Disguise – It always comes in handy in Cyberpunk
The Disguise Skill is a very valuable asset to a character, and it can be used on yourself or you can use it on someone else. You need a Disguise Kit (see Other Equipment for info on kits) to use this effectively. The GM may waive this for a quick disguise roll (with minuses) if he/she feels the character’s skill or situation calls for it. All Disguises are not equal. Most disguises can be seen through by a solo with Combat Sense (or character with Combat Sneak). If a disguise is seen through by 5 to 10 points (more on this later), then you will be recognized for who you are, if the other party knows your face.
There are two types of disguise: 1) temporary and 2) semi-permanent. The Temporary Disguise is the most common. Someone who sees through your disguise will only know you are in a disguise unless, they beat your roll (by 5) and then they will know your true face. The Semi-permanent Disguise is harder to see through. Once you have established a Semi-permanent Disguise, you keep a record and description of it. You may have a limited number of these. That number is your Disguise Skill Number minus two. To establish a Semi-permanent Disguise, you must be in a place to work that is free of most stress and distractions. There must be light, room to move and practice speaking. You must have no minuses on your stats due to wounds etc. You must possess and use YOUR OWN Professional Disguise Kit (+2). You will get no +2 benefit from the kit unless you spend the additional time above the time needed to establish the Semi-permanent Disguise. You must spend four uninterrupted hours ‘researching/studying’ this new disguise. Once it is established, the time is reduced to one hour to reacquire the disguise. Once a Semi-permanent Disguise is established it is set, and cannot be changed except by having facial reconstruction, which cancels all established semi-permanent disguises, or going up a level in the skill: Disguise. In that case the charcater can confirm or give up a semi-permanent disguise (usuallt to ‘make room’ for another). A minimum roll of 25 + is necessary to establish a Semi-permanent Disguise.
Take the original skill check, and subtract the player’s raw Disguise skill number and that will be that Semi-permanent Disguise’s target number to reestablish it again. Any negative difference that occurs on an attempt to re-establish that disguise might give someone who has seen it before a chance to see through it, especially a solo type character. For the ‘disguised’ character, a regular Awareness/Notice check (15+) (no combat sense or sneak) will allow them to know if they have made their threshold number, or realize they have to do it all over again). Combat Sense and Combat Sneak do NOT apply to the roll to see through this kind of disguise. (Although a Model’s SA Pose might.) If this disguise is seen through, it takes an additional +10 to realize your true face. Each new day you wear this disguise you need a touch up roll of 15+ to maintain it (although a simple make up kit will do for this roll).
You can lower your appearance stat (ATTR) using your disguise skill, but you cannot raise it with just disguise skill alone. The Royo Bodymask, Body Cure, and Autotanner etc cover raising ATTR. You need a personal Professional Disguise Kit as with the Semi-permanent Disguise to lower your ATTR with the skill. If you are doing this in conjunction with a disguise roll, you must roll a separate skill roll for the ATTR modification. The target is 15 for one point, 20 for two points, 25 for three points etc. ATTR can be lowered no lower than 2 by this method. If this roll is successful, then make the roll for the regular of Semi-permanent disguise with a –1 to the roll for every point of ATTR lowered. When doing a Semi-permanent Disguise lowering adds a base of one hour to both the original and reestablishing rolls for it. Every point of ATTR lowered beyond 2 adds another ½ hour to this prep time.
Disguise Skill Modifiers:
Minimum Time for Skill Roll…………………………3 minutes
To Get a +1 on Skill Roll………………………………1 hour
To Get a +2 on Skill Roll………………………………4 hours
Very Good Disguise Kit (2000 eb)……………………+1
Professional Disguise Kit (5000 eb)………………..+2
Voice Synthesizer……………………………………..+1 (or +4 impersonation)
Voice Pattern………………………………………….+1 (or +4 impersonation)
Eye Color Gland Control or Color Shift……..…….+1
Color Changing Tech Hair……………..……..…….….+1
Time for kit bonus on Semi-permanent Disguise……..4 hours