacy, but the girl’s moans carry throughout the tent. Natty is astounded … leave it to Brandon to find a moaner. She wishes he would just bury her face in one of the cushions, so the rest of them didn’t have to hear it.
Not everyone is so aggravated by the sounds of their love making. Sammy Trang is reduced to tears of laughter when the bassist from Gristle starts keeping time with the moans. “C’mon we can call it Musical Kama Sutra: Music to Fuck by.”
The team heads back to the hotel around dawn to catch a couple hours of sleep (using their sleep inducers). Ty had clued them in Friday was the opening day of Crank Jam 2051 at BamaJam Farms. The outdoor music and mudding venue had reopened two years after the Alabama government fell. It had provided a shot in the arm for local businesses and a welcome return to normal after the years of oppression by the Lowndes family.
Brandon and Duke head into Milton with Natty around 10 am. Hanna drags Noah with her, to go shopping in Blackwater. He’s actually having a fun time, till they run into a group of local girls coming out of the Blackwater General Store. They actually stop to chat with Noah. The nomad plays it cool, but Hanna can see that he doesn’t know how to ‘seal the deal’.
She decides to help him. When he makes a self-deprecating remark about his looks, Hanna chimes in with, “Well at least you have a big dick.”
Rather than being intrigued or shocks by the comment, the girls just laugh. They say goodbye to Noah and head off down the sidewalk. Maybe they know something that she doesn’t. The nomad looks more dejected than ever. Hanna nudges him with her shoulder.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get you laid yet.”
Noah and Hanna relax in the air conditioned lobby, waiting for the others to get back from Milton. The nomad wonders what’s keeping them. Even after their excursion into Blackwater, he and Hanna had enough time to pack, change and have a quick lunch. When his phone rings, he reflexively answers it, without even looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”
“Hey bro, what time did you want to get together?”
Shit. He had completely forgotten that they had made plans to meet up.
“Oh …uh, we’re heading up to Enterprise for Crank Jam.”
“That sounds like fun, can I come too?”
He’d feel like a bigger dick if he said no, so he agrees.
“Sure, come by the hotel. I’ll wait for you out front.”
“Great, Gary and I will be right over.”
Lisa hangs up before he can tell her to ditch the jock. Fucking Gary … Noah’s face contorts with anger. What should have been a nice relaxing weekend has quickly gone to shit. He shoves the door open violently, thinking about last night.
“What’s wrong?”
Noah jumps in surprise and nearly trips over his bag. He didn’t realize Hanna had followed him.
“I have to find a way to get Gary away from my sister.”
The prowler throws an arm around his shoulder and gives him a smile. “What are friends for?”
Noah isn’t stupid. He knows Hanna wants the football player for herself … and he’s completely ok with that.
The rumble of a motor cycle catches their attention. Duke rides up on a Harley. The team’s car is close behind. Noah is curious about the trailer and ATV till Natty gets out of the car. Bike chaps and a sleeveless leather vest over a bikini top and cutoff shorts. He admires her shopping selections. She says something about a tent, but he can only focus on the one in his pants.
Lisa and Gary, arrive while the team members are loading their bags. Noah can’t believe it. The jock looks even bigger in the daylight. He doesn’t remember him being so tall.
Hanna moves right in. “Why hello. I don’t know if you remember me. We met yesterday. I’m Hanna.”
“Yeah … last night.”
Gary blatantly stares down her top. It makes Noah despise him even more. He glances at his sister to see her reaction. Lisa’s expression confuses him. She doesn’t look jealous or even angry. He knows her well enough, to tell when she’s anxious. Lisa catches Noah staring and pulls him aside.
“Listen … if you talk to Tom … don’t tell him that you’ve seen me. If he asks, tell him we haven’t talked in months.”
Noah can’t understand her fear or why she would think their older brother would contact him. The two had rarely spoken since the death of Jake Halprin. It had happened at the Battle of Petersen Point. Noah was 15; a dumb kid fighting for his life. He had been running with an A-80 and slipped. His finger was on the trigger. The gun went off. Jake was hit and died almost immediately.
The shooting had been an accident, but Tom wouldn’t believe him. Jake had been his best friend. It was also no secret that Noah didn’t like the man. The whole situation seemed too convenient. One terrible night, Tom actually accused him of murdering Jake. Life around his brother became unbearable after that.
Lisa is still waiting for an answer. Noah puts a reassuring hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. He’s out on the boat with Mom and Dad.
“No, he isn’t.” He can hear the fear in Lisa’s voice.
Noah gives her a smile. “It’s going to be ok.”
The two hug. Lisa seems more like her old self as they rejoin the others.
Natty quickly sorts out how to make room for the extra passengers. “The Visigoths are going to Crank Jam. We’ll ride up with them. The rest of you go on ahead.”
She jumps on the back of the rented Harley behind Duke. Noah rides shotgun in the team’s car, while Hanna joins Lisa and Gary in the back seat.
Noah finds himself thinking of Tom as they drive north. Four years is a long time to stay mad.
He pulls out his phone and sends him a text: “Hope U R not still mad. Going 2 Crank Jam with sis + her boy toy, CYA loser!”
Duke brings the Harley to a stop. He avoids sudden movements as several Visigoths come out to confront the unknown rider pulling up to their clubhouse. From their stances, more than one probably has a hand on a concealed weapon. Natty shows no such restraint. She hops off the back of the bike as soon as it rolls to a stop. The hostile mood shifts as she pulls off her helmet and shakes out her hair.
“Hey, Natty.”
The bikers’ harsh looks soften as the recognize her. Duke deems it safe to remove his helmet.
One particularly big tattooed biker gives Natty a hug then nods in his direction.
“So, is this your old man?”
She playfully punches him in the arm, “No, just a friend.”
The burly Visigoth walks over to Duke’s Harley and extends his hand. “Hey, I’m Lester.”
Natty doesn’t step in to introduce him to the other bikers. Vouching for her fellow biogen should be enough. He can handle the rest. She loiters near the clubhouse door waiting. Sandy Zelinsky doesn’t disappoint her.
“I was wondering when you’d be by”
The two share a hug.
“C’mon, Iet’s get you a bike.”
Sandy takes her to the garage. The Visigoth VP pulls the tarp off a motorcycle near the back wall. Natty wipes the moisture from her eyes. It’s Steve’s old Harley. She puts out a trembling hand to touch the tank. They had spent countless hours on this bike … her behind him … roaring down back roads. She can almost smell him.
She looks up at Sandy to make sure it’s not a mistake. His sad smile is all the answer Natty needs. Her tears flow as she can give him another big hug. Even Sandy is misty eyed as they separate. They take a minute to compose themselves before rolling the bike outside.
More Visigoths have arrived at the clubhouse, but the bikers don’t seem in any hurry to leave.
Natty finds it strange that none of them brought their old ladies. Something must be up. All Sandy will say, is that they have business up North and will be leaving soon. A large group of bikers rumbles in about ten minutes later. By the patches on their cuts, these new arrivals are from the gang’s Orlando chapter. Duke and Natty leave for BamaJama Farms escorted by 50 Visigoths.
Hanna watches Gary and Lisa as they cuddle in the back seat. The football player had actively flirted with her while they were loading up the car, but since hitting the road, his attention has been fixed on Lisa. Stretching provocatively had not drawn his lusty stare. The only one to offer any comment was Noah’s sister.
“Sorry, do you need more room.”
Hanna had assured her that she was fine. Lisa had moved anyways. She is now sitting sideways across Gary’s lap, with her feet on the seat. Her new position makes it easier for him to get his hand under her dress. Stealing him away could be more difficult than Hanna first thought.
A loud rumble catches her attention. The prowler recognizes the sound of motorcycles … a lot of them. Hanna reflexively looks out the rear window. Coming up from behind is a large train of bikers. She can’t tell how many, but it’s more than they can handle, dressed as they are. The motorcycles quickly overtake them and start to rumble past.
It’s like an endless stream of riders. Hanna scans the passing hoard looking for weapons or hostile intentions. What she sees instead is Natty and Duke riding in their midst. The prowler’s concern (and good judgment) goes out the window. She leans out and flashes her friends.
Natty groans inwardly. Hanna’s breasts are gorgeous, but she can see the effect her display is having on some of the Visigoths. They’re taking it as an offer. The biogen catches hand signals between two of the bikers. She can tell their preparing to stop the vehicle. Natty drops out of formation, guns her engine and takes position in front of the team’s car. A glare and shake of her head keeps the lane clear.
(GM Note: The Visigoths may not know about her new mercenary career, but Natty has a reputation. In the past, she killed for the gang. Even if they don’t know this or fear her, they fear Sandy. Most of them are aware that he thinks of her like a daughter)
Hanna realizes her mistake and ducks back into the car.
“What were you thinking?” Lisa is freaked out. She is frightened by the prospect of what could have happened.
Gary tries to comfort the girl, but Hanna catches him glance at her breasts, before she pulls down her top. She turns and stares out the window to hide her smile.
They run into heavy traffic outside of Enterprise. It takes about two and a half hours to make it the last four miles. When they finally reach the venue, it takes another forty minutes to find a campsite. As Lisa and Gary set up their tent, the others realize that they didn’t bring any camping gear. They are able to buy what they need, but the vendors are charging premium prices.
Noah takes Lisa with him to ‘get some beer’. The ruse gives Hanna a chance to get her hooks into Gary. She entices him into Noah’s tent. The two are going at it hot and heavy when the nomads return. Gary’s voice is unmistakable from inside the tent, but Lisa doesn’t seem to care.
She turns to her brother for a beer and catches him looking at his phone.
“Are you expecting a call?”
“You keep looking at your phone.”
“Well … I was hoping that Tom would call or come by.”
Lisa’s eyes narrow. “He doesn’t know where we are … does he?”
“I texted that we were coming to Crank Jam.”
His sister’s jaw drops and her eye fly own. Her breath comes in short gasps. Lisa sits down on the ground, hard. She looks lost
“Sis! What’s wrong?”
She looks up at him when he grabs her hand. There are tears in her eyes.
“Noah, you are my twin and I love you, but sometimes, you can be so stupid.”
The thought that his actions hurt her in some way, makes him anxious… “Yes, I’m your twin … I love you too … I know I’m stupid, but please, tell me what’s wrong.”
She shakes her head with a sad laugh. “You don’t get it. If he finds me, he’s going to kill me.”
Lisa is looks around nervously. “I’ll tell you later … when we’re alone.”
Noah squeezes her hand. He calls Natty. The nomad keeps the conversations short.
“I can’t explain right now, but if you see Tom, call me.”
“OK…” She’s expecting him to say more, but Noah hangs up.
He sounds agitated. Natty considers walking over to check on the others. She and Duke have pitched their tent with the Visigoths. It had been her intent to spend the weekend with Sandy and Anton. She is hoping for a nice quiet weekend with family.
Duke sticks close to her. He notices a lot of people visiting the Visigoth’s camp. There seems to be a lot of illicit business being transacted. A group of six stands out. They stop to talk with one of the bikers, who turns and points in their direction. Natty tenses when she sees them.
“Not sure. The one walking a little ahead of the others is Noah’s brother, Tom. He probably won’t try anything, but be ready.”
Natty has trouble reconciling the grim faced man approaching her now, with the Tom she knew. They didn’t really hang out, but he always had a quick smile and easy charm. She had liked him.
“Natty.” The nomad glances at Duke then back to her. “Have you seen Lisa or Noah?”
“Yup … why?”
“I need speak with Lisa, now.”
Natty reaches for her phone. Two of Tom’s men flinch. The biogen stares them down as she finishes reaching into her pocket. She calls Noah.
“Hey, your brother is here with a few friends. He’s looking for you and Lisa. Do you want to talk with him?”
Noah looks at Lisa. “…Sure, that sounds great.”
Natty hangs up. “Follow me.”
Duke come with her, as she leads Tom and his men across the festival grounds.
Lisa sees him coming. “Fuck!” She takes off running.
Tom and his men are not the only ones to chase her. Natty takes off in pursuit. Duke follows her lead. Noah calls after his sister to stop. When that fails, he runs after the others. Lisa is an elusive quarry. She is lithe and fast. Darting through the crowd lets her gain distance from Tom’s men. Natty is not so easy to shake.
Lisa nearly loses her near a group of food trucks, but the biogen has an unfair advantage. Despite losing visual contact, Natty is able to track the nomad’s scent. The biogen ignores the odd looks and follows the trail to a storage trailer. She eases the door open. Lisa recoils in terror.
Duke intercepts the trailer owner. He presses a twenty pound note into the man’s hand. “Give us 10 minutes.”
The vendor looks at the biogen and then at the money. “OK, I could use a break.”
While Duke maintains a lookout, Natty advances into the trailer. “What the fuck is going on?”
Lisa is too frightened to lie. “I … I was supposed to deliver a package for Tom … but I couldn’t go through with it.”
“Why?” the biogen presses.
“I looked in the bag. There were boxes of these little ampules. The boxes had military markings on them.”
“Do you remember what they said?”
“No, but I overheard one of Tom’s guys call it Taz.”
“Were the ampules filled with a bluish power?”
“Yeah … why?”
Natty sighs. “I think I know what was in the bag. It’s a powerful combat drug. How many ampules would you say were in the bag?”
“Maybe a thousand …”
“Where was it going?”
“I was supposed to deliver it to Miami a couple of days ago.” Tears start to well up in Lisa’s eyes. “I didn’t know what to do so I stashed the duffle bag until I could figure out what to do.”
“Where is the shipment now?”
The nomad bites her lower lip. “Ty’s let me stay at his house while I was in town. I left it there.”
Natty’s nostrils flare. She clenches her hands so tightly that the knuckles crack. The Visigoths have a strict policy. Bring drugs into Blackwater and you die!
“Does Ty know about this?”
“Where did you hide the bag?” Natty fixes her with a flinty glare.
“There’s a loose ceiling tile in the blue bedroom on the second floor. It’s there.”
Natty immediately calls Ty. She hopes he’s still near the house. The Blackwater Blues Band is supposed to play on the second stage tomorrow.
“Hey Natty, what’s up.”
She quickly explains the situation. Ty finds the bag exactly where Lisa said it would be.
“Ty, I hate to ask, but could you bring the bag with you when you come up … and maybe come up tonight?”
“OK, I’ll do it, but tell Lisa she owes me big time!”
Natty looks at the nomad, “I think she knows that.”
Lisa leans forward. “I’m so sorry Ty.”
“What time can you be here?” Natty asks.
“We should make it by seven.”
There is a knock on the trailer door. Duke calls out, “The circus is here.”
“Stay here.”
Natty steps out of the trailer to confront Lisa’s brothers. Duke, growls at Tom’s men, keeping them back.
“Noah, take a walk. Your brother and I need to talk.” Natty keeps her eyes fixed on Tom.
Noah opens his mouth to say something … thinks better of it and backs away. When he is out of earshot, Natty leans in towards Tom, “Lisa told me why you’re here. What the hell has happened to you?”
“You’ve been gone a long time, Natty. Things have changed.”
“The Visigoth’s feelings about drugs haven’t changed.”
“That shipment wasn’t supposed to go anywhere near Blackwater. I need it back, now!”
“Well, it’s not here, but I can have it for you by eight o’clock tonight.”
Tom takes a moment to consider her proposal, “Alright, but no later.”
“There are two conditions.”
The nomad’s face hardens, but he doesn’t interrupt her.
“First, Lisa is out. She’s no longer a part of your business.”
“Don’t worry. She’s out.” Natty isn’t satisfied till he adds, “…No one will touch her.”
“What’s your second condition?”
“When you take delivery, you will talk with Noah and end this stupid feud. Jake’s death was an accident. He is your brother and he loves you. You have to let this go.”
Tom takes a deep breath. “OK … we’ll talk.”
“Give me your number. I will call and tell you where to meet.”
“Fine.” Tom gives her his cell number then leaves with his crew.
Noah tries to get an explanation out of his sister.
“Not here.”
Lisa and Natty take him to the picnic grounds to talk. Duke trails them at a distance. He notices one of Tom’s men also trailing them.
Lisa explains to Noah that since he left the family has fallen on hard times. “The boat was severely damaged and we couldn’t afford to fix it. Tom came up with the money. He helped mom and dad get back on their feet. I begged him to let me help too … I didn’t know anything about his business till a couple of days ago.
Ty calls Natty a little after seven. He is happy to get rid of the bag. Lisa apologies profusely, but Ty isn’t ready to hear it.
Tom insists on testing the product. Once satisfied with the results, he sends the bag off with his men. He sticks around to fulfill the conditions of their agreement.
Tom’s face is an expressionless mask. He stares at his brother saying nothing.
Noah can’t take it anymore. “What the hell happened to you? Our family doesn’t traffic drugs.”
“How the fuck would you know? You left.”
Noah is surprised by bitterness in his brother’s voice. “Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped.”
“Call you? How? You didn’t leave a number. Have you even spoken to Mom or Dad in three years.”
“You didn’t give me a lot of choice, Tom. That’s still no excuse for getting involved with drugs.”
“The boat ran aground in a storm. The damage was close to $300,000. With all the losses at Petersen Point the clan was too strapped to help. You were gone. Lisa … she could barely help herself … all broke up about her twin brother leaving her behind. The others were too young. I had to make the hard choices.”
His brother’s words cut deep. “Yes, but drug running? If they find this stuff on the boat, it’s a death sentence for everyone.”
“It’s never on the boat. It wasn’t drugs at first, but with these people … once you’re in, there’s no getting out.”
“I would have been there if you hadn’t driven me out,” Noah insists.
“Two days before Alabama attacked, you threatened to kill Jake.” The bitterness creeps back into Tom’s voice. “Then you just happened to accidently shot him in the heat of battle!”
“I was fifteen. I slipped and fell in the blood of our clan. Lots of people saw it. It was an accident; damn you! Yes, he was your best friend, but I’m your brother!”
Tears well up in Noah’s eyes; Tom looks away.
Noah continues, “Jake’s parents forgave me for it. Maybe if you had I would have been here to help with the boat?”
“I forgave you years ago,” Tom says quietly.
“Why are you so angry then?” Noah asks.
“Because all I have left is anger.”
“So where does that leave us?”
‘We’re good,” Tom looks at his watch. “Look I have to go. Be mad at me if you want, but call Mom and Dad. They miss you.”
“I will.”
The two brothers hug tentatively. Tom even manages a week smile. He surprises Natty with a hug and a whispered, “Thank you.”
While she truly believes Lisa has nothing to from her older brother. The biogen isn’t so sure about his friends. Natty contacts Commander Quinn to inquire if the company could use a good ship’s technician. (Lisa is a crackerjack mechanic.)
Some of Lisa’s friends stop by the Team’s camp. She decides to show her appreciation to Noah, by getting him laid. Hanna and Gary are back at it. Brandon and Lisa are the only ones without dance partners. The biomechanical smiles at her.
“Oh, why not.” They head off to Brandon’s tent.
After an hour of exertion, Noah lays back, sweaty and exhausted. “That was great …” He rolls onto his side to look at the girl lying next to him … trying to remember her name. “… Man, I need to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Noah can’t understand it why she won’t leave. He doesn’t want to be a dick and kick her out (especially since he can’t remember her name), so he just stares at her, hoping she’ll take the hint.
His sister’s friend breaks the awkward silence. “Well … good-bye.” When he still doesn’t move, she adds, “This is my tent…”
‘Oh … uh … right … uh bye.”
He leans in for a good-bye kiss, but she puts up a hand to stop him. Noah backs out of the tent. He pauses at the flap for one last farewell. “I’ll see you later.”
Noah’s thoughts of sleep are dashed. From the sounds and shaking, his tent is in use. Brandon must be getting lucky. He can’t really be mad at him. It wasn’t really his tent. Camping equipment had been so expensive at the festival. When Brandon asked if he wanted to share a tent, Noah had jumped at the offer.
Noah lays down ground and stairs up at the stars. The ground is hard underneath him, but no more so than a deck of a ship. The nomad has to laugh. He had fallen asleep in some very uncomfortable places aboard ship. Noise had never been an issue either. His father had joked that he could sleep through a hurricane. Thoughts of his father bring back Tom’s works. Noah puts his arm over his eye to hide the tears.
A rusting by the tents makes him sit up. He is shocked to see his sister crawling out of Brandon’s tent. Lisa stands and adjusts her skirt. Even when she sees him, there is no guilt or embarrassment. She just walks over and plunks down on the ground, next to her brother.
Lisa smiles. “So, how was Jill?”
“Fine! How was … and you?”
She shrugs and puts her head on his shoulder. “Alright I guess.”
Noah instinctively puts an arm around her. They sit quietly watching the fire, while he tries to work through his feeling about his sister sleeping with one of his teammates.
“You know, you’re lunatic.”
He can feel her chuckle, “Takes one to know one.”
Saturday, April 22, 2051:
Now that her life is not in imminent danger, Lisa is more relaxed. She also seems to have lost all interest in Gary. Noah puts on a good front, but is still concerned about the direction Tom’s life is taking. Brandon breaks out the ATV and has a wonderful time mudding. His Teammates are there to cheer him as competes in the Mud Run. He doesn’t win, but does respectably.
They share more than a few toasts to the memory of their fallen comrades.
(GM Note: In case you haven’t guessed, Lisa is not as innocent as she appears. She had been on the bus to Miami, but bolted, when one of the other passengers seemed over interested in her baggage. She wasn’t sure if it was someone from a rival gang trying to hijack the shipment or possible the buyer trying to ‘cut out the middleman’.
She ran to Blackwater because she knew the Visigoths stance on drug trafficking, might make Tom think twice about looking for her in town. Lisa also needed to find an alternate means of transportation to Miami. With spring break in full swing, all she needed to do is find a suitable dupe…sorry Gary. Now that Tom had the drugs, there was no reason for her to go to Miami.)
Natty once again sits in with the Blackwater Blues Band as they play the small stage at Crank Jam. They put on a hell of a show.
Commander Quinn contacts Natty, with good news about her earlier request. The corporation has an opening from a civilian engine technician. They are willing to extend Lisa Michaels a job offer based on her (Natty’s) recommendation. There will be a corporate passport ready for her on Wednesday. He also informs her that a Bast C-130 will be in Pensacola on Wednesday to pick them up.
Sunday, April 23, 2051:
The Crank Jam Festival starts to wind down. Brandon wants to leave a little early to avoid the traffic. The seating arrangements are the same as the ride up, except Gary now has Hanna on his lap. Lisa gives no indication that she minds. She spends most of the ride talking with her brother.
Gary has to head back to Miami tonight. He and Hanna have one last romp at the hotel, before he has to leave. Since Ty is still a little pissed about being used, Noah rents a room for Lisa at the hotel.
Duke and Natty ride back with the Visigoths. Once back, Natty spends hours cleaning Steve’s bike till it shines. It is a bittersweet experience.
Monday, April 24, 2051:
Mason Verge is laid to rest. The former marine receives a military funeral with full honors. Mason’s parents are pleased that the Team was able to make it. Mason’s buddies from the Corps are on hand, as are a couple of dozen nomads. Ricco Torres, Betty Lu and Michael Jay Tran come with another half dozen employees of the Petersen Point Resort. Sheriff Marcus Mason and Deputy US Marshal Clay Johnson are also there. It is a solemn occasion.
Natty tells Lisa about the job offer. She receives a crushing hug in response. The nomad spends the afternoon with her brother, visiting friends and saying good-bye.
Natty has dinner at the Saint Claire Farm with Ty and his grandfather Eustis.
Tuesday, April 25, 2051:
Hanna spends their last full day of R&R lounging by the pool.
The Blackwater Blues Band’s Friday night concert performance had been recorded at Ricco’s behest. A talking head from Orlando stop by to interview the surviving members of Velvet Blue. Disney Video Productions wants to release them as part of a retrospective on the band. Natty agrees to the interview to help Ty and Sammy’s new band.
Afterwards, Ty takes Duke and Natty deer hunting on his family’s farm. Duke takes down a large white tailed bucked. He insists on taking the meat back with them to Cyprus. Since it’s a private flight Natty sees no reason why they should be able to take it on board with the rest of their equipment.
Noah and Lisa head to Mobile to see their parents. It’s a joyful family reunion, up until his sister tells them she’s taken a job in Cyprus. Noah tries to soften the blow by telling them that he and Tom had reconciled. He also promises to watch over Lisa.
Wednesday, April 26, 2051:
A courier delivers Lisa’s corporate passport, along with a visa for Cyprus. Ricco makes sure that the team and their gear all make it to the airport on time. He also takes care of their rental car.
The crushing guilt that had been weighing down Natty is gone. The trip home has also raised Noah’s spirits. Reconnecting with his sister and reconciling with Tom had chased away some of the old demons that haunted him. He is still worried about his brother being involved with drug trafficking, but that will have to keep. Maybe when he gets vacation, he can come back and deal that.
Thursday, April 27, 2051:
The sun is low over the western horizon as the C-130 comes in for a landing at the Kingsfield Air Base in Cyprus.
Natty finds a message from Commander Quinn waiting for her at the duplex. With all the media coverage of the attempted Cabinda coup, the fiction of their section being a ‘Logistics and Supply’ unit is no longer viable. The actual logistics and supply company is also complaining about being short-handed. Her team is therefore being re-designated as the Special Operations Section of the headquarters unit. To fill out their section, he is also sending her a new operative. He will arrive tomorrow.
Episode 17 – Mission to Niger
The Team is sent to Niger on a supply run. Their real mission is reconnaissance. Corporate intrigues and geopolitical maneuvering may threaten Global Share’s operations in the country. Something is afoot in the desert and after Cabinda, Commander Quinn is taking no chances.
War has erupted on the European Continent. The long running Czech Civil War exploded as the EU, who finally had enough of Poland’s support for the rebel Free Czech Army, sought a quick victory over the Polish nation in the spring of 2050. A resurgent Germany promised a quick victory, but the Blitzkrieg of 1939 was not repeated. The Polish Army resisted with fierceness and courage that surprised the EU forces. Russia and Belarus came to the defense of their Slavic brothers and sisters with ‘volunteers’ pouring in from those nations. The EU response was to attempt to destroy Russia’s warships of the Rocket Corps. The Komsomolsk and the Potemkin along with two large Russian transports were destroyed in orbit and the Russian space port in Kazakhstan was bombarded. The Gagarin in the asteroid belt was severely damaged, but still lurks out there. This brought Russian along with Belarus and Kazakhstan into the war officially. This attack caused the Scandinavian Bloc to declare neutrality and refuse to help in the EU war effort.
Ghost Team 1’s actions in the Czech Republic remain a secret from the EU. They have been transferred to Cyprus to work principally for the Bast Corporation’s main client in the region, Global Share. This Commonwealth NGO brings health services and modern infrastructure to developing third world nations. The Cyberpunk World is a dangerous place especially in these areas. It is the Bast Corporation’s job to protect this altruistic organization.
Dramatis Personae
Ghost Team One
Allison Cole (aka Hanna Woo) (Sergeant): Grew up in the Burn Notice Campaign and remained with her best friend from school, Catherine ‘Cat’ (Fisher) Vaduva. She is a high level prowler and martial artist with extensive covert operations training. Her cover was Vlada Roslykova on the recent Mission to Prague.
Brandon Heath (Warrant Officer 2nd Class): A solo who is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He recently served as head of security for the Petersen Point Resort.
Duke Strider (Sergeant): He is an experimental dog/human biogenetic hybrid made by the Collective on commission by the Bast Corporation. The Caitlins, who own Bast Corporation plan to create males members of their race but decided to make another species of hybrid first to test the science. His cover ID was Luke Walker from Texas during the recent Mission to Prague.
Natalie ‘Natty’ Lanikova (Warrant Officer 1st Class): ‘Grew up’ at the Petersen Point Resort when Brandon and Owen were there. A covert operative who most believe is the daughter of the late Lt. Alina Lanikova formerly of the Czech Special Forces (601st SOG). She is actually one of the prototype (former) Biotechnica ‘Caitlin’ clones trained to operate in the Czech Republic.
Nip Lacey (Corporal): This slightly crazy young woman is the result of a failed experiment to create a gestalt mind of several netrunners. This project also created Fred, a ferret looking creature that inhabits the NET that is fiercely loyal to Nip. While the girl is only 21, she has already earned advanced degrees in Computer Science and Robotics from Night City University. This has allowed her to create a physical body for Fred and a slew of small spider bots to assist her. She, Allison and Cat Vaduva went to high school together in Atlantic City.
Noah Michaels (Corporal): This 19 year old Thelas nomad (zip) joined the Bast para-military forces a little over two years ago with the recommendation of the late Mason Verge. This young man distinguished himself on the Pac Rim and earned him a test for Ghost Team training. Noah and his siblings spent almost a decade of their youths being raised by their maternal half Vietnamese grandmother. Noah fought with the nomad militia at the Battle of Petersen Point.
And introducing Bishop Weyland (Corporal): He is a 28 year old ex-US Air Force para-rescue operative. After eight years of unblemished service, he fell afoul of a vindictive superior whose mistake he reported up the chain of command. The superior was reprimanded, but Bishop found himself out at the end of that term of service. He joined Bast Corporation’s para-military and his talents earned himself a nomination for Ghost Team training. He graduated first in his class.
The NPCs
Commander Mossi is the leader of the Niger National Gendarmerie in Dirkou.
Dr. Royce Deward is a Global Share doctor based in Bilma, Niger.
Doctor Talia King also works at Global Share Hospital in Bilma, Niger.
Dr. Tierce Foster, a British doctor of Caribbean descent working with Global Share doctors based in Bilma, Niger.
Lance Corporal Chris Kelly is a Humvee driver the Team meets in Cyprus and goes to Niger with.
Lance Corporal Nils Burton is a Humvee driver the Team meets in Cyprus and goes to Niger with.
Lance Corporal Pace is a Bast Corporation trooper the Team met in Cyprus. He serves in Vehicle Section in Niger.
Lt. Clive Bellows is the Bast commander in Bilma, Niger.
Lt. Andre Jonathan is the commander of the Niger National Gendarmerie in Bilma.
Private Alex Green is a gunner on a Humvee the Team meets in Cyprus and goes to Niger with.
Private Iram Moussa is a gunner on a Humvee the Team meets in Cyprus and goes to Niger with.
Sergeant Morris is a Bast Corporation trooper the team met in Cyprus. He commands Vehicle Section in Niger.
Staff Sergeant Archie Bentham is the command sergeant of the 1st platoon, 2nd company of the Bast AEM Battalion.
The Action
Friday, April 28, 2051:
The team is back in the rotation, with their new designation. Word comes down, that they will be shipping out to Niger. There is no definite date of departure or inkling of what their mission might be … at least none that Natty has shared.
Duke decides to break out his stash of venison and throw a barbeque; one last hurrah before they head out. It will also serve as a welcome party for the Team’s newest member, Bishop Weyland. In addition to the ‘guest of honor’, he also invites the vehicle crews that will be going with them.
“Do you mind if my sister comes?”
Noah’s question surprises him. He hadn’t thought there was a need to invite her. She is family and accepted by the group. As far as Duke is concerned, she is part of his pack.
“She is more than welcome.”
The party is in full swing by the time Bishop shows up. He rings the doorbells and knocks on the doors of both units. There is no answer. The sounds of music and rich smell of grilling meat wafting through the air, catch his attention. He follows them around the side of the duplex, towards the backyard.
Shrieks and sounds of splashing greet him as he steps through the side gate. With everyone in civies, it’s impossible to tell rank. Bishop makes for the one person he recognizes. Noah had been in his training class. The nomad hadn’t impressed him, but he was nice enough.
“Hey, Noah.”
“Weyland…You’re a bit overdressed for a pool party.”
Bishop ignores the crack about his BDUs. He wanted to make a good first impression on his new command officer. “Where’s the CO.”
“Right over there.” Noah points towards the grill pit.
It’s not clear if he was pointing to the guy working the grill or the slight young woman in a bikini top and cutoffs sipping a beer. “Which one?”
Noah shouts, “Hey Natty!”
The woman looks their way, smiles and walks over.
“You must be Corporal Weylan.”
“Yes ma’am.” He gives a salute. “Here are my orders.”
Natty hands her beer to Noah and gives the papers a perfunctory review.
“Everything appears in order. Welcome aboard.”
She takes her beer back from the nomad and says to him, “Looks like you’re no longer the new guy.”
Natty motions towards the house with her bottle. “Why don’t you show our ‘new’ guy his room … but hurry back. The food’s almost ready.”
Weyland drops his bag in his new bedroom then rejoins his new teammates. They seem like an odd bunch.
A call from Commander Quinn interrupts the festivities. Natty quickly becomes all business.
“Briefing in 20; let’s hustle people.”
The briefing is quick. Other than a few maps of the area and photos of the base commander and his second in command, the packet is pretty light. Ghost Team One is being sent as escort on a supply run to Bilma in eastern Niger. After arriving, they will spend two weeks conducting a threat assessment. They are to evaluate the defenses of the Global Share compound and investigate external risks that could endanger its operation or the lives of its personnel.
Their flight leaves at 0800 hours on Monday.
Saturday, April 29, 2051:
Noah may no longer be the ‘new guy’, but that doesn’t earn him a break from training. While the others relax around the pool, he takes Bishop over to the Training Center. Their morning is spent on the Sega Atari teachers; Tebu lessons for Weyland and Jump Training for Noah. The nomad absorbs the basics of parachute use and combat deployment. That afternoon, he reports to the jump school for practical training.
Sunday, April 30, 2051:
Not all of the Team’s time is spent lounging around the pool. At Natty’s request, Quinn gives them access to the last four months of reports filed by the Bast commander, on the ground in Bilma. She and Duke look over the files. Nip keeps busy digging up intel on the region.
Noah logs more hours on a Sega Atari teacher then spends a second afternoon jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
Monday, May 1, 2051:
The flight to Niger is uneventful. Upon landing at Seguedine the C-130 is met by armed soldiers supported by two BTR-3s. The troops are from the Nigerien Army. After the recent hostage situation the Niger government had sent a small garrison force to secure the oasis and protect the airport.
After a quick check of their papers and the flight’s manifest the local grounds crew is allowed to begin unloading the plane. The pilot is able to raise Sergeant Morris on the radio. He reports to Natty, “The column is ten minutes out.”
The C-130 departs while they are still loading the trucks. All through the process, the Nigerien soldiers appear to be on high alert. Noah asks about it on the ride south.
Corporal Pace shrugs, “One of their patrols was shot up a couple of weeks ago. They were chasing what they thought were Tuareg raiders … drove right into an ambush. Three dead and a bunch more wounded. Their lieutenant blamed it on foreign mercenaries.” The Corporal smiles at Noah, “We all look alike to them.”
Up in the lead vehicle, Bishop notices their Humvee isn’t following the track. The driver has veered off into virgin sand. He leans forward, “Why aren’t we taking the track?”
His question had been directed at the driver, but Sergeant Morris answers.
“The tracks are sometimes mined. It’s safer this way.”
The column pulls into Bilma around 6 pm. Staff Sergeant Archie Bentham, the platoon’s top NCO, is on hand to greet the team. He takes them to a curtained off area at the back of an air conditioned warehouse.
“This will be your bivouac during your stay. Sorry about the accommodations, but we’re a little strapped for space. Dinner is being served, so stow you’re gear, and I‘ll send someone to show you to the mess.” Sgt. Bentham turns to Natty, “Ma’am, Lt. Bellows would like to have a word, once you’re settled.”
The section leader sees no reason to delay their meeting. She drops her gear next to one of the cots. “Lead on.”
Lt. Bellows is in his office. He welcomes her to Bilma and offers her a seat. The two engage in small talk. He asks about her flight and trip from Seguedine. The Lieutenant briefly touches upon the reason for her team’s visit.
“Quinn apprised me. Let me know if you need anything.”
He then turns back to other mundane topics. Natty isn’t sure if he thinks someone is listening in on their conversation, but she appreciates his discretion. They shouldn’t have any problems working together.
Tuesday, May 2, 2051:
Over breakfast Natty asks Sgt. Bentham about the local gendarmerie.
“How many men do they have in Bilma?”
“There are generally between 40 and 50, depending on the day?”
“Who’s in command?”
“Lt. Andre Jonathan, but Sergeant Ossiman typically oversees operations. They don’t usually give us trouble.”
The biogen’s ears prick up, “Usually?”
Sgt. Bentham puts down his cup and leans in. Natty finds herself reflexively doing the same. When the Sergeant speaks again, his tone is guarded. He speaks softly, so that what he says won’t carry beyond their table.
“A few weeks back, there was an attack on the Nigerien unit garrisoning Seguedine. One of their patrols was ambushed. The commander of the garrison insisted his men were ambushed by mercenaries. Relations have been a bit … strained. It probably goes without saying, but if you’re outside this compound, don’t go anywhere alone.”
(GM Note: Noah’s player did not share what he learned on the ride from Seguedine)
Natty is still mulling over what ‘Archie’ told them, as she and Duke walk towards the barracks of the National Gendarmerie. Sergeant Ossiman is willing to give them ten minutes. He apologizes for his commanding officer’s absence, citing ‘important business elsewhere’. Natty doesn’t believe him, but returns his smile.
The meeting remains friendly if a bit rushed. With the time remaining, Natty asks about Dirkou; specifically the airport renovation. A quick review of the intel gathered by Nip, showed this to be their biggest security hole. Resurfacing of the runway has run into delays. With the airstrip unusable, everything going to Bilma, by air, has to be rerouted through Seguedine. The detour adds an additional 133 km of overland travel, through hostile territory, for any shipment sent by Global Share. An operational airport at Dirkou would cut the distance to just over 35 km.
Sergeant Ossiman apologizes yet again. “I am sorry. There I cannot help you. If you are interested in the airport, you must go to Dirkou and speak with Commander Mossi.”
Natty thanks him for his time. The two biogens consider poking around the town, but decide to return to the Global Share compound. On the way back to their bivouac they run into Damien Biggins. The Aussie had actually been looking for Duke. The two had struck up a casual friendship back on Cyrpus. He had been driving one of the trucks that had made the supply run to Seguedine, but things being how they were, he didn’t get to say hello at that time.
“Hey how long are you going to be around?”
Natty answers for Duke. “Two weeks.”
“Great, you should come by the rec center; you too Natty. We usually have movie nights three times a week. There’s cold beer and best of all … air conditioning.”
Duke instinctively looks to Natty for a decision.
“That would be great. We’ll definitely have to check it out.”
“Great. I’ll see you later then.” Damien gives them a wave and walks off.
Nip meets them back at the bivouac. Lt. Bellows has approved access to the compound’s security network.
“So … how was it?” Natty asks.
The NET runner plops down on her cot before answering.
“I found two small gaps in the camera coverage, but otherwise first rate.”
Sgt. Bentham stops by in the late afternoon, to speak with Natty.
“Ma’am, Lt. Bellows requests the assistance of your section, tomorrow … if it’s not too much of an imposition.
“What do you need us to do?”
“We are erecting a perimeter of HESCOs around the new solar arrays and (wind) turbines. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.”
Natty considers the request. Lt. Bellows had already been cooperative. She sees no reason not to return the favor. A little hard work could also pay dividends. ‘Archie’ had been guarded when he told them about the ambush. There might be other things they weren’t being told. It has been her experience that shared hardships helps build camaraderie. Peoples tongues also loosened up after strenuous activity, be it sex or toiling under the hot desert sun.
“Please tell the Lieutenant that we would be happy to help.”
Wednesday, May 3, 2051:
The Call to Prayer sounds from the mosque as the team members join other Bast personnel and Global Share volunteers in the early morning light. An ‘audience’ of local children watches as the fabric lined, wire mesh containers are unfolded and moved into place. Natty sends Duke out with a soccer ball to “work his magic.” If they are regular ‘gawkers’, the kids might be a useful source of information.
Work on the perimeter proceeds quickly, with the aid of an excavator and bucket loader. Natty cuts Bishop loose from the work detail around 1300 hours. She has another job for the medic.
“Get cleaned up and head over to the hospital. Offer to help. I want you to poke around … but be subtle. Can you do that?”
“Yes Ma’am?”
The medic makes himself useful around the hospital. As thanks for his efforts, he is invited for a beer at the Butter Bar. He gives the doctor who invited him a quizzical look.
“You’ll understand when you see it.”
Dr. Deward … or Royce, as he insists on being called, takes him to the compound’s recreation facility. It’s a long rectangular tent completely covered in spray foam. Bishop had of course seen the technology used before on military bases, for insulation and soundproofing. He hadn’t really thought about it before, but the insulation’s yellowish gold color might make it look like a giant stick of butter.
The rest of his team is already inside, having drinks with the work crew from today’s build. They were able to finish installing the new perimeter. Bishop winds up at a table with Natty, Royce and two other members of the medical staff, Doctors Talia King and Tierce Foster. It quickly becomes clear that the name Butter Bar may not be universally accepted.
Dr. King groans in discuss; “This again?”
Tierce smiles into his drink while Royce feigns innocence.
“Why must you insist on calling it that?”
“Who doesn’t like butter?”
The two bicker over the name. It appears to be a recurring argument. Royce seems to find enjoyment from annoying her. As their ‘argument’ winds down, Natty asks Dr. King (in Czech),
“Are you from the Czech Republic? …I noticed your accent.”
The woman seems mildly surprised.
“Yes, I am from Plzeň.” Talia responds in English. Natty explains that she is also from the Czech Republic. This doesn’t to strike a chord. The doctor doesn’t seem to be interested in talking about home. When asked what brought her Global Share, her answer is somewhat pragmatic. “With the troubles at home, it seemed sensible to be elsewhere.”
Dr. Foster is more gregarious. He tells them that his family is from Trinidad. Tierce had gone to Britain to study medicine with every intention of returning home after graduation. A job offer had kept him in the UK. Volunteering with Global Share has taken him around the world. He returns to Trinida for visits, but it no longer feels like home. Tierce has become accustom to the ‘nomadic lifestyle’.
The Team turns in around 2000 hours. Natty wants them well rested. They will be heading out on a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) tomorrow.
Thursday, May 4, 2051:
Ghost Team One loads up, into the Humvees of Sergeant Morris and Corporal Pace. The two vehicles leave Bilma and head south west, driving parallel to the caravan track leading to the oasis of Fachi. Natty has Nip launch a Bumblebee once they are out of sight of the town. After another ten miles, the Humvees turn away from the track and head west. They maintain this heading for thirty miles then turn north. The vehicle’s new track takes them through the heart of the Tennere Desert.
Map of Tennere Desert
Nip ranges ahead with the Bumblebee. About mid-afternoon the remote picks up a dust cloud to the north near Seguedine. The NET runner zooms in on a vehicle moving northwest across the open desert. Natty recognizes it as a Pinzgauer 4×4. Pinz makes a rugged line of utility vehicles. With oversized tires, this one doesn’t seem to be having any difficulty negotiating the soft sand. A top mounted 50 (50. Cal) is backed up by another light machine gun. Counting the driver and gunner in the front seat, there appears to be a dozen men in the vehicle. They definitely don’t dress like locals. Maybe these are the corporate mercenaries ‘Archie’ mentioned.
The Pinzgauer is heading in the direction of Chirfa, near the edge of the Djado Plateau. If their Intel is correct the village should be abandoned. An over flight by the drone reveals no heat signatures on thermograph. Nip switches cameras for a visual inspection. Many of the settlement’s mud-brick buildings appear in disrepair.
The vehicle does not enter the village. It stops at the ruins of the old French colonial fort on the outskirts of town. Natty watches the ‘troops’ as they deploy into two fire teams. One takes the high ground in the fort. When they are in position the second moves forward and takes over the first house at the edge of town. Both teams settle in, as if waiting for something or someone.
Ghost Team One uses this time to close the distance. The Humvees park at a safe distance and Brandon, Duke and Natty proceed on foot. As they are moving in, Nip calls on the com. “Riders coming from the north; ten camels, about 3km out.”
The three take up positions roughly 200 meters from the village. The riders appear to be local tribesmen … Tuareg, judging by their head wraps. Five stop at the far edge of the village. The others ride to the occupied house. Two stay with the camels, while the other three go inside. They are in the house for several hours.
Only two Tuareg come out. They rejoin their fellow tribesmen, mount up and depart, taking the fifth man’s camel with them. The riders head north. Those outside of two circle around to meet them. Nip tracks them with the Bumblebee.
After ten minutes, the mercenaries pull back from the house. There are now six; all dressed in combat fatigues. One of them must be the ‘tribesman’ that stayed behind … though Natty starts to wonder if he really was a Tuareg. The mercenaries hunker down in the ruins of the fort. Twenty minutes pass with no movement.
Natty signals Duke and Brandon to pull back. While the three make their way back to the Humvees, Nip tracks the tribesmen to Djado (roughly 7 km from Chirfa). The Tuareg enter the ruins of the old walled city and disappear from view. Even their IR signatures are obscured. The town’s thick walls interfere with the Bumblebee’s thermo-graphic sensors. Nip moves the drone into a position above the ruins and continues her scan.
The team’s vehicles slowly head toward Djado. By midnight, they are within three kilometers of the ruins. Nip recalls the Bumblebee. She turns on her sleep inducer to catch a couple of hours of sleep. Duke and Natty follow suit. As a biomechanical, Brandon needs little sleep, so he takes first watch. The others sleep in shifts.
(GM Note: The ancient City of Djado developed as a station on a slave-trading route between Niger and Libya. The city flourished from around 1000 AD to the late 16th century. It is now a haunting jumble of decaying mud architecture. It is surrounded by several large ponds and swamps. The water is non-potable and choked with mosquitoes, but it supports an extensive grove of date palms. The ruins are occupied seasonally in late summer to collect the fruit, which is said to be the best in Niger.)
Ancient City of Djado
Friday, May 5, 2051:
The sleep inducers wake the biogens at 0230 hours. Nip is already awake. She shows them the scans from the Bumblebee. The data is inconclusive. Natty asks for her best guess.
“Maybe twenty…”
The biogen hates a mystery. They need more information about who is hiding in the ruins. If one of them was a fake, they could all be fakes. They could just be bandits or a false flag operation…
The bumblebee returns to a position above the ruins. Brandon, Duke and Natty stealthily approach the old city. The section leader leaves the two men at the edge of the swamp and slips into the fortified village ( ksar) alone. It is a intricate maze of corridors and passages, that had been designed to confuse any enemy who had penetrated the city. The complex is extensive. Natty hears the echoes of voices but doesn’t find anyone.
The biogen momentarily gets turned around. She starts to reconsider her decision of venturing into the city alone. Natty pulls back to Brandon and Duke. The three make their way back to the Humvees. They decide to return to Chirfa and follow the team in the Pinzgauer.
The mercenaries break camp at dawn. Nip tracks them by remote. They swing south around Seguedine and drive to Dirkou. The Oinzgauer stops near the center of town. The mercenaries leave two men behind to watch the vehicle. The others walk down the street to a medium sized structure. They go inside and don’t come out.
The team makes for Bilma. When they are in range Natty launches the mini-bee. Its smaller size will allow them to take a closer look with less chance of being spotted. When the drone is on station, she has Nip recall the Bumblebee. The NET runner then takes over control of the mini-bee.
She angles the small drone to get a better look at the building. Painted on the exterior wall of the courtyard is a sign that reads Marianna Bar. The ask around the Global Share compound and find out that it’s the only legal public bar in the whole district. Brandon and Bishop volunteer to check it out.
Natty and Hanna go along for the ride. The plan is for the two women to be dropped off outside of Dirkou. They will then sneak into town while Brandon and Bishop go to Marianna’s. Nothing had been discussed about what they should do once in the bar. The two men devise their own plan (without running it past Natty). They will act drunk. If they are too drunk to drive, they’ll need a place to stay in Dirkou … hopefully a room at the same hotel where the mercenaries are staying.
A second Pinzgauer arrives at the hotel. Hanna and Natty are in range to hear the conversation between the men who dismount and the guards, station at the other vehicle. They speak mainly English and German with a few French curse words thrown in. One of them shouts out something. Natty doesn’t catch what is said, but she recognizes the language as Tagalog. One of the guards turns and flips him the bird. The new arrivals laugh.
Natty slips out her deck and looks for remotes. The scan comes back clean.
Brandon and Bishop enter Marianna Bar through a break in the building’s wall. There is a tiny ante-space. Turning right takes them into the main bar. Five randomly sized tables surrounded by white plastic chairs fill up most of the room. There is a small wooden bar that looks like it was cobbled together from scrap. Standing next to it is a large metal cooler emblazon with the words, “Bière Niger.”
The whitewashed wall behind them is colored with random squares of red, blue, yellow and green. A large mural of people sitting a table drinking and having fun takes up the entire right wall. On the wall opposite the bar, “Bienvenue à Dirkou” is written in bold letters. The ceiling is hidden by billowing fabric.
Brandon catches a glimpse of the courtyard. Written one the back wall in the same bold text as inside are the words “Place to Be” Calling it a dive bar would be generous, but the bartender is genial and the drinks are cold.
None of the mercenaries are at the bar, so Bishop and Brandon put their plan into action. They make convincing drunks. The two men stagger outside and down the street to the hotel. There are unfortunately no vacancies. Worse still, their act has drawn the attention of the local gendarme. They are arrested for public intoxication.
(Neither player had questioned why there was only one legal bar in the district. Niger may be a secular state in real life, but in or gaming universe, it is an Islamic Republic. A local version of Sharia law is enforced)
Saturday, May 6, 2051:
Natty and Hanna take pictures of the mercenaries using a low-lite lens. Listening in on the men’s conversations, they are able to put names to five of the faces. (Sid, Gabriel, Emily, Ixas and Dick) They seem to be talking about someone else named (Yuan). It sounds like it may be their boss or employer. ‘Ixas’ makes his feeling clear. (in Tagalog), “I hate the fucking douchebag!”
The two women hike back to Bilma (since their ride has been detained). Upon their return, Lt. Bellows informs Natty about Brandon and Bishop’s arrest. The biogen cleans up to go speak with Commander Mossi. Before leaving for Dirkou, she makes sure their new intel has been sent to Cyprus.
Natty apologizes profusely for her men. When words won’t work, she makes a small donation to the ‘Police Benevolent Fund’. The newly freed operatives expect her to come down on them, but she doesn’t.
Most of the team members sack out, in anticipation of a night operation. Nip designs a surveillance system to watch the watch the mercenaries’ hotel. It is near midnight when Sergeant Morris drops Natty and Hanna outside Dirkou.
Sunday, May 7, 2051:
The two women make it to the area near the hotel at a quarter to one. A search for remotes would pick up the cameras and microphones, so none of them can be closer than 450 meters. Getting the right angle is tough. They have to scale several houses to put the gear in position.
Natty has no illusions that the system will capture the mercenaries’ conversations, but it will allow them to monitor their comings and goings. Once back at the compound, she sets up a schedule, so someone is always watching the security feeds.
Monday, May 8, 2051:
Noah wakes Natty around 0400 hours. “Something’s up at the hotel.”
The biogen rolls off her cot. She stops to shake Nip on her way to the monitors. The NET runner groans, “Five more minutes.”
“Nip, get up. I need you to fire up the Bumblebee.”
The NET runner gives another groan, but gets up.
One of the Pinsguers is already heading north by the time the drone reaches Dirkou. The team quickly mounts up and takes off in pursuit. Nip sends the bumblebee higher and tracks the mercenaries’ vehicle from a distance. It drives north towards Seguedine, but turns east before reaching the town. The mercenaries head out into the open desert.
Nip calls out on the com, “There’s something out there.”
There shouldn’t be any towns or oases out this way. The NET runner focuses in on the mercenaries’ destination. Natty recognizes the superstructure of an oil derrick. There is a collection of trailers and vehicles surrounded by a barbed wire fence. The desert heat makes it impossible to pick out IR signatures. Nip tries to do a visual count. With the mercenaries in the Pinsguer, they could be looking at 25-30 people.
“That’s a lot of men,” Noah remarks.
“More than are needed to guard a ‘test well’
Brandon agrees with Bishop’s assessment. “There has to be something else is going on here.”
“Maybe they were buying off the locals a couple of days ago,”
Hanna could be right. It’s a reasonable assumption, but Natty still thinks the need more intel.
“Nip, get as many pictures as you can. We’ll send them to Quinn tonight.”
The mercenaries arrive and unload. They take their gear to one of the trailers. A second group exits the trailer and moves towards the truck. They are soon joined by another man, who comes out of the largest trailer in the compound. It’s hard to tell, but he could be Asian.
They speak briefly and then the mercenaries mount up and drive off. To Natty, it looks like a shift change. She wonders if they are heading for Dirkou. Nip follows them with the Bumblebee to the fuel supply runs low. The team returns to Bilma.
Natty prepares a report and send it with the data to Cyprus.
Tuesday, May 9, 2051:
Commander Quinn contacts Natty. They have been able to identify the men in the photos as members of Blackridge Security. It was a second tier security company that expanded its business after the Fourth Corporate war. According to government sources Blackridge is in Niger working security for China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
Quinn doesn’t feel that CNPC’s operations pose a threat to Global Share’s interests in Niger.
He also has some good news. “The work on the runway at Dirkou should be completed in a month’s time.”
“If we can send some people to help finish up the work, we could finish it sooner.”
“I’ll kick it up the chain.” Quinn asks, “Do you feel you have enough information for your assessment?”
“Yes sir. The compound is in good shape. We have help expand the electronic defenses and cleared up a couple gaps in the surveillance. We’ll be ready to come home as scheduled.”
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, 2051:
The Team spends two days making themselves useful around the compound. Nip and Natty maintain high altitude surveillance on the area surrounding Bilma. It’s a quiet two days.
Friday, May 12, 2051:
The salt caravan arrives from Agadez. A few on the Team go to the caravansary. Natty and Brandon pay some Tuareg to help them ride a camel.
Saturday, May 13, 2051:
The Team catches a ride with the supply convoy headed to Seguedine. A Bast C-23 Sherpa is already on the runway be the time they arrive. It’s a long bumpy ride back to Cyprus, but Natty briefly raises their spirits by telling them this will be their last mission for a couple of months. Then she gives them the bad news.
“We’re going to the Bast Corporation’s Desert Training Center.”
The Team gets ten days to rest, pack and prepare for an intensive desert warfare training regime. They fly to Australia where they undergo a grueling ten week program of survival and endurance training along with Tebu and Saharan cultures instruction. By the first week of August they are ready and briefed on their new assignment. The relationship of Global Share / Bast Corporation and Sheikh Mansur had grown to include Walid’s dream of a united Fezzan.
(The Fezzan is the southwestern region of Libya and one of the three original provinces of that country. Before the Italian colonial conquest it was an independent Sultanate)
A step towards that dream is capturing Fort Elena in Sabha, the traditional capital of the Fezzan. The team will strike on the evening before the beginning of Dhu al-Qi’dah.
(Dhu al-Qi’dah is the eleventh month in the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months in Islam during which warfare is prohibited)
Once secured, Walid will arrive to take possession. It will give him a month, in which his enemy’s cannot attack (without violating their religion) to consolidate his position.
While the Team prepares, the fighting in Europe rages on –
Timeline of the War
May: Slovakia is invaded and almost completely overrun by EU forces trying to outflank Slavic forces in Poland. Massed EU attacks try to crush the Russo-Polish forces, but the defenders hold their lines.
June: The EU starts using orbital bombardment within 50 miles of the front lines. The United States and the Commonwealth protest vigorously. After a few weeks of pounding the Russo-Polish forces start to fall back from their Drawa – Oder river line. By the end of the month Wroclaw falls.
July: After a couple of “pirate” raids on JAB facilities in the Belt, the Japanese Carrier Zuikaku sets out for there.
Episode 18 – Assault of Castle Elena
A nighttime raid sees a fortress fall and a new country rise. This shift in the political in the political landscape attracts new friends and enemies alike. It also threatens to open a new front in the war between the EU and Russia.
War has erupted on the European Continent. The long running Czech Civil War exploded as the EU, who finally had enough of Poland’s support for the rebel Free Czech Army, sought a quick victory over the Polish nation in the spring of 2050. A resurgent Germany promised a quick victory, but the Blitzkrieg of 1939 was not repeated. The Polish Army resisted with fierceness and courage that surprised the EU forces. Russia and Belarus came to the defense of their Slavic brothers and sisters with ‘volunteers’ pouring in from those nations. The EU response was to attempt to destroy Russia’s warships of the Rocket Corps. The Komsomolsk and the Potemkin along with two large Russian transports were destroyed in orbit and the Russian space port in Kazakhstan was bombarded. The Gagarin in the asteroid belt was severely damaged, but still lurks out there. This brought Russian along with Belarus and Kazakhstan into the war officially. This attack caused the Scandinavian Bloc to declare neutrality and refuse to help in the EU war effort.
Ghost Team 1’s actions in the Czech Republic remain a secret from the EU. They have been transferred to Cyprus to work principally for the Bast Corporation’s main client in the region, Global Share. This Commonwealth NGO brings health services and modern infrastructure to developing third world nations. The Cyberpunk World is a dangerous place especially in these areas. It is the Bast Corporation’s job to protect this altruistic organization.
Dramatis Personae
Ghost Team One
Allison Cole (aka Hanna Woo) (Sergeant): Grew up in the Burn Notice Campaign and remained with her best friend from school, Catherine ‘Cat’ (Fisher) Vaduva. She is a high level prowler and martial artist with extensive covert operations training. Her cover was Vlada Roslykova on the recent Mission to Prague.
Bishop Weyland (Corporal): He is a 28 year old ex-US Air Force para-rescue operative. After eight years of unblemished service, he fell afoul of a vindictive superior whose mistake he reported up the chain of command. The superior was reprimanded, but Bishop found himself out at the end of that term of service. He joined Bast Corporation’s para-military and his talents earned himself a nomination for Ghost Team training. He graduated first in his class.
Brandon Heath (Warrant Officer 2nd Class): A solo who is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He recently served as head of security for the Petersen Point Resort.
Duke Strider (Sergeant): He is an experimental dog/human biogenetic hybrid made by the Collective on commission by the Bast Corporation. The Caitlins, who own Bast Corporation plan to create males members of their race but decided to make another species of hybrid first to test the science. His cover ID was Luke Walker from Texas during the recent Mission to Prague.
Natalie ‘Natty’ Lanikova (2nd Lieutenant): ‘Grew up’ at the Petersen Point Resort when Brandon and Owen were there. A covert operative who most believe is the daughter of the late Lt. Alina Lanikova formerly of the Czech Special Forces (601st SOG). She is actually one of the prototype (former) Biotechnica ‘Caitlin’ clones trained to operate in the Czech Republic.
Nip Lacey (Sergeant): This slightly crazy young woman is the result of a failed experiment to create a gestalt mind of several netrunners. This project also created Fred, a ferret looking creature that inhabits the NET that is fiercely loyal to Nip. While the girl is only 21, she has already earned advanced degrees in Computer Science and Robotics from Night City University. This has allowed her to create a physical body for Fred and a slew of small spider bots to assist her. She, Allison and Cat Vaduva went to high school together in Atlantic City.
Noah Michaels (Corporal): This 19 year old Thelas nomad (zip) joined the Bast para-military forces a little over two years ago with the recommendation of the late Mason Verge. This young man distinguished himself on the Pac Rim and earned him a test for Ghost Team training. Noah and his siblings spent almost a decade of their youths being raised by their maternal half Vietnamese grandmother. Noah fought with the nomad militia at the Battle of Petersen Point.
The NPCs
Sheik Mansur Abdel Majid: The leader of the Toubou tribe occupying Waw an Namus and somewhat reluctant spiritual leader of the Fezzan movement.
Squadron Leader Ileana Morel is in reality Cat Vaduva in one of her old identities. She is named overall commander of Bast’s forces in the Fezzan.
Walid Abdel Majid: The son of Sheik Mansur Abdel Majid and warlord of the tribe of Toubou at Waw an Namus. To support their people, Walid and his fighters sold their skills to tribal elders and warlords across the Fezzan. He earned a reputation as a fierce warrior and a man of honor. It is this reputation and contacts gained while fighting as a mercenary, that have allowed him to forge an alliance of Arab, Toubou and Tuareg tribesmen.
The Action
Waw Al-Kabir is the first town to join Walid’s coalition. The population is mainly Toubou. Shared culture helps the negotiations along, but it is the promise of aid from Global Share and business from the Bast Corporation that seals the agreement. Waw Al-Kabir is strategically important. It is just over 120km east of Waw an Namus. The town also boasts one of the longest runways of any military airport built during the Gadhafi regime (pre-meltdown); long enough for a 747 to land and take-off.
Though in need of repair, the runway is a vast improvement over landing on the hard packed volcanic field at Waw an Namus. Securing access to the airfield also allows the Bast Corporation to honor a request made by Sheik Mansur. The number of Bast personnel at the caldera was worrisome to the Sheik. In the lead up to the planned assault on Castle Elena, the Bast Corporation has been increasing its forces in the Fezzan.
After Waw Al-Kabir joined, these forces were transferred to protect the airport. This draw down at Waw an Namus returned the size of the force stationed at the caldera, to its original number. Securing the airport also allowed the Bast Corporation to move a fully mechanized platoon of infantry into the country. These troops were supported by four Pan Europa armored cars and heavy mortars. The company also deployed two Militech AVX-9F Vipers, an AV-4 and an AV-9 in secret.
Squadron Leader Ileana Morel (Cat Vaduva in one of her old identities) is named overall commander of Bast’s forces in the Fezzan. The plan is to take control of the city of Sabha, the traditional capital of the Fezzan. To do this, they need to secure Fort Elena. The fortress sits on a hill between the city and airport. It dominates the surrounding area. The fort is also the stronghold of the warlord who controls the city.
During his days as a mercenary, Walid worked for many of the factions in the Sabha. They have agreed to join his coalition if he can take the fortress. To do so now would be suicide. Their neighborhoods lie within range of the fort’s guns. Though they will not support Walid openly, it has not stopped them from providing valuable intel about the fort and it’s garrison.
There are between 30 – 50 fighters in the fortress at any given time. This force is backed up by three T-72 tanks. These are relics from before the meltdown. None are mobile, but their weapons systems are still operational. Two have been dug into the north slope of the hill, below the fortress’ walls, to cover the approach from the city.
The third tank is being repaired in one of the hangars at the airport. Intel indicates that they are still waiting for parts. There are also reportedly a Katyusha Rocket Launcher and two field guns defending the airport. Accounts are sketchy, but they could be 122mm old Soviet howitzers.
(GM Note: Walid also has the support of the Turaeg tribes that once inhabited the Ubari Lakes region southwest of Sabha. They were forced from their lands by Algerian migrants who were after the water. The Algerians who have ‘invaded’ the Fezzan are primarily Arabs. They have worked out an arrangement with the Warlord of Sabha and his forces, who are also Arabs. Having an ally in Sabha counter balances Tuareg forces in the south, especially at Muruq)
Ghost Team One will travel from Waw Al-Kabir to a position just outside of Sabha. From there, the assault team will proceed on foot. Nip will remain with the vehicle supported by an infantry fire team. She will provide drone support for the assault. Once secured, the team will hand over possession of the Fort Elena to Walid and his men, who will arrive by AV.
(GM Note: Nip worked hard to develop a method to cut through the radioactive interference that affects drone operation and communication in the region. She has been able to boost the range, but has yet to find a way to completely resolve the problem. One happy surprise from her research is that the area around Sabha is not as irradiated as first thought. During the Mideast Meltdown the city was hit by a single bomb. An Enhanced Radiation Weapon (neutron bomb). The weapon had been sheathed in a case of Zinc-64 which when ionized by the nuclear blast produces radioactive Zinc-65. This material had a half-life of only 244 days. Estimates of radiation levels taken from satellite scans were skewed by atmospheric radiation and the presence of a large stockpile (Site F) of yellow cake uranium stored near the city. For years, most of the outside world believed that Sabha was completely uninhabitable)
Tuesday, August 8, 2051:
Success of this mission is paramount. Squadron Leader Morel authorizes the assault team (Brandon, Hanna, Bishop, Duke, Natty & Noah) to use Pit Viper armor. Most of the squad is armed with the standard issued 8mm Militech AR-52 assault rifles. Brandon opts for his personal 14.5mm borg assault rifle. Natty takes her Arasaka WSSA sniper rifle loaded with 3.5 frag-flechette.
Each member of the assault also takes along several anti-personnel grenades and a ‘silenced’ sidearm. The plan is to approach as quietly as possible. They don’t want the alarm going up before they’re inside … though the effectiveness of a silencer on some of the team’s larger hand ‘cannons’ is questionable. Natty brings along a couple of (1 kilo) ‘door buster’ demo charges, just in case.
The team’s vehicles encounter a long patrol on the way to the jump off point, but the unarmored pickup trucks are quickly destroyed. Once in position, the members of the assault team suit up and continue on foot to Sabha. Nip shadows them by drone. They make their approach in the shadow of the fort’s northeast tower. It puts them out of sight of the T-72s. The grade is steep, choked with barbed wire and mines.
“This is Omega, come in Gamma (Nip), do you read?”
There is no answer to Natty’s call; only static.
“Headquarters said, atmospheric radiation could hamper communications,” Bishop offers.
“Or trash it completely,” Noah throws in sarcastically.
“So much for drone support;” Natty moves to the edge of the wire. “We go in anyway. Walid and his men may already be on their way. Follow me in; single file.”
The Team moves out, carefully picking its way up to the base of the wall. Duke and Natty work their way around to the juncture of the tower’s wall and the fort’s eastern rampart. The biogens use the corner to quickly reach the top of the wall. There are two hostiles standing near an emplaced DShK on top of the tower. Neither is very attentive to their duties. The external mics on Natty’s viper suit pick up the strains of conversation. She draws her sidearm and neutralizes both targets. Even silenced, to her, the shots sound much too loud. The biogens scan the fort to see if anyone else noticed.
There is no reaction from the sentry’s on the southwest tower. No one stationed in the courtyard bothers looks up at her position. The keep is quiet. Natty signals the all clear. The rest of the soon join the biogens at the top of the wall. While they climb, Natty continues to watch and listen.
As far as she can tell, there are four guards on duty in the courtyard; two on roving patrol and two stationed near the main gate. There are also sounds coming from the galleries running through the center of the fortress. They are too indistinct to recognize, but could the location of more hostiles.
(GM Note: When the players started their assault I rolled percentile dice for the alertness of the sentries at different locations around the Fort. Low = bad. Those first two guards that Natty capped rolled 5% out of a possible 100%. A freight train could have rolled by and they probably wouldn’t have noticed … which is saying something, since there is no train in Sabha.)
The guard room below the heavy machine gun emplacement is empty. Rather than working their way down to the courtyard, the team sticks to the top of the wall. They move along the northern rampart to a heavy door that leads into the keep. Brandon tries to feed his camera snake under the door, but there is an obstruction in the way (dust guard).
Natty sets up one of the ‘door buster” charges. She pushes it firmly onto the door then backs up to a safe distance. When the charge detonates, the heavy wooden portal splinters. It becomes shrapnel; carried along by the supersonic pressure wave. Inside is utter carnage. The room’s reinforced walls focused the blast. Miraculously, there are still survivors, but they are cut down as the team sweeps through. They shoot anything that moves … or twitches.
Natty tries to keep count of the number of hostiles killed, to estimate how many more they have to face. She starts with an estimate of 50 hostiles. Neutralizing the two sentries at tower brings the number to 48. Looking around though … it’s hard to tell how many people were in the room. Some of the lumps of bloodied flesh are no longer even recognizable as human. The biogen resorts to counting heads. She estimates the number of remaining hostiles at 42. (There were actually 8 men in the room)
Duke runs to another wooden door in the far corner of the opposite wall. It leads to a gallery overlooking the courtyard. A half-wall provides some cover from below. There are also two doors, one at the far end and a second halfway down. At a guess, the far door probably leads to a room very much like the one they’re in. That makes it the most likely place to find more hostiles.
Frag grenade in hand, he races to the other end of the gallery. Duke pauses at doorway to plant his feet and pull the pin. The biogen kicks the door squarely, just to the left of the door latch. (Luckily the cross bar was not in place) It explodes inward; nearly hitting a man as it yaws open. Duke tosses the grenade then shoots the hostile framed in the doorway. The biogen is partially within the blast. Hot metal fragments plink harmlessly off of the Pit Viper’s hardened armor. He slips inside the room to mop up.
Natty and Bishop move to the center door. Beyond it, is a large open room with a staircase leading down. Running footsteps echo from below. Two men race up the stairs, right into Natty’s guns. There are no further sounds of reinforcements. Either there’s no one else coming or they’re being quieter about it.
Natty holsters her pistols and unstraps the Arasaka WSSA.
“Hold the stairs.”
She leaves Bishop to guard their six and returns to the gallery. Brandon, Hanna and Noah are already in position to cover the courtyard. They fire on anyone who sticks their head out. The biogen sticks to the shadows, watching for heavy weapons teams and enemy snipers. She checks the southwest tower, but the gun crew is already down. One of the other must have already taken them out. The Pit Viper’s advanced sensors eventually pick up two hostiles, on one of the lower galleries, wrestling another DShK into position. Natty engages the heavy weapons team, neutralizing both targets.
Duke returns to the gallery and joins the gun line. Their initial fire, caused a good number of casualties, but the defenders now seem wise to what’s going on. The hostiles are sticking to cover … using the lower galleries to approach the keep. Natty realizes the Team has to move or become trapped. The biogen fades back to the stairwell.
She takes a moment to secure the WSSA and pull out her pistols.
“Hanna, cover the stairs.”
The prowler joins Natty and Bishop. They leave her at the top of the steps and descend to the next level. The floor below is another large room. There are signs of habitation, but no hostiles. A sweep of the side rooms comes up empty. They continue down, to the ground floor. The entrance hall is empty like the floors above. There are however signs of hasty departure. The door to one of the side rooms is barred from the inside.
Natty kicks the door but it holds. Cries of fear carry through the thick wood. They are joined by the wail of a child. The biogen has no desire to slaughter non-combatants. These people locked themselves in, so they don’t pose a threat. She also doesn’t want to waste more time breaking down the door. Natty signals Bishop to move back towards the stairwell.
The defenders pepper the gallery above with assault weapons fire. Many of the rounds find their mark, only to ricochet harmlessly off of the Pit Vipers’ hardened armor. The suits make them feel invincible. Instead of keeping in cover, they stand in the open archways, blazing away at the hostiles below. Movement near the base of the keep catches Brandon’s attention. He leans out for a better look.
A rocket propelled grenade ends the illusion of invincibility. It slams into the biomechanical’s chest. The blast throws him backwards, crushing him against the wall. Indicators on the Pit Viper’s HUD begin to flash red. The suit has lost environmental integrity. Brandon’s own sensors report extensive internal damage to his biomechanical body. A second rocket strikes the wall next to Duke. The biogen is blown flat, by the near miss. Noah rolls behind a pillar. He switches optics to enhance the weapon’s smoke trail. He fires on its point of origin.
Brandon picks himself up and rushes towards the stairs. The enemy is at the base of the keep. Duke instinctively follows. Neither man thinks to warn the rest of the team. Noah continues to fire from the gallery. If they were to completely abandon the position, the defenders might realize something is up.
Natty and Bishop reach the basement. Voices carry through the partially opened steel door.
The biogen reaches for a frag grenade, but changes her mind. They had yet to find the keep’s armory. It would be just her luck to blow them both up by fragging a room filled with ammo and explosives. Natty unclips a pair of smoke grenades instead.
(GM Note: I have a pretty good poker face, but it was hard not to smile when the two players were discussing whether or not I would put the armory in the basement. The players chose wisely, though it would only be a percentage chance of a frag setting anything else off)
The canisters clink across the stone floor as she tosses them through the gap in the door. Natty and Bishop switch to thermo. A burst of automatic fire rings off the metal door. The amount of fire diminishes as the defenders are quickly overcome by the billowing green cloud. Blinded and struggling for breath, they offer little resistance.
The two operatives clear the rest of the level. They find staircase behind another metal door. The steps descend further into the hill. At the bottom is the fort’s dungeon. The cells are packed with men women and children. Before they can even think about freeing the prisoners, there is a momentary tremor. The rumble of an explosion echoes from above.
Brandon and Duke watch as the keeps heavy steel door bow inward. The external sound feed briefly cuts out as their suits’ dampeners activate to mute the noise of the explosion. Metal twists and splits, but the doors remain standing. Both men hold their positions, sure that the enemy will try again.
Natty’s calls out on the tactical channel, “What’s going on up there.”
“They’re trying to blow open the doors.”
The calmness in Brandon’s voice seems at odds with the situation, but she finds it reassuring.
“Where are you now?”
“Duke and I are covering the front doors. Where are you?”
“Sublevels; we’re coming back up now.”
Brandon see’s movement through gaps in the metal doors. “Hold your position. I think they’re planting another charge.”
Forty-eight seconds later, the doors are rocked by another explosion. Already weakened by the first blast, this time they do not hold. A large piece of the left door bounces off the wall near Duke. The enemy rushes through the breach before the dust even settles. There are not enough of them to overcome two heavily armed operative firing from fixed positions. Natty and Bishop reach the top of the steps and add to the carnage. Sixteen of the defenders are cut down. There is no second charge.
Natty sends Hanna to the basement to secure the arsenal and prisoners. Bishop and Noah take over watching the main doors, so that Duke and Brandon can sweep the upper galleries. Natty heads to the roof to assess the situation. Noises from outside the fort draw her attention. She hazards a peek over the wall. The crew of one of the T-72s is out of their tank. They are at the base of the wall banging on what must be the sally port. The access point is secured from the inside, so there’s no worry of them getting in. The only concern is if the try to traverse their many gun to shoot at the fort. She drops a frag on their heads.
Resistance inside the fort breaks. The few remaining defenders fall back towards the airport. Natty tells her team to let them go. She transmits the success code. Within ten minutes, two Bast Corporation AVs land in the courtyard of the secured fort. They carry Walid and forty of his best fighters. The aerodynes dust off as soon as they deliver their payload.
Natty meets the Toubou warlord in the courtyard and formally hands over control of Fort Elena. Walid’s men fan out to secure the fortress and round up the non-combatants. They setup two 105mm mortars, aimed toward the airport. A team goes out through the sally ports to take control of the T-72s. A warning shot from an RPG convinces the second tank’s crew to surrender. Four men climb to the top of the keep to raise a large black banner bearing a white crescent and star. (It’s the flag of the old Sultanate of the Fezzan).
Within twenty minutes of the raising, there are reports of movement in the city. Walid’s allies in Sabha flock to the fortress. A column of Bast corporate transports and armored vehicles reaches the city at dawn. They bring in more of Walid’s fighters as well as a Global Share mobile field hospital. The team’s vehicles are also with the column, as is Nip. She sends her drones to scout the airport’s defenses.
The images they return aren’t good. Two howitzers have been setup in front of one of the hangers. The Katyusha is about forty meters away, in a hull-down position behind a revetment. Natty advises Walid to not use his mortars. She instead calls in an air strike. The biogen hopes a little ‘shock and awe’ will take the fight out of the enemy.
The radio squawks, “Mother One on final approach. Enemy guns are painted.”
A shot from the first howitzer flies over the fort and lands in the city. The second falls short, hitting the base of the hill. Tense seconds tick by. Natty watches the gun crew reload and adjust range on her helmet display (camera feed from the drone). She sees twin contrails as two missiles streak towards their targets. Three seconds later, the image of the howitzers is replaced by a bright flash. A third missile takes out the Katyusha.
Walid smiles, “Send an emissary. Offer a truce.”
The airport’s defenders agree to a ceasefire. With their artillery destroyed, they have little choice. Walid promises safe conduct for any who wish to leave, so long as they do not destroy the airport’s facilities or any equipment that they leave behind. This offer astonishes his enemies and infuriates some among his allies from the city. He silences the dissenters, by reminding them that they are now in the holy month of Dhu al-Qi’dah.
Walid further states that he will not see the birth of their new nation marked by a massacre. One of his more ardent supports suggests that they swear by Allah. There are shouts of support and nervous looks. Such a demand could fracture the coalition. Walid side steps a confrontation by quietly asking, “We are all good Muslims. Do we need an oath to trust one another?”
(GM Note: Yes, he shamed them into going along with his plan. Bloody reprisals gain them nothing. If anything, a massacre hurts their cause. Global Share and by extension the Bast Corporation, could reconsider supporting an independent Fezzan. The airport’s facilities could be damaged or destroyed in the attack. Walid is still unsure of some of his allies. Having a continued threat gives them a reason to stick together. Being merciful in victory might also make future enemies more willing to surrender)
A convoy of vehicles leaves the airport headed toward Ubari. Several more vehicles head north. The Bast Corporation’s forces move in to take possession of the airfield. They begin a sweep, looking for explosive devices or other ‘surprises’. They find the third T-72 in one of the hangers. Though blatantly sabotaged, the techs report that it is still repairable.
The team members climb out of their Pit Viper armor and change back into BDUs. Natty sends Bishop to help with the field hospital. The rest of them work on setting up a perimeter.
Wednesday, August 9, 2051:
Walid invites the other leaders of the coalition to Fort Elena. Many of the tribal leaders come themselves. Those that cannot, send representatives. Sheik Mansur is flown in from Waw an Namus. 2nd Lieutenant Lanikova is put in command of overseeing the defense of the airport. The Global Share medical facilities are fully operational. Their initial focus had been on treating those wounded in the assault. By late afternoon (as word gets out) a small trickle of patients begin to arrive from the city.
Thursday, August 10, 2051:
Walid’s forces try to maintain order in Sabha. The city’s Imams uniformly speak for peace, but ethnic and tribal divisions threaten to boil over.
The tribal council continues to meet.
The Team heads out on a recon mission to the town of Ubari just west of Sabha. Nip’s drones spot a detachment from the French Foreign Legion at the town’s airport. The Legionnaires appeared to be engaging in training exercises with a unit of locals.
Friday, August 11, 2051:
The tribal council finishes its deliberations just before dawn. Walid is endorsed as ‘Commander of the Faithful’. The traditional black flag with white crescent moon and star continues to fly from the top of Fort Elena.
Saturday, August 12, 2051:
Natalie Lanikova is promoted to full Lieutenant and officially removed as commander of Ghost Team One. She is ‘reassigned’ to long range recon operations in Niger. Duke is officially transferred to Ghost Team’s training command. In actuality they are both going undercover in Sabha. Brandon Heath is promoted to Warrant Officer 1st Class and given command of Ghost Team One. Noah and Bishop remain with the Team. Nip is made a Warrant Officer 2nd Class and put in charge of all drone operations in the capital area.
Walid has decided that except for his personal troops, who will form his ‘bodyguard’ battalion. The three new battalions being raised by the fledgling Fezzan Army will be ethnically divided. There is too much distrust to try and force integration at this time.
However, the Fezzan National Police will however be fully integrated. Ghost Team One is being assigned to train the police from the north side Precinct in Sabha. The North Side is the most violent and ethnically divided section of Sabha.
Sunday, August 13, 2051:
The Libyan land rush commences with the Tunisians crossing the border into Tripolitania to forestall an Algerian land grab. The Algerian military already occupies the town of Ghat in southwest Fezzan.
Monday, August 14, 2051:
Duke as Davir Azwayed opens a coffee/hookah shop in southern Sabha. Natty becomes Tifrat Ag Mossa, a Taureg woman who works at the shop. They hope to keep a pulse on the neighborhood.
Tuesday, August 15, 2051:
On the political front, the Republic of Chad recognizes the Fezzan State. They sign a treaty with Walid and agree to supply 100 troops (out of a maximum of 350) for a diplomatic ‘Green Zone’ in Sabha. This sets off a flurry of diplomatic debate in other nations over how to address the Fezzan issue.
Tuesday, August 22, 2051:
A Chadian diplomatic and military mission arrives in Sabha.
Wednesday, August 23, 2051:
Cyrenaica proclaims itself an independent kingdom. The grandson of Crown Prince Mohammed El Senussi becomes the constitutional monarch. He flies to Benghazi with his family. Egypt immediately recognizes the Kingdom of Cyrenaica. Many in political circles believe the new nation to be little more than a cat’s paw for the government in Cairo .
Friday, August 25, 2051:
The State of the Fezzan and Cyrenaica recognize each other in principle.
Sunday, August 27, 2051:
The coffee/hookah shop run by Duke/Davir with Natty/Tifrat goes out of business and Tifrat ‘heads south’. The biogens are actually preparing to join the Fezzan National Police as Arab volunteers. The Daughters of Umarra, a Libyan group of Muslim female bodyguards and assassins, agree to let Natty (as Leila Hasib) pose as a member of their group. In return one of their own operative is inserted into Sabha’s South Precinct as a police officer. Duke keeps up his guise as Davir, now a failed businessman, looking for a fresh start in the newly formed police service.
Tuesday, September 5, 2051 (29th of Dhu ’l-Hiija, 1473)
The Chadian Embassy opens. A small fortified diplomatic area has been set up just northwest of Fort Elena on the ruins of one of Kaddafi’s old palaces. Walid’s ‘government’ negotiates a multi-lateral Treaty of Recognition in Alexandria, Egypt.
The Commonwealth will send a Resident Minister to head its Diplomatic Mission with 25 security troops (a contingent of the SAS).
Sudan will send a Resident Minister (with an Egyptian serving as American Interests officer; NO C.I.A. is to be sent … as if mere words would keep them out).
Chad and Egypt join as guarantors with full Embassies. Fezzan and Cyrenaica exchange Resident Ministers and speak vaguely about a Libyan State.
Thursday, September 7, 2051 (2nd of Muharram, 1474)
The EU Foreign Service issues a report against recognition of the State of the Fezzan.
Friday, September 8, 2051 (3rd of Muharram, 1474)
The Cyrenaica Embassy opens in Sabha.
Monday, September 11, 2051 (6th of Muharram, 1474)
The EU goes berserk as the Russian Federation signs on to the Alexandrian Accords, and offers a full Ambassador and 100 troops for ‘Green Zone’. The Europeans fear (with good reason) this is a prelude to further Russian involvement in Africa. The Commonwealth and U.S. offer to mediate. The United States is told, in not so polite language, to basically ‘go fuck themselves’. The Commonwealth’s offer of mediation is accepted.
Saturday, September 16, 2051 (11th of Muharram, 1474)
After a week’s negotiations, the Commonwealth Diplomatic service mediates an agreement between EU, Russia and Fezzan. Russia downgrades its diplomatic mission to Resident Minister and is limited to 50 security troops. The EU sends a full diplomatic mission with an Ambassador, a French Resident Minister, and Interpol (Agent Bruner, who is very interested in speaking with Brandon and to a lesser extent Natty). They are also allowed 50 security personnel. The French immediately transfer the 25 French Foreign Legionnaires at the Ubari Airport to Sabha.
Tuesday, September 19, 2051 (14th of Muharram, 1474)
Sudan’s diplomatic mission begins to show up. To no one’s surprise the United States ups its diplomatic presence in Sabha to a Consular Mission. (…and a few C.I.A. observers) They also send 25 US Marines.
Thursday, September 21, 2051 (16th of Muharram, 1474)
The Russians show up in force over the next week. Adding up all of the assistants and attachés that fly in, the diplomatic mission quickly bloats to 100 members. The EU diplomatic post joins the FFL troops already in Sabha. They quietly increase the number of functionaries in country to match that of the Russians.
There is a shortage of available buildings in the ‘Green Zone.’ Many of the diplomatic missions are forced to work out of containerized housing and other temporary structures. The diplomatic quarter has the look of a high rent refugee camp.
Next: Episode 19: COPS – Sabha