Introduction: Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms – 2047
Finally, after almost two years we have finished our Burn Notice Campaign (55 episodes), and will be embarking on a new story arc dealing with the Cyberpunk American South in 2047. New PCs will be joining old PCs in a tale of government and corporate conspiracy to bring down the reactionary and corrupt regime of the Lowndes Family in Alabama. The current American President David Whindam has a vision of a strong centralized corporate America and the four petty dictatorships ruling Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana stand in his way. That is not a healthy place to stand. Those who know Whindam well see through his carefully cultivated image as a Nobel Prize winning politician who saved the world from the ravages of the Carbon Plague. Now in his fourth full term as President it is becoming apparent that he will not give up power until he succeeds in remaking America according to his vision. While his popularity is flagging a bit, the electorate keeps sending him back to the White House. An election is coming in 2048, and he needs a new accomplishment to rally his base.
Of course a “Dirty Tricks” campaign to bring down a legal state government flies in the face of any accepted legal standard. An operation of this nature would have to be totally black and completely off the books. Due to the scope many would be involved, few would actually know what is really going on. The parts of the conspiracy would be very compartmentalized. The participants need to be desperate, deniable people who are also expendable. In short, this is a perfect job for a group of Edgerunners.
The Opening Moves
In early October 2046, Nathan Forrest, Deputy Director for Clandestine Operations is invited to lunch at the White House. In attendance is C.I.A. Deputy Director Hamilton Greeley, US Attorney for the District of Northern Florida Richard Sharkey, Presidential Legal Counsel Sandra Woo and President David Whindam, who has directed Greeley and Sharkey to come up with a plan to break the power of the dictators who rule the four Cotton Kingdoms: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. They will start with Alabama.
“Deputy Director Greeley and US Attorney Sharkey have briefed me on their plan,” the President begins. “My own Attorney Ms. Woo has reviewed it and assures me that while it might skate the edge of legality it is within our rights to attempt it. Nathan, we need your help. Although it is normally LawDiv’s responsibility for operations inside the United States proper we feel they are compromised. You will be given a Presidential Action Letter to cooperate with US Attorney Sharkey and provide a Team Leader to assist with their plan. I have a meeting with Senator deChartier in a few minutes so he and Deputy Director Greeley will brief you.”
With that Whindam and Woo leave the room. There is his plausible deniability if this goes sideways, Forrest thinks.
After the briefing and back in his office at Langley, Nathan Forrest mulls over his mission. Greeley and Sharkey are right. They need a top military mind versed in small unit tactics who will not be suspected as a government operative. Greeley’s assessment that his old friend, Sam Fisher is the man for the job is correct. His recent five year stint in prison and resulting felon status put him above suspicion as a government operative now. The lure of cutting through the red tape that is delaying that man’s pensions will be the carrot that may bring him on board. After all Sam owes him for Rio. Having Fisher run the Petersen Point Resort hotel as a cover bothers him, but he has been assured that the current assistant manager can help his friend pull off that part. The C.I.A. honcho has the perfect opportunity to approach him. In two months Sam’s daughter Catherine is getting married to another retired C.I.A agent, Kyle Vaduva. Nathan has already received his invitation. He can mix business with pleasure. No one will question their meeting there.
Forrest looks over the dossiers of the other members of the Team that have been selected. Ricco Torres is a Disney Corporate security executive with an impressive record in Rio de Janeiro and Orlando, Florida and he will serve as hotel security chief. Torres is being sent by Disney since they have a financial interest in the Petersen Point Resort. All the rest were hired through fixer cutouts by the various agencies that selected them: Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf is an experienced bar and club manager and is ex-military. Betty Lu is an up and coming attorney who has recently moved from Texas to Florida. She just handed Richard Sharkey a stunning defeat in the Tallahassee Federal Court. The Department of Justice has found these two. Doctor Eduardo Ricci is another Brazilian, who will not arouse suspicion. This man also has military experience. Brandon Heath is the last of the Team selected and will be a security officer. He comes well recommended. He had made few to no waves in his work as an undercover investigator for the Bast Corporation. His anonymity is a testament to his work. These last two come to the group by way of the President’s Counsel, Sandra Woo. These six should do nicely. They will serve as Sam’s ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. This group is only a small part of a much larger operation. Deputy Director Greeley didn’t read Forrest in on the rest of the plan. Despite Ms. Woo’s assurances, Nathan knows this project is totally illegal, but that has never stopped President Whindam before. Forrest will keep his Presidential Action Letter safe. It is his insurance.
The PCs will be using a seedy Florida panhandle resort as their headquarters and cover for this operation. The Petersen Point Resort was quite a place in its day, but bad management and years of neglect have taken its toll. Its location is excellent. The place is less than a mile from an interchange on Interstate 10. That road has been kept up due to the fact that the Pensacola COG is here. The resort is a couple of miles from a major gate to the old Eglin Air Force Base reservation, now part of that COG. The rising waters have sunk the main barrier island across Pensacola Bay. The only part of that island above water is the high ground that old Fort Pulaski was built on.
Map of Pensacola Area
This change in the water level has had an unintended positive effect. Large navy vessels can now easily use the port and harbor since a channel has been cut across thru the shoals created by the now sunken barrier island. The fleet anchorage is well protected by this. Up on Blackwater Bay where the resort and the Town of Blackwater are, larger boats can get there and the small town handles three good size fishing vessels which constitute the second largest industry for that community. The surrounding farms which lie inland fight their perennial battle with the encroaching Kudzu that has engulfed all untended land. These family-owned agricultural enterprises are the third reason the town has been able to hang on. The loss of the resort might sound the death knell for this community.
Over the years the upper Blackwater Bay area has gained another dubious distinction. The deeper water at the Resort Trailer Park and Cottages has attracted groups of nomads. The resort now serves as a point of contact between the Thelas Nation (sea nomads) and their land traveling cousins. Bad management has enabled the Nomad Nations to permanently occupy two thirds of the Trailer Park spaces and half of the guest cottages. This is a mixed blessing. During the tourist season, the hotel loses money that more well-heeled guests would pay. During the slower summer months there is a guaranteed income. Since the resort’s maintenance department is also in shambles, the nomads keep up the parts of the resort they occupy. Another issue is, while some use the term ‘nomads’ or ‘Thelas Nation’, the authorities view them as ‘pirates’. Yes, this place is also a conduit for smuggling. These activities don’t hurt the locals; in fact, it brings in goods at prices these poor southerners can afford. The local sheriff’s department has enough trouble with the crazies from the bayous in the north part of Santa Rosa County (created by the rising waters) and the Alabama State Police, so they generally leave the ‘pirates’ alone. This lack of cooperation aggravates Federal authorities no end.
Map – Petersen Point
Here is where the last two PCs involved in the campaign enter. Charlie Bibbliodoc, a nomad weaponsmith (and long standing PC), along with his assistant Beebe Laugherty, daughter of another PC named Beatrice Laugherty (see write up on our Fourth Corporate War Campaign about the mother), are here working on two projects. The first is for the Department of Defense developing next generation laser technology at a government protected facility on the lower Blackwater Bay across from the resort. Charlie is also helping the Thelas Nation refurbish the heavy weapon defenses on their floating colonies in the Gulf and on some of their vessels. While parts of the government are outraged by this, the DoD and DARPA feel that his government work far outweighs the minor annoyance of the better defended colonies that lie outside of US territorial waters. Charlie and Beebe live in the largest cottage (a large house really) at the Petersen Point Resort. Charlie and Sam Fisher are old friends (both took part in the Romanian Campaign).
As previously stated, the Resort is in sad shape. The following list of problems was made available to the PCs a week before game play started:
Main Hotel building (Off Limits to Military personnel)
- Rooms (on 5 floors and in small buildings around pool)
- Palmetto Room (Bar)
- Restaurant & Dining room (This has four star cuisine)
- Pool (closed)
- Whirlpool & mini-gym (closed)
- Offices
Outside Land Sports
- Tennis/basketball courts
- Rifle and pistol range (leased out to other parties and unavailable for use)
- Baseball/softball field
- Soccer field
Outside Water Sports (Off Limits to Military personnel)
- Beach w/swimming
- Waterskiing (closed; boat down)
- Fishing: Deep Sea and coastal fishing (1 of 2 boats working and that one is leased out)
- Water Taxi and bay tours (closed, boat down)
- 8 small (10’) rental boats w/outboard motors for local sport fishing (all not functioning)
- Airboat rides (closed; both airboats non-functioning)
Facilities (All are Off Limits to Military personnel)
- Marina with fuel dock (and fast food kitchen – closed)
- Boat repair yard (closed) last manager shot by dead by a Thelas Nomad
- Trailer Park: 2/3 of spaces permanently rented to nomads.
- Cottages: ½ permanently rented to Nomads.
- Blackwater Café: highway breakfast spot (run by the Visigoths MC)
- Blue Moon Revue (a “gentlemen’s” club)
- Panhandle Saloon (a country western bar)
- School which is run in cooperation with the Town of Blackwater & various nomads.
- Water & Sewer system serving the resort and the Town of Blackwater.
- Par 3 Golf Course; closed since fairways and greens have been vandalized.
As you can see there are formidable problems facing the PCs beyond the standard missions they will be sent on. I have spent 3 ½ months scribbling notes every now and then to come up with this ‘sandbox’ for the PCs to play in. In the process I have created initially 82 named NPCs and their interrelationships. Most are just a line or two at present, but about 10% are fully developed and important characters. It may sound like a lot, but most are based on people I have met over my life. A few years of which were working at a seedy resort in the swamps of Florida. I want to thank Companero, Dog Soldier, Rockwolf66 and gomiville for their excellent input on our development thread under Cybercountries here on vfte. Many of their insights and suggestions have found their way into our upcoming story or refined the focus of previously planned plot threads. Of course, I also would like to thank my perennial conspirators Destecado and SnowCrystal for all their time, patience and ideas.
OK. As those who follow our stories here know, we run in our own little Cyberpunk Universe with an expanded timeline. The following is a brief overview of events from the end of our Burn Notice Campaign’s Rio de Janeiro Adventures (no spoilers since the last Episode and Epilogue are in the editorial phase) and the beginning of the Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms.
Timeline from End of Burn Notice Campaign
February 27: The cruiser EUS Lisbon (last of the Strasbourg Class) is launched from the EU space docks.
March 7: MSS Phobus departs Mars for the Jovian System.
March 15: Senator Mariska Benes, a hero of the Martian War of Independence, (formerly the netrunner for the Edgerunner team: the Firemen and Europe 3000 terrorist, Raggedy Anne) is elected to a 12 year term as a Consul of the Martian Republic. The EU issues a formal protest on the election of the wanted Czech terrorist.
May 8: A wave of bombings against EU corporate interests is unleashed across the Czech Republic by the Free Czech Army on Liberation Day, which commemorates the end of WWII in Europe, in protest of the EU supported dictatorship of President (formally General) Skroup.
May 19: The first of the Commonwealth space frigates are launched without much fanfare. Plans call for the construction of eight more over the next eight years. Every other one constructed goes to EU.
July 11: Construction commences on the MSS Chryse, sister ship to the MSS Isidis off the Galileo Cylinder.
August 6: Doctor Gordon Freeman, Roca Terrier, Wyatt and the five Rio orphans adopted by the Martian A.I. leave for the Galileo Cylinder aboard a Martian diplomatic vessel equipped with Mark II Ion engines.
September 3: The EU battle cruiser EUS Bismarck is launched from the expanded EU construction facilities at their space docks in Earth orbit.
October 18: Zahra Baudin (from the Port Royal ‘Season’ of our Burn Notice Campaign) is acquitted of the murder charge that hung over her head (from her Life Path) in Kingston, Jamaica.
November 17: German troops serving under EU auspices fire on Czech students in Prague during the annual national Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day commemorating the student protest against the Nazis in 1939 and the protests in 1989 that brought about the Velvet Revolution ending Communist rule. The demonstrators had forced their way into an EU controlled neighborhood when local Czech police refused orders to open fire on the students.
November 27: Construction commences on the Bismarck’s sister ship the EUS Tirpitz.
December 2: Kyle Vaduva and Catherine ‘Cat’ Ortiz-Fisher are married in Atlantic City, New Jersey with all their family and friends in attendance. Sam Fisher walks his ‘daughter’ down the aisle. Quite a few representatives of the world’s intelligence agencies attend whether they were invited or not.
January 2: EUS Orleans arrives off Mercury and relieves EUS Madrid, which heads out on a return patrol to Earth.
January 5: Ricco Torres arrives at the Petersen Point Resort one day ahead of the rest of the hired Team. Dr. Eduardo Ricci had arrived two days before. Charlie Bibbliodoc and Beebe Laugherty have already been here about two months but have spent most of their time in their government funded workshop across the Blackwater Bay or out at sea working with the Thelas Nation nomads. The Fall of the Cotton Kingdoms Campaign begins.
Episode 1 – Welcome to the Petersen Point Resort
Sam Fisher arrives on site with his fiancée, Rianna Prescot. The new manager gets his first look at the Petersen Point Resort. First impressions, this is no fixer-upper, it’s a complete train wreck. A deteriorating physical plant skeletally staffed by sullen, if not down right hostile workers, two of who quit soon after his arrival. And what tour is complete without a fight and stabbing. It’s not turning out to be an auspicious first day.
Even with all its problems, ‘The Point’ does function, after a fashion. This is in no small part thanks to the un-sung heroic efforts of the resort’s assistant manager. Sam and his ‘hand picked’ management team are just beginning to ease themselves into the working rhythm of the place when things are thrown into chaos by a sniper’s bullet. A manhunt for the would be assassin(s), with the aid of local law enforcement, turns up more questions than answers.
Retired Delta Force colonel and former C.I.A. assassin, Sam Fisher is ‘officially’ released from prison. Publically, he just wants to put his 5-years sentence behind him and get on with his life; something made exceedingly difficult by the government’s failure to honor its promise. As part of the unofficial deal for pleading guilty to extortion (resulting from a botched operation during the Atlantic City ‘season’ of the Burn Notice Campaign) Sam was guaranteed his government pensions upon release. Deprived of retirement benefits and with few prospects of legal employment, now that he is a felon, the future looks bleak. An old friend (Nathan Forrest Deputy Director for Clandestine Services at the C.I.A.) offers Sam a way out of his troubles, in return for help with a little problem of his own.
President Whindham has decided to bring the four southern states, collectively known as the ‘Cotton Kingdoms’, to heel. Sam, accompanied by his fiancée Rianna Prescott, will be sent to Santa Rosa County in the Florida panhandle near the Pensacola COG to manage the Petersen Point Resort, a seedy old tourist destination that will serve as a ‘safe house’ for operations to bring down the state government of Alabama. He will also be tasked with the occasional mission himself. To aide him, a ‘Dirty Deeds’ group has been assembled. They will be inserted with cover identities as new employees of the hotel. Only Sam will be aware of the government’s involvement in this operation.
Dramatis Personae
The Team
Beebe Laugherty: A young tech and member of the Snake Nation helping Charlie with his various projects. She is the daughter of retired Major Beatrice ‘Bea’ Laugherty, who gained fame (or infamy) by firing the first orbital artillery strike of the Fourth Corporate War on Night City.
Betty Lu: An attractive 25 yo lawyer of Chinese descent. Despite her appearance she is a Texas girl, through and through.
Brandon Heath: A solo who will serve as a security officer at the Petersen Point Resort. He is a member of the ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. Unknown to everyone but Doctor Eduardo Ricci, Brandon is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’ sent by the Collective in response to a request by Sam’s daughter to watch over her father. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He was rescued from a top secret government lab by his friend, Caitlin Jones.
Charlie Bibbliodoc: A master weaponsmith and owner of Boss Arms. He is a Snake Nation nomad who is in the area to work on two projects. The first is a program sponsored by DARPA, to develop next generation laser technology. The second is to augment the defensive capabilities of the floating colonies and vessels of the Thelas Nation in the Gulf of Mexico. He is an old friend of Sam Fisher from the Romanian Campaign.
Doctor Eduardo Ricci. This man is the hotel physician and a ‘Dirty Deeds’ employee. He is a Brazilian national who used to work with Roca Terrier, and is trained in bio-mechanical repair.
Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf: A young, muscle bound solo with experience in managing bars and other watering holes. He is a member of Sam’s ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. His cover is Food and Beverage manager at the Petersen Point Resort.
Rianna Prescott: A younger woman from Sam Fisher’s past, who reconnected with him in Atlantic City and stood by him through his years in prison. They are engaged to be married.
Ricco Torres: A former member of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police who became a private investigator when his friendship with certain ‘unsavory’ characters came to light. The Disney Corporation hired him to assist an Edgerunner team brought in to push their political agenda in Rio. In the process a monstrous plot that cost the lives of thousands of residents of the infamous favelas was uncovered and Ricco figured prominently in bringing the conspirators to justice. He was promoted and moved to Walt Disney World in Florida. When the United States government asked Disney for help, they sent Ricco to take over as head of security at the Petersen Point Resort.
Sam Fisher: Retired Delta Force sniper, CIA black operative, assassin, cleaner, you-name-it. He has just been released from prison after pleading guilty and serving a five year sentence for extortion to protect his friends and his daughter from the fallout of a botched operation. He is the general manager of the Petersen Point Resort and Team Leader.
The NPCs
Alice Timmons runs the Trailer Park and the Guest Houses at the Petersen Point Resort.
Alina Lanikova is the lead dancer at the Blue Moon Revue. She is a stunningly beautiful (ATTR 10), tall 29 year old Czech woman. Her skills are exceptional and she acts as ‘Den Mother” to the other dancers. She lives at the Resort with her teenage daughter.
Angela Bauer is an older woman from the Snake Nation who serves as a teacher at the school. She settled in Blackwater and lives in the hotel trailer park.
Beulah St. John, an old black woman, is head of housekeeping at the Petersen Point Resort.
Cathy Hodges is the head of the school and a hotel employee.
Carrie Anne Thorn is Front Desk Manager, also assistant hotel manager and bookkeeper at the Petersen Point Resort. She is a small white woman in her early sixties. Carrie Anne has arthritis so she doesn’t walk a lot.
Eustis (‘Useless’) Saint Claire is an old black man who runs the water and sewer system at the Petersen Point Resort.
Father Ernesto Rivera is the Puerto Rican born priest of St. Peter’s by the Sea. He is 32 years old and very warm and friendly.
Gardner Weems is the old white cracker who runs the resort’s marina.
Heather Strong is a pregnant Thelas nomad on land for her high risk pregnancy and another teacher at the school.
Henry ‘Hank’ Tremont is the president of the local charter of the Visigoths MC.
Jesse James is the sloppy (with the money, but honest) bartender from the Panhandle Saloon.
Johnny ‘Squint’ Tucker, a not overly bright man about 36 years old, is the assistant manager and head bartender for the Panhandle Saloon.
Kelly O’Donnell is a 22 year old Irish dancer at the Blue Moon Revue. She has bright red hair and lots of freckles. ATTR 9
Loc Thi Mai is a local Vietnamese-American girl who dances at the Blue Moon Revue. She is 20 years old. ATTR 8
Mona du Bois is a tall powerfully built Cajun black woman, another dancer at the Blue Moon Revue. She is 26 years old. ATTR 8
Nancy Petersen is a 25 year old cocktail waitress at the Panhandle saloon.
Obadiah ‘Obie’ Terhune is an Afro-American male about 51 years old who is the maintenance chief at the Petersen Point Resort. Actually, he is the entire maintenance department which should number at least ten.
Paul Gambier is the head chef at the Petersen Point Resort and from an old Cajun family of the area.
Philbert Gagnon is a local from the town, and teacher at the school.
Sergeant Willard Broome is the senior patrol officer for Florida Department of Law Enforcement (State Police) in this area. He is a crew-cut wearing no-nonsense trooper.
Selena Rodrigues is a young ATTR 9 Mexican-American dancer at the Blue Moon Revue, aged 19.
Sheriff Marcus G. (Garvey) Mason of Santa Rosa County is a powerfully built African-American with a bald head and piercing brown eyes. He has been sheriff for seventeen years and on the force for eight years before that, as well as twelve years in the Army. He has a cyberarm and two cybereyes as well as a lot of smaller cyberware. The man has a reputation as a tough, honest cop who protects his county.
Sheriff Roger Calhoun of Escambia County is a hard ass white cop, who has had his job for 24 years.
Simon ‘Sly’ Tremont is the MC and assistant manager for the Blue Moon Revue. He is a greasy looking white man with black hair and a pencil thin mustache.
Stefan ‘Steve’ Zelinsky is a prospect of the Visigoths MC. He has some audio visual skills. He is ‘seeing’ Alina Lanikova’s 14 year old daughter.
Trooper Seth Hunt of the FDLE (Florida State Police) is Sergeant Broome’s usual partner.
A whole bunch of local kids whose names nobody bothered to find out (including one who stabs Sam Fisher).
The Action
Friday, January 4, 2047:
As Sam Fisher and his fiancée, Rianna Prescott, get ready to leave for Florida and the Petersen Point Resort, he gets a letter from the outgoing manager that reads:
January 2, 2047
Petersen Point Resort
Blackwater, Florida
Mr. Sam Fisher;
Enclosed is the list of Department Heads of the hotel per your request. In my personal opinion they are the biggest group of lying, thieving self-indulgent little pricks I have ever had the misfortune of working with. I believe they have tried to frame me for embezzlement which didn’t work. They hardly do their job and if I was going to stay, I would fire them all. However, since I was denied that option, I have found better employment. Anyway here is the list:
Mrs. Carrie Anne Thorn is Front Desk Manager, also asst. hotel manager and bookkeeper.
Paul Gambier is the head chef.
Eustis Saint Claire runs the water and sewer system.
Gardner Weems runs the marina.
Beulah St. John is head of housekeeping.
Simon Tremont is assistant manager for the Blue Moon Revue.
Johnny Tucker is the assistant manager and head bartender for the Panhandle Saloon.
Obadiah Terhune is the maintenance chief.
Alice Timmons runs the Trailer Park and the Guest Houses.
Cathy Hodges is the head of the school and a hotel employee.
Good luck (you’ll need it),
Fredrick Harrington
To Sam’s mind, this doesn’t sound promising.
Saturday, January 5, 2047:
Ricco Torres arrives at Petersen Point Resort unannounced. His plan is to use the opportunity to check out the Panhandle Saloon, for any thieves and drug dealers. There’s just one snag to the ex-cop’s plan of blending in with the Saturday night crowd. The Panhandle is almost completely dead.
Even with the sparse number of patrons no one pays him any mind, including the staff. He finally secures a drink, and he sits back to watch. One of the bartenders draws his attention. The way the man handles money, makes Ricco suspect he may be skimming from the till. Careful observation shows he’s ringing up the correct amounts, so maybe he’s honest; just sloppy in the way he handles money. Going over his receipts should clear up the matter.
The bartender is not the only questionable member of the staff. One of the waitresses is constantly sneaking off to the ladies washroom. The ex-cop examines her with a critical eye, but detects no sign of recent drug use.
Among the patrons, one table holds his attention. A young man flanked by two other youths, appears to be holding court at the corner table. Throughout the night other patrons come up to their table, sit for a minute or two then go outside. As far as Ricco can tell, nothing changes hands, but the Brazilian finally decided to walk over and say “Hi.”
His salutation is greeted with a, “Fuck off!” and sneer from the center youth.
Rather than revealing his identity or making a scene, the head of security gets up and leaves the table. Business is slow enough. There’s no need to drive a way customer. If he proves to be dirty, there will be other opportunities to take him down.
Sunday, January 6, 2047:
Ricco attends the early mass at the local Catholic Church, St. Peter’s By the Sea. The congregation is predominately Asian and white, except for two older black women. The Brazilian ex-cop is greeted with friendly curiosity. After the service he meets Father Ernesto Rivera. The Puerto Rican born priest looks to be in his thirties. He is warm, friendly, and to all outward appearances beloved by his parishioners.
Among the gathered worshipers one elderly Asian gentleman stands out. As neighbors stop to visit after the service, nearly three quarters of the assembled congregation pause to confer or pay their respects to the old man. Two young strong Asian males stand to either side, protectively. His popularity seems to eclipse even that of Father Rivera.
Ricco decides to join the steady stream of well-wishers, and introduces himself as the new head of security at the Petersen Point Resort. The older man makes no reply, beyond bowing his head in acknowledgment. It is immediately clear the conversation is over, before it even really starts.
In the early hours of the afternoon the rest of Team wings their way into Pensacola International Airport. After gathering their luggage at the baggage claim, they wander outside to the loading zone. Just beyond the cab stand, is an older model mini-bus. The young man standing in front of it holds a sign reading: Petersen Point Resort.
Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf, a muscle bound solo type; Betty Lu, a female Asian lawyer; Brandon Heath, a man in a light suit and tie; along with Sam Fisher and his fiancée, Rianna Prescott, clamber aboard, with bags in tow. With a low rumble, the minibus lurches from the curb. The driver studiously watches the road, avoiding conversation with his passengers. During the 40 minute ride down Interstate 10 the mini-bus’s aging air conditioner gamely tried to keep the group from melting under the oppressive Florida heat.
There appears to be a welcoming committee waiting as the minibus pulls up in front of the main building at the Petersen Point Resort. The small group is fronted by a grim middle-aged man, in a suit and an older woman, leaning heavily on a cane. Standing slightly behind the pair are three men attired in light tropical suits. Of the three, one is Anglo and the other two appear Latino.
The minibus has barely come to a stop, before the driver is out of the vehicle. Bounding down the steps he tosses the keys at the older man, who snatches the jangling projectile out of the air without looking. His gaze never wavers from the driver. Hostility simmers in the old man’s eyes. The driver casually flips him the bird as he passes. Stopping in front of the old woman, he holds out his hand. Wordlessly she hands over an envelope. He spares her a look before turning his back and walking toward an impatient young woman leaning against a car.
The older man (who caught the keys and got the bird) calls out to the retreating figure, “Have a safe trip!” It’s clear he doesn’t mean it; probably even hoping they end up dead in a ditch.
The younger man doesn’t even bother to turn. He flips the old man off over his shoulder, while continuing towards the waiting vehicle. His traveling companion is more vocal. “Fuck off and die, asshole!”
As that pair speeds off, the older man walks up to Sam and hands over the bus keys and a second larger key ring. Proffering a clip board he officiously intones, “Sign here.” There is only one document, a receipt for the master keys. Once he has Sam’s signature, the old man walks away towards another car.
Hobbling forward, the older woman, sounding somewhat abashed, greets the new manager. “Welcome to the Petersen Point Resort. I am Carrie Anne Thorn, the assistant manager. Would you like to get settled or take a tour first?”
The Anglo youth standing behind Carrie Anne, doesn’t give Sam a chance to respond. “They take the tour now or I won’t be here to do it. My time is up here, and I’m not waiting.”
Seemingly unfazed, Carrie Anne uses the interruption to introduce the three men standing behind her. Since he had already drawn their attention she begins with their anxious tour guide. “This is Jack Davis, one of our security people.”
Davis quickly corrects her. “Former security person,”
Carrie Anne concedes the point with a quiet, “Yes.” Rather than dwelling on what appears to be a sore subject, she continues the introductions. “This is Doctor Eduardo Ricci, the hotel physician and Ricco Torres, the new head of security. Dr. Ricci and Mr. Torres were the only other department heads who could make it today. You will meet the rest at the meeting tomorrow morning.”
Sam shakes both their hands. He greets Ricco warmly, inquiring as to how things have been since they met at his daughter Catherine’s wedding a few weeks ago. Unbeknownst to the new head of security, the wedding was not their first meeting. While in Rio Sam had met and worked with the former Brazilian cop under the cover identity of Tyree Jones. It’s one of the reasons Ricco was selected for the ‘Dirty Deeds’ team.
Since Jack Davis has made it clear he’ll be leaving right after the tour, Sam sees no need to shake his hand. He doesn’t like the man’s attitude, but it would be a wasted opportunity to not find out what he knows about their new digs. Resigned to the situation, he gestures to Davis “All right, let’s get this tour over with.” Jack asks for the keys to the minibus. The new arrivals find themselves piling back into the hot bus for the tour of the resort.
One of the first stops is the fuel dock. There is a high amount of activity around a large armed vessel tied at the dock. Sam catches sight his old friend, Charlie Bibbliodoc, at the center of a group of sea nomads. Like Ricco, the nomad weapon-smith had been one of the guests at his daughter’s wedding. The ex-C.I.A. agent calls out to his friend while heading toward the milling group of nomads.
Sam is an imposing figure; even when not intending to be. His unexpected appearance has many of the pirates (nomads) reaching for their weapons. This tenseness evaporates as Charlie breaks out into a broad grin and yells back his own greeting. The pair share a brief, but animated chat. Charlie takes the opportunity to introduce Sam to his assistant, Beebe Laugherty.
The two would like to visit longer, but Davis testily beeps the horn. As the new manager re-boards the mini-bus, Charlie shouts after him, “Hey, Sam, I’m doing a weapons test at my shooting range tomorrow afternoon. You should come down and watch.”
Sam waves an acknowledgement as the bus rumbles away from the fuel dock. Jack drives them around the trailer park and shows them the cottage area. While looping back towards the hotel he points out the executive housing and Sam’s large bungalow. Rianna asks if she can be dropped off with the luggage. Though impatient to depart, Jack relents. He’s not a complete dick. Besides, it doesn’t hurt that the request comes from a pretty girl.
Leaving Rianna to shower and unpack the bus heads north past the school, tennis and basketball courts. Jack parks in the maintenance area and continues the tour on foot across the par 3 golf course. Lack of landscaping has left the entire course in sorry shape. Nature is well on its way to reclaiming the land. The only evidence of human intervention is matted sections of dead grass that spell out obscenities on the fairways and greens. This is the major reason that the course is closed at present.
Close to the northern edge of the property, the members of the tour begin to hear yelling and screaming. The noises of a fight carry from the direction of the state boat ramp, behind a long lunch wagon on the other side of a low rail fence marking the boundary of the resort. Sam and Crank quickly hop the fence. Seeing as how he is technically no longer employed by the hotel, Jack has no interest in investigating.
The pair comes upon the scene of a brawl. Two combatants are down. Another two are still going at it. Other than the new arrivals, the only spectators are two groups of girls standing on opposite sides of the melee. Neither group seems all that interested in the fighters still squaring off or the two on the ground. They are too busy hurling insults at each other.
Though they mix in jibes about their oppositions mixed parentage, ‘Skank’ appears to be the go to insult for a lithe Asian girl and her two fair haired compatriots. The target of their derision is a white girl with her brown stringy hair, who is with an Asian/black teenage girl whose decidedly Asian features is muted by a mix of ancestry. This mixed race Asian teen alternates between consoling her friend and screeching out a barrage of obscenities at three girls. As for the brunette, she seems unwilling or incapable of joining in the verbal fray. The redness spreading up the left side of her face may have something to do with this. It may also explain her wan complexion. Rather than her normal complexion, it might be the early stages of shock.
Sam and Crank take stock of the situation. One of the downed fighters sits up groggily. The other, an Asian teen appears down for the count. The remaining combatants are both white. One is wearing biker leathers, with a patch that reads, ‘Prospect’. As the pair approaches, the prospect catches the other teen with a left jab, setting him up for a right handed pile driver that drops his opponent. The deluge of insults ceases as the fighter hits the ground.
Sam does not interfere, when it becomes clear that the leather clad teenager isn’t going to take advantage of his fallen opponent. He and Crank, both realize the victor is probably a member of the local motorcycle ‘club’, the Visigoths that they had been briefed about.
Looking back smugly, the young biker walks over to the two teenage girls. He gently pulls the injured girl’s hand away from her cheek. Bending down, he tenderly kisses the angry red welt. A new torrent of obscenities follows the three as they walk towards a motorcycle with a side car. The biker wraps his arm protectively around the young burnett as if to ward off the hurled abuse from the three harpies, who still haven’t shown any concern for the welfare of the three downed fighters.
Sam steps forward to check on the unmoving Asian teen. As the boy begins to come round, his vision is eclipse by the massive shadow. Reflexively, a knife flashes out and upward. Sam registers the knife blow (Only a single point of damage) and grabs the kid’s wrist. The ex-agent’s hands are enormous. They cover the wrist and most of the hand holding the knife. His attempts to carefully extract the knife (to minimize the damage to his suit) are complicated by a new attacker.
With a scream, “Don’t you hurt my brother,” the Asian girl jumps on his back. Though her punches are ineffectual, the continued screaming is quite annoying. Once the knife is free of his suit, Sam easily disarms the youth.
A single gunshot cuts through the din, stopping everyone. Now that he has their attention, Crank lowers his ‘Arno’ pistol, but does not holster it. Standing upright, Sam unintentionally dislodges the hellcat pounding on his back. She hits the ground with a yelp of pain, touching off a new chorus of insults (directed at Sam) from her blonde haired friends. The moment is broken by deep rolls of laughter from the biker. Kicking his bike to life he rides off with the petit brunette at his back and the Asian girl in the sidecar; still laughing.
The Asian boy rolls away from Sam and gets to his feet. He helps up the girl, before checking on the other boy. The shot draws the attention of those who remained at the minibus. They all jump the fence to check on Sam and Crank. All that is, save Jack. At the approach of the more adults the kids just fade away. It seems everyone just wants to forget about the altercation.
Ricco asks their guide the reason for his hesitation.
“We don’t have any authority on the north side of the fence.” And that’s all he has to say on the subject.
Jack drives them back to the hotel, hands over the keys and takes his leave. Everyone is shown to their bungalows. Needless to say, Rianna is not pleased that her man was stabbed on their first day at the resort.
Monday, January 7, 2047:
Sam convenes a staff meeting promptly at 8:30 am. In attendance are Mrs. Carrie Anne Thorn, Front Desk Manager, asst. Hotel manager and bookkeeper; Paul Gambier, head chef; Eustis Saint Claire, an elderly black man who runs the water and sewer system; Gardner Weems, an old white cracker who runs the marina; Beulah St. John, an old black woman who is head of housekeeping; Simon Tremont, MC and assistant manager of the Blue Moon Revue, a greasy looking white man with black hair and a pencil thin mustache; Johnny ‘Squint’ Tucker, a not overly bright (but honest) man about 36 years old who is the assistant manager and head bartender for the Panhandle Saloon. Alice Timmons, who runs the trailer park and guest cottages, is there as well.
Cathy Hodges, the head of the school, is absent, but with an excuse. She’s covering for another teacher who is out sick. Her absence does concern Sam. He has an 11 am appointment to tour the school and he will catch up with her then. Obadiah ‘Obie’ Terhune, the maintenance chief, is also out sick.
Sam calls the meeting to order. He introduces Ricco Torres, as the new head of security, Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf as the Food and Beverage Manager and Betty Lu as the new Hotel legal counsel. The ex-Delta Force sniper hands out personnel forms that he prepared the previous evening. He expects each employee to fill out the form. In addition, he wants all department heads to prepare a report of the condition and needs of their departments.
What he stresses most is that there be no bad language used in front of the guests. The employees who greeted him yesterday (ex-employees now) did not impress him. He also lays down his first new rule. No one is to carry a firearm openly at the hotel. Crank vocally objects. His ‘style’ is that of a gunfighter. Without the large Arno revolvers, strapped at his hips, the cowboy hat he refuses to take off, even when inside, would just look ridiculous. Sam’s response is basically, “Get a new style!”
After a dry recitation of weekly reports the meeting breaks up. Crank arranges a walk-through of the resort’s two clubs. He will meet Johnny ‘Squint’ Tucker, at the Panhandle Saloon at the bar at one 1 pm, and Simon Tremont at 4 pm in the Blue Moon Revue. Ricco asks to have a word with Johnny Tucker at 11 am. Later in the afternoon, Ricco calls Betty Lu and asks her if he can legally force employees to take a drug test. Unless the employee is mandated in his/her job description to drive the public or there is a court order, the answer is no (in Florida).
Sam, Crank, Betty Lu and Dr. Ricci visit the hotel school at 11 am. They are met by Philbert Gagnon, a local from Blackwater, paid by the town. He shows them around the facilities, which occupy the ground floor of a two story structure. The second floor has been closed to save money. Philbert introduces them to Cathy Hodges, the head of the school and a hotel employee, and Angela Bauer, an older woman whose Snake Nation markings are clearly evident. Heather Strong, another Nomad teacher is out sick today. The classrooms are large and open. In the high school area there are only 22 students working on various projects. Five of the teenagers (four girls and one boy) from yesterday’s altercation are among the students. Without their makeup, the girls look very young. The kids ignore the adults as they walk by. Sam asks Cathy to make a list of what the school needs and he will try to provide it.
While the rest are at the school, Ricco has his meeting with Johnny Tucker. The security chief asks about the guy sitting at the corner table. Johnny says he doesn’t know who he means. Ricco describes the two other guys sitting with him and how other patrons would stop by the table, talk briefly, then leave, only to come back in a few minutes later. Johnny’s expression never changes. He really has no idea what Ricco is talking about. The security chief begins to wonder if Johnny is a few cans short of a six pack.
Crank meets Johnny at the salon at 1 pm. He is surprised that the bar is not open. Johnny clues him in to the county ordinance. All establishments that serve alcohol must be closed on Sunday and one other day of the week. The assistant manager lists of the names of the staff. One name in particular catches Crank’s attention. So as not to interrupt Johnny’s train of thought, he waits for him to finish the list, before asking about Nancy Petersen.
“Is she related to the family that owns the Hotel?”
Johnny actually seems shocked, as if he never noticed that Nancy’s last name was the same as the resort where they work. She isn’t part of the family, as far as he is aware.
Realizing his assistant manager is not overly blessed with intelligence, Owen decides to keep the conversation light. What Johnny lacks in wit, he make up for by being a good listener; an important skill for a good bartender.
Ricco drives to the Sheriff’s office, in the county seat of Milton, to deliver the application for one of the hotel’s automatic weapons permits to be issued to Brandon Heath. He sees Sheriff Mason and tries to speak with him. The man claims he is too busy and blows him off.
A little after two pm, a small boat comes to pick up Sam and take him to the laser test. When he arrives at the range he is surprised to see the name on the structure: Petersen Point Resort Rifle and Pistol Range.
“Hey, this is my range,” Sam protests.
“No,” Charlie corrects him. “It is my range, and I have the lease to prove it.”
Re-opening the range for use by guests won’t be happening any time soon.
Charlie shows Sam a cyberarm rigged to a table, gripping one of his experimental hand lasers. Down range two men in industrial frames (exoskeleton loaders) maneuver thick sheets of steel into position. Once the target is in place, the friends take cover behind a blast shield. Charlie activates the firearm remotely. A brilliant beam quickly burns through the steel plating and impacts the high sandy berm behind the targets. More steel plates are wrangled into position, and Charlie drains weapons power pack. With every shot Sam tenses waiting for the inevitable explosion. Charlie has refined the design since the catastrophic failure of his prototype (See Episode 4 of the C.I.A. Blues 2040 for details).
The current model even allows the user to quickly swap out power packs. Satisfied with the weapons safety, the nomad gunsmith slips in a fresh battery and dismounts the weapon from the cyberarm. Charlie drains the weapon, before handing it off to his assistant, Beebe Laugherty. She matches her boss shot for shot. Through it all the weapon performs like a champ.
When offered a go, Sam demurs. Beebe notes the hint of fear in his voice, and just can’t keep it to herself. The young woman’s chiding goes unheard by the ex-agent. His full attention is centered on the cooling weapon. The memory of the explosion still haunts his dreams; like a miniature supernova.
Beebe is left to wonder where this supposed tough ex-Delta Force sniper and C.I.A. hit man is keeping his ‘balls’. With the test over, Charlie breaks out the whiskey and cigars. The two old friends sit and swap stories of the ‘good old days’.
At 4pm Crank makes his way to the Blue Moon Revue. Sly Simons meets him out front. Like the Panhandle, The Blue Moon is closed on Monday. In fact it is only open from Wednesday thru Saturday. This is less a legal requirement and more due to a lack of a customer base to be open more often. As they enter, music can be heard coming from the main room. The dancers are rehearsing on stage. Sly explains that some of the girls are not the most experienced, so the lead dancer, Alina Lanikova, holds classes one day a week.
Sly introduces the girls to Crank. There is Alina, who he already pointed out. Kelly O’Donnell is a 22 year old Irish girl with bright red hair and lots of freckles. Mona du Bois is a tall powerfully build Cajun black woman. Loc Thi Mai is a Vietnamese-American girl and Selena Rodrigues, a Mexican woman. After the introductions, the dancers get back to work. Owen notices one other person in the room. It is the light brown haired teenage girl from the state boat ramp who rode off with the Visigoth prospect. She is sitting at a table in the back doing her homework. When asked, Sly tells him, “That’s Alina’s daughter.”
Crank finishes his inspection and sees potential. He asks why the military declared the place: Off Limits. Sly doesn’t know. As the dancers finish up Crank goes up and talks to Alina. By her accent she is clearly foreign. The new Food and Beverage Manager expresses his gratitude that she is helping the other dancers on her day off. Then he politely mentions that perhaps her daughter is not hanging out with a good class of people, meaning the biker prospect.
Alina replies, “Why do you think she is sitting back there doing her homework? At least here I can keep an eye on her.”
“Why don’t you tell her she just can’t see him anymore?” Owen asks,
“You don’t have kids, do you,” the dancer asks. “Look, if I forbid her to see him, it will just make her want to sneak out to be with him even more.”
She calls out to the studying teen in a language that Crank can’t understand. The girl gathers up her books and leaves with her mother. Owen goes back to his office and continues to study the hotel’s accounts.
Tuesday, January 8, 2047:
Ricco is in his office when he is notified that two vehicles of the Alabama State Police have entered the Resort’s trailer park. He calls Sam on his way over. Sam has Carrie Anne phone the Florida State Police, before sticking his head in Crank’s office. The Team has yet to set up a communications NET. Since he can’t contact Brandon, he taps Crank to ride shotgun.
Ricco arrives on the scene first, with Sam and Crank thirty paces behind. A tight perimeter of four heavily cybered Alabama officers cover two more roughly cuffing a ‘suspect’ in front of his hysterical wife and children. The Brazilian security chief calls to the officers and points out that they are out of their jurisdiction.
“Fuck off, asshole,” replies one officer. “This is a hot pursuit case.”
Since the man and his family already have their camper and lawn furniture set up, Ricco doubts this, but two of the Alabama cops are wrestling their prisoner into their police van. The Brazilian ex-cop pulls out his sidearm and tries to disable the vehicle by shooting out a tire. The round does negligible damage to the solid rubber tire. The three round burst from the nearest trooper’s assault rifle is not as kind.
Bullets tear threw both his legs. But for his skinweave, Ricco would have been cut off at the knees. The damage is still serious and the security chief goes down. The remaining officers train their weapons on Sam and Crank. Both hit the ground with their arms outstretched.
Having secured their prisoner, the arresting officers grab Ricco. It appears that they are going to take him into custody too. Turning out his pockets, the Alabama officers come across the Brazilian’s ID. Seeing his corporate badge and credentials (granting him corporate immunity by Disney) the trooper in charge decides he’s not worth the hassle. They pocket Ricco’s firearm and leave him lying on the ground as they drive off with their other prisoner.
Sam and Crank make sure Ricco sees the hotel doctor and then interview the wife. She tells them they were on their way to Disney World. After passing into Alabama they were stopped twice. Their camper was searched both times. Crank notes that the trailer has New York plates. Their car was searched a third time at the Florida state border, by the bridge on the old Spanish Trail, US 90 (where Alabama Route 10 ends and Florida Route 16 begins). Not satisfied with searching the vehicles, the cops resorted to body cavity searches. Not even the children were spared.
They began to pull away after the search, but the police ordered them to stop and submit to another full search. This was the last straw. Her husband gunned the van and drove into Florida without stopping. That was an hour and a half ago.
Sargent Willard Broome and Trooper Seth Hunt of the Florida State Police show up twenty minutes after the Alabama troopers had left. They are sympathetic and take a report, but there is little they can do. They are very understaffed and spread so thinly across the state that response times are not good. They speak sympathetic words to the distraught wife, but inform the Team that her husband will probably disappear into the gulag that is the Alabama prison system and will never be seen again.
Sam, Crank and Ricco are informed by Carrie Anne that this happens every now and then. The three discuss what to do and come up with a plan to block the hotel road with heavy equipment the next time out of state troopers try to pull a raid on the property. After he is patched up, Ricco writes a letter to Sheriff Mason and requests a meeting. Given their first encounter yesterday, the letter is an ‘I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot; can we start again?’ type of thing.
Wednesday, January 9, 2047:
9 am finds Sam is in his office, going through the records of the nightmare called Petersen Point Resort. Taking a breather he paces around his new office. Something about the large north-facing window catches his eye. Looking closely he realizes that the window has recently been replaced. Outside the hotel (and to a lesser extent inside also) the report of a Barrett-Arasaka Light 20 is heard. Sam doesn’t hear the gun shot but feels the impact as the round penetrates the window and strikes him in the forehead (for 11 points of damage). The ex-C.I.A. operative goes down hard. If not for his orbital steel skeleton, he would be dead. Still, someone just rocked his world.
Hearing the shot, Crank runs out of his office to find out what happened. Sam stays low to present a harder target to the sniper. He also isn’t sure if his legs will hold him. Crawling slowly he makes it to the door. Crank and Ricco find him there, still hugging the floor. The alert goes out and the sheriff is called. Given the severity of the situation, Sheriff Mason comes himself. News travels fast, especially bad news. Charlie and Beebe rush to the scene to try to help.
Sam is taken to the hotel infirmary. This is no simple clinic or dispensary. Time and money has obviously spent to. As medical facilities go, it’s top of the line. Given the distance to a good hospital and the resorts target clientele, it makes good business sense. Still it could denote a hint of paranoia from the previous management; the same paranoia, which paid for the armored glass which just saved Sam’s life.
Even with the armored glass and his thick skull, things are touch and go. Rianna, Charlie and Betty Lu sit with him as Dr. Ricci works on the wound. Ricco, Brandon, Crank and Beebe talk with the sheriff and his investigators. Sheriff Mason lets Ricco check out the crime scene. From the blood splatter they can tell where Sam was standing. Tracing the trajectory of the shot would put the shooters position somewhere near Bluegill Lane. From there it would be a shot of almost 500 meters; definitely the work of a pro. The sheriff, a couple of deputies and the Team head over there.
Housing near the end of the lane is spare. They begin searching near the water’s edge and work back towards the houses. As the search continues, Ricco notices some children playing in one of the yards. He walks up the road to speak to them, but the kids rush inside at his approach. The Brazilian security chief knocks on the door and identifies himself. There is no answer. Repeated attempts bring the same result.
Sheriff Mason joins Ricco at the door, and tries to coax out the occupants. “Harriet, I know you’re in there. This is Sheriff Mason, open the door!” The door remains firmly closed. Frustrated, the peace officer changes tactics. Pounding on the door he shouts at Harriet, “Your son, Jimmy, is scheduled to get released from county in two weeks, isn’t he? It would be a shame if he got into more trouble on the inside and his sentence was extended.”
After a long movement the door opens; just a crack. A woman’s pinched face appears in the gap. “Nobody saw nuthin’,”she declares.
“Let me speak to Bobby,” Mason tells her.
The door opens wider and one of the children Ricco saw playing in the yard steps out. He looks up at the assembled adults with wide eyes.
“Did you see anybody down the end of the road by the water?” the sheriff asks.
Little Bobby looks back at his mother who sighs and nods to the child. Bobby turns to the sheriff and says,” Yes, sir, there was a couple men and a light colored van.”
“Did you see which way they went?”
“They took a left on Bass Avenue and then turned right on Rube Pace Road. They was driving too fast,” the boy adds.
“Well, thank you, Bobby,” Sheriff Mason tells the boy, “And you too, Harriet. I think Jimmy may have a few days of ‘good time’ coming for this.”
The mother pulls her young son back inside and closes the door as the group heads back to their cars. “Well, we might as well give this a try,” Mason remarks with a sigh as he gets into his car.
The small column of vehicles heads out to the main road towards the Interstate 10 interchange. The lead police vehicle turns into the Blackwater Café parking lot and goes around the back of the building into the area of Petersen’s Garage and the Visigoth MC’s clubhouse. Everyone can feel the tension in the air as a dozen leather clad bikers wearing colors scowl at the motorcade. Sheriff Mason steps out of his cruiser and walks towards the garage office as a hard looking man wearing Visigoth colors comes out to greet him. The patch on the biker’s chest reads ‘President’.
“Hello, Hank,” Marcus begins.
“Is there a problem, Sheriff?” the biker asks.
“Someone just tried to kill the new General Manager of the Petersen Point Resort.”
Hank chuckles a bit. “Well, that’s a dangerous job.”
“Yeah, well we think the shooters passed by the front of the Café about forty to fifty minutes ago. I was wondering if your security cameras watching the road might have caught them passing by.”
“Ah, you need our help.” Hank breaks into a big smile and then opens his arms out wide. “We are always happy to do our civic duty. Come on into the office.”
The president turns and walks towards an open door. Beebe looks around and notices that about half of the bikers are looking at her and smiling. She begins to feel like a slab of meat on display in the butcher shop window with a pack of hungry dogs sitting there with their mouths watering.
Hank shouts in the direction of the garage’s repair bays, “Steve, get your ass out here!”
Out of that building walks a young man in overalls. He looks at the Team and breaks into a self-satisfied smile. The recognition is mutual. It’s the teenage prospect from the fight at the boat ramp last Sunday. Hank gives the young man the approximate time when the van would have passed and Steve searches the recording. Right at the time Sheriff Mason predicted, a light colored van drives by. Steve freezes the image and zeroes in on the license plate. The sheriff calls it in. The prospect then tries to get an image of the occupants, but the van has tinted windows. At the touch of a button, a couple of copies of the plate and van are printed up. The Visigoths also provide the police with a digital copy of the van passing by.
Marcus turns to Hank and thanks him.
“Oh, we will talk about this later, my friend,” Hank replies with a smile.
“No doubt,” the sheriff responds glumly.
By the time the Team and police get back to their cars, dispatch has a name. It is a rental from Pensacola. The sheriff asks and yes, it has a GPS. As they pull out to the main road, dispatch has an address. It is a fleabag hotel just outside Pensacola. Sheriff Mason tells dispatch to call the Escambia County Sheriff, fill them in and asks that they meet him a couple of blocks from the motel.
A couple of Escambia County cruisers are waiting, led by Escambia County Sheriff Roger Calhoun. They have checked and the van is parked there. Sheriff Calhoun has a team in position and the room isolated. He sends in his men, but the room is empty. The motel manager tells them that three men did get in a Pensacola cab recently. The cab company is called and they get the address of a restaurant in Pensacola. Deputies are dispatched to check it out.
The two sheriffs look through the suspect’s room. Ricco is allowed to accompany them as a professional courtesy. There isn’t much to see. Ricco notices a used notepad on the table by the bedside. There faint depressions in the top sheet. The Brazilian ex-cop carefully rubs the side of a pencil lead on the markings. The depressions become legible against the dark background of the graphite.
Ricco and the two sheriffs look at it, but can’t make any sense of it. They take it outside to show others. Crank suddenly has an idea. “Could it mean Flight 347, Gate 3 and maybe that is 4:30pm written in military time?”
Sheriff Calhoun calls the Pensacola airport. Yes, there is a Flight 347 leaving at Gate 3 at 4:30pm. Four sheriff cruisers (two from each county) and the Team speed to the airport. Two cruisers go around to a side gate and onto the tarmac. Exiting the vehicles the four deputies take up positions to cover the exits to the terminal. The Sheriffs accompanied by a deputy and the Team enter the front of the terminal and begin working their way toward Gate 3.
They have no idea what the suspects look like, but the would-be assassins quickly give themselves away. Surprised by the appearance of the police, three men pull handguns and draw down on the cops and team. A firefight erupts.
As a biomechanical cyborg, Brandon’s augmented reflexes allow him to fire before the three gunmen can get off a round. He aims his 14mm Big Governments to wing one suspect. The intent is to take the man alive, but the large caliber rounds tear through the gunman’s arms. The target is down and quickly bleeding out.
Lacking the time to aim carefully, the second assassin’s shot goes wide, missing the deputy. Crank unloads with two shots from his Arnos. Dual hits to the head of the second gunman splatter gouts of blood and brain matter onto the wall and passengers cowering behind him.
A shot from the third would be killer hits Sheriff Mason square in the chest (and his armored vest). Beebe fires back, scoring a lucky shot to the head (rolled a 1 for location). The final gunman is already dead, but catches more lead from Ricco and the Deputy before he hits the floor.
No civilians are hit, but the terminal is thrown into chaos. The follow up investigation takes hours. The three gunmen are posthumously fingerprinted. Their prints match those found in the hotel room and rental van. A Barrett-Arasaka sniper rifle is recovered from the vehicle. The IDs the three carried prove to be false and initially no positive identification can be made. Each carries a phone registered to the same name, Logan Hawke. It is the name of a man who died of a brain aneurism five years ago in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This revelation holds no significance for the Team or police.
(GM Note: Logan Hawke was an associate and employee of Sam Fisher, who attempted to blow up a bar in the Atlantic City area and murdered a bartender who had offended him. Logan was in reality killed on the orders of Nathan Forrest, Deputy Director for Clandestine Services for the C.I.A., to prevent him from being brain danced to obtain evidence in the murder investigation. Logan had worked as a C.I.A. asset on some sensitive (and illegal) missions. The Agency could not afford to let him be braindanced and the accused killer refused to plead guilty to Manslaughter to avoid the mind probing. It was this investigation that led to the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of Sam Fisher for extortion. See Episodes 10 through 22 of the Burn Notice Campaign for Logan’s story.)
Eventually, the Team returns to the hotel. They have done well. Sheriff Mason and Sheriff Calhoun are impressed with the group. Ricco and Crank proved themselves able investigators. Beebe has earned Sheriff Mason’s gratitude by killing the gunman who shot him. Still, the question remains: Who sent these assassins?
Episode 2 – Getting to Know the Neighbors
Charlie and Beebe put to sea. Along the way, they test a new laser. Beebe is asked out on a date. Ricco continues his efforts to get to know the locals connected to the hotel. The Brazilian ex-cop and Brandon are sworn in as town constables. It’s a mad dash to prepare and file the forms needed to petition the military for a lifting of its ban on the resort. The process gives Crank a new level of respect for Carrie Anne Thorn.
Beebe befriends the members of a hot local band, Velvet Blue. Ricco draws down on yet another vehicle. Sam’s disillusionment with his employees and Team deepens. In the ex-agents eyes, the only one worth his salt is Crank. An inopportune blackout throws the entire area into darkness. Night becomes day as a miniature sun briefly flares near the cottages. Both incidents could spell trouble for the resort and its new manager. Sam surprises everyone with his plan to shake up the management structure. Tensions build. Crank gets in a pissing match with Sheriff Mason; a move that bodes ill for all concerned.
Sam Fisher, retired Delta Force colonel and C.I.A. assassin, has finally been ‘officially’ released from prison after serving his sentence for extortion due to a botched operation in the Atlantic City part of the Burn Notice Campaign. Part of his (unofficial) deal for pleading guilty at the time was that he would receive his government pensions on his release from prison, but the government isn’t able to honor that part of the agreement. He is informed by his old friend, Nathan Forrest, Deputy Director for Clandestine Services at the C.I.A., that his pensions could be restored if he assists in a very black operation on United States soil.
President Whindham has decided to bring the four southern states known collectively as the ‘Cotton Kingdoms’ to heel. Sam, accompanied by his fiancée Rianna Prescott, will be sent to Santa Rosa County in the Florida panhandle near the Pensacola COG to manage the Petersen Point Resort, a seedy old tourist destination that will serve as a ‘safe house’ for operations to bring down the state government of Alabama. He will also be tasked with the occasional mission himself. To help him, a ‘Dirty Deeds’ group has been assembled whose covers are as employees of the hotel. Only Sam knows this is a government sanctioned operation.
Dramatis Personae
The Team
Beebe Laugherty: A young tech and member of the Snake Nation helping Charlie with his various projects. She is the daughter of retired Major Beatrice ‘Bea’ Laugherty, who gained fame (or infamy) by firing the first ortillery strike of the Fourth Corporate War on NightCity.
Betty Lu: An attractive 25 yo lawyer of Chinese descent. Despite her appearance she is a Texas girl, through and through.
Brandon Heath: A solo who will serve as a security officer at the Petersen Point Resort. He is a member of the ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. Unknown to everyone but Doctor Eduardo Ricci, Brandon is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’ sent by the Collective in response to Sam’s daughter’s request to watch over her father. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He was rescued from a top secret government lab by his friend, Caitlin Jones.
Charlie Bibbliodoc: A master weaponsmith and owner of Boss Arms. He is a Snake Nation nomad in the area who is working on two projects. One is a government DARPA sponsored program to develop next generation laser technology. The other is to rearm and rehabilitate weapons systems for the floating colonies and vessels of the Thelas Nation in the Gulf of Mexico. He is an old friend of Sam Fisher from the Romanian Campaign.
Doctor Eduardo Ricci. This man is the hotel physician and a ‘Dirty Deeds’ employee. He is a Brazilian national who used to work with Roca Terrier, and is trained in bio-mechanical repair.
Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf: A young, muscle bound solo with experience in managing bars and other watering holes. He is a member of Sam’s ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. His cover is Food and Beverage manager at the Petersen Point Resort.
Rianna Prescott: A younger woman from Sam Fisher’s past, who reconnected with him in Atlantic City and stood by him through his years in prison. They are engaged to be married
Ricco Torres: A former member of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police who became a private investigator when his friendship with certain ‘unsavory’ characters came to light. The Disney Corporation hired him to assist an Edgerunner team brought in to push their political agenda in Rio. In the process a monstrous plot that cost the lives of thousands of residents of the infamous favelas was uncovered and Ricco figured prominently in bringing the conspirators to justice. He was promoted and moved to Walt Disney World in Florida. When the United States government asked Disney for help, they sent Ricco to take over as head of security at the Petersen Point Resort.
Sam Fisher: Retired Delta Force sniper, CIA black operative, assassin, cleaner, you-name-it. He has just been released from prison after pleading guilty and serving a five year sentence for extortion to protect his friends and his daughter from the fallout of a botched operation. He is the general manager of the Petersen Point Resort and Team Leader.
The NPCs
Alice Timmons runs the Trailer Park and the Guest Houses at the Petersen Point Resort.
Amy Fry is a young Thelas and sister of Jason Fry. She dates Sammy Trang, the drummer of Velvet Blue.
Carrie Anne Thorn is Front Desk Manager, also asst. hotel manager and bookkeeper at the Petersen Point Resort. She is a small white woman is her early sixties. Carrie Anne has arthritis so she doesn’t walk a lot.
Carlton Thomas is an old man who has served as magistrate of Blackwater for almost 50 years. His eyesight is going and he has the shakes, but his mind is sharp and he has a steel trap memory.
Eustis (‘Useless’) Saint Claire is an old black man who runs the water and sewer system at the Petersen Point Resort.
Gardner Weems is the old white cracker who runs the resort’s marina. He is also a Blackwater Town Councilman
Freddy Timmons is a rotund little man in his forties, who stutters a bit and seems almost comically nervous. He is a town constable.
Henry ‘Hank’ Tremont is the president of the local charter of the Visigoths MC.
Jason Fry is a young Thelas nomad serving aboard Charlie’s test ship, the Sea Snake. His sister is Amy Fry. He has a thing for Beebe.
Jesse James is the sloppy (with the money, but honest) bartender from the Panhandle Saloon.
Johnny ‘Squint’ Tucker, a not overly bright man about 36 years old who is the assistant manager and head bartender for the Panhandle Saloon.
Lilly is a girl that gets in trouble at the party. She is a cousin of Paris.
Mayor Mildred Hodges: An older white woman and mayor of Blackwater.
Nancy Petersen is a 25 year old cocktail waitress at the Panhandle saloon.
Natty is the female teenage bassist for Velvet Blue. She speaks little English.
Obadiah ‘Obie’ Terhune is an Afro-American male about 51 years old and is the maintenance chief at the Petersen Point Resort. Actually, he is the entire maintenance department which should number at least ten.
Paris Saint Claire is the lead singer for the band Velvet Blue and granddaughter of Eustis Saint Claire.
Sammy Trang is the drummer of the band, Velvet Blue.
Sheriff Marcus G. (Garvey) Mason of Santa RosaCounty is a powerfully built African-American with a bald head and piercing brown eyes. He has been sheriff for seventeen years and on the force for eight years before that as well as twelve years in the Army. He has a cyberarm and two cybereyes as well as a lot of smaller cyberware. The man has a reputation as a tough, honest cop who protects his county.
Tran Xuan Giap is the elderly patriarch of the Tran family and a town councilman. He is very conservative and old school.
Ty Saint Claire is Paris’s cousin and the smoking hot guitar player of Velvet Blue. He is a bald (he shaves it) ebony skinned teenager.
The Action
Thursday, January 10, 2047:
At 4:30 amCharlie and Beebe board the test vessel, Sea Snake, for a scheduled delivery of a 120mm cannon with 3 additional 120mm autoloaders, to the nearby floating colony of Freedom. On the outbound trip, a large home-made canopy is deployed, covering most of the boat’s long open stern deck. Fashioned from sun worn tarps, stretched over a welded frame, the awning provides protection from the elements. It also camouflages the spyteched netting which helps to conceal activities on the stern deck from aerial and orbital surveillance.
Once in open waters, they use the opportunity to test the prototype of a new x-ray laser rifle.
Floating spherical targets are deployed and the blast shield surrounding the automated firing mechanism is lowered into place. A round of successful tests with the automated rig, instill Charlie and Beebe with enough confidence to try some hands on target practice. The variable focus control for the beam proves a little tricky. Charlie finds it hard to dial in on the most effective setting. While the test equipment on the Sea Snake is calibrated to pick up the x-ray beam, to the weapon smith it is completely invisible.
Beebe suggests, “What if we cobble together some goggles so the firer can use to see the beam?”
Charlie makes note to start on that project once they return to port.
The Freedom Colony appears on the horizon as if rising out of the sea. Security seems to be on high alert as the Sea Snake pulls into the docks. Their hosts allay any fears of a possible attack (or double cross). The tightened security is merely a precaution in anticipation of the arriving weapons systems. A patchwork canopy of sails and tarps has been strung up over the dock area to cover the offload of the cannon and auto loaders from the Sea Snake. Snake Nation techs accompany the weapons as they are transferred, to supervise their installation. With space cleared on its stern deck, the Sea Snake has more than enough room to ferry the two and a half dozen or so passengers that accompany them on the return voyage to Blackwater.
Thanks to the pain killers pumping through his system Sam feels more than ready to return to work, even if his doctor and fiancé disagree. No bullet to the head is going to keep him down. Try as he might though, Sam can’t fight off the waves of vertigo that assail him as he tries to stand. Giving up the struggle, he decides catch up on the backlog of paperwork from his hospital bed.
First order of business is to find out why the hotel is off-limits to military personnel. He orders a request sent to Pensacola COG to inquire on the reasons for the hotel’s off-limits status and the current procedures in use to have it lifted. Any further work is put on hold by a very angry Rianna. Doctor Ricci and Rianna catch him working in his current condition and Sam’s fiancée reads him the riot act. “You were shot. You need to stay in bed and rest. No more work. If need be, I’ll have Dr. Ricci strap you down.”
Sam is told that he is going to the hospital for tests. In order to counter any possible dissension from her obstinate fiancé, Rianna curtly informs him that she’s already contacted Catherine in Paris. His daughter has arranged for transport by Trauma Team. She is also covering the cost of a Militech security team to guard Sam during his hospital stay. Dr. Ricci assures him that it should only be an overnight stay.
Elsewhere, Catherine Vaduva calls Ricco to brief the new security chief on her father’s visit to the hospital. As if on cue, the scream of jet engines can be heard outside. Cat is polite, but makes it clear she holds Ricco personally responsible for her father’s safety at the hotel. Given the events of last year (in Rio) the thought of failure fills him with trepidation.
After hanging up with Cat, the security chief decides to find out who ordered and installed the armor glass in the general manager’s office. A call to Obie in maintenance reveals that the work wasn’t done in house. When asked Carrie Anne tells Ricco, “Mr. Harrington, the last manager, arranged it.” She has no recollection of workers coming to install the glass and no entry appears in the sign-in log at the front desk.
A request to look over the receipts is denied, at least until the monthly accounting is done in February. While not dismissive towards Ricco, Carrie Anne cuts the conversation short; blaming a busy schedule. As a consolation she invites the security chief to have a private lunch with her later. Ricco readily accepts.
Crank sees Sam beings carried towards an AV on a stretcher. Though made aware of Sam’s hospital visit, no mention was made of where they are taking him. Rianna’s presence allays his concerns that the transport may be anything other than it appears. Still Crank feels it’s only prudent to find out their destination. A call to Trauma Team is answered by a request for the account number connected with the transfer. Crank doesn’t have the number. Attempts to coax the information out of the representative, lead to the call being disconnected. Frustrated, the solo mutters under his breathe, “If I had a spytech missile and a Scorpion launcher, I’d just shoot those fuckers down.”
Like everything else at the Peterson Point Resort, the security department is in dire straights. Sitting in his claustrophobic cubicle in the small security office, Ricco takes stock of his resources. The empty weapons cabinet has already been reported to the local authorities. Communications are hampered by a dead base station (two-way radio system), only three working walkie talkies and six non-functioning ones. There are two 6 unit chargers, but only one works.
A two seat security console has spaces for twenty four monitors. Monitors on the right hand side of the console should cover the main hotel. Of those twelve, two are missing and two are broken. The hotel has a central atrium that rises up five additional floors (for a total of six). There is a fish-eye camera on the second thru fifth floors. The sixth floor is usually not used as business is bad. Based on the security schematic Ricco realizes that there should be two camera’s on each of those floors.
On the ground floor, one camera is trained on the lobby and front desk. A second watches the front entrance. A third looks north up Petersen Point Road (about 60 to 80 meters). Another overlooks the pool and structures surrounding it. There should be another twelve monitors in front of the second chair, but only one is installed. From the images displayed, the camera covers the trailer park to the southeast. Response from the security computer is sluggish. Access to the camera controls is frozen or disabled. Ricco considers rebooting the system, but worries the computer may not restart.
Lunch time rolls around and Ricco joins Carrie Anne in the small private dining room. The assistant manager is in a better mood away from the front desk and the two enjoy their noon repast. The Brazilian ex-cop asks, “So, how long have you worked here?”
“Thirty-two years,” she replies proudly. “The first 5 years working front desk, then 7 years as asst. front desk manager, the following 10 years as bookkeeper, 6 more years as asst. manager & bookkeeper and the last 4 years as asst. manager, front desk manager and bookkeeper.”
Ricco is impressed. He asks Carrie Anne who are the important people here about.
“Depends on who you view as important.” Rather than leaving him hanging, the older woman takes mercy on the new security chief. “Pretty much everyone agrees on these: Mayor Mildred Hodges, Councilman Tran Xuan Giap, Councilman Gardner Weems, you’ve met him, he runs the Marina & fuel dock, Magistrate Carlton Thomas and I’d have to say Angus Young, he owns the largest farm here about and is a county commissioner, he’s not a real friend of the hotel. John Pollock owns the biggest business in town, Pollock’s Heating & Air Conditioning; and Roger Harris owns the Blackwater General Store, which is also the biggest in town. There are the other two boat captains: Greg Altman, captain of the fishing boat, Galveston, and Captain Kim Van Dung of the shrimp boat, Floating Lotus Blossom. Of course, I guess you have to count Father Rivera from St. Peters by the Sea and Reverend Brown of the Jubilee Baptist Church.”
“Can you tell me about any relationships between these people?” the Brazilian inquires.
At this Carrie Anne’s tone turns cautious, “Oh, I’m not comfortable talking about that.”
Ricco doesn’t push her. Carrie Anne is finally opening up. He decides on a different approach. “We clearly need at least one more security person. Can you recommend anyone?”
At this the woman gives a little laugh. “Let me see. I don’t think there is anyone I dislike enough to recommend.” She notices Ricco’s eyes widen with curiosity and explains, “Oh, being security here is a very dangerous job. Gardner (Weems) calculated we have a 36% death rate for our security people.”
“Why were all those security people killed?” Ricco asks.
“Well, most of the ones who came to a bad end were rather disagreeable people.” she explains.
It was time to change the subject, Ricco thinks. “Do you know Nancy Petersen, the waitress at the Panhandle Saloon?”
“Only all my life,” the assistant manager replies with a smile. “She’s a sweet kid.”
“Well, I was at the saloon last Saturday night,” Ricco continues. “She seemed to go to the bathroom a lot.”
Carrie Anne thinks and offers, “Maybe she had a lot to drink?”
Ricco decides to move on to the question he is really curious about. “Why do you think the hotel isn’t doing well?”
The older woman thinks for a moment before responding. “Because Randy Petersen, God rest his soul, was a nice man, but not a great businessman and he could be difficult. His widow Sophie has put her grandson-in-law, Charles Ingersoll, in charge and even made her granddaughter Betty Ingersoll the CFO. They both should pay more attention to the place. Also, they always seem to hire idiots to run the place. Now, I don’t know about Mr. Fisher, he seems nice, but I don’t think he has much experience in the hotel business. I also heard a rumor that he is an ex-con, who just got out of prison. Now I’m not one to judge, but he seems like an odd choice.”
After lunch, Carrie Anne heads back to work. Ricco is pleased with he’s learned. The security chief returns to his office and researches armor glass installers in Santa Rosa County. He finds none and is about to expand his research when a call comes in. Somebody has punched old Gardner Weems in the face and knocked him down at the marina.
By the time Ricco pulls up, the old man is sitting in a chair with a young female nomad tending to him.
“What happened?” he asks.
Weems barks back, “Some little punk attacked me, what do ya think?”
The girl didn’t see the altercation and only came to help up the old man. Dr. Ricci arrives quickly to lend his aid.
“Where did he go, what did he look like,” asks Ricco.
Gardner Weems’ responses are short, curt and his tone is nasty and irascible. The young man came to gas up his boat. Gardner can’t describe the boat beyond its basic shape (a small fishing runabout) or his assailant beyond the fact he was a teenager, blonde and rude. Yes, he did pay for the fuel, so the motive wasn’t robbery. As the security chief tries to complete his investigation, he begins to understand how this might have occurred. Gardner Weems is a rude, cantankerous old cracker. The old man isn’t really hurt and can provide no information to help identify his assailant. Of course, nobody in the area saw anything. There is not much else Ricco can do.
Beebe is enjoying the sun and breeze as the Sea Snake cruises back to Blackwater Bay with its human cargo. One of the crew members, a young Thelas nomad named Jason Fry, sits and starts to talk with her. They have known each other about a month. Jason is a handsome with a sunny disposition and a good sense of humor. After a little small talk, he gets around to what he wants to ask her.
“Hey, ah, my sister Amy is dating the drummer in a local band and they’re playing a private party tomorrow. And, ah, it should be a great time. The band is Velvet Blue they’re all the rage now.”
Beebe has heard of the group. They’re supposed to be pretty good.
“Even though the party is private,” Jason continues, “I was told I could come, if I brought a date. So I was wondering, umm, if you would like to go …. with me. It wouldn’t have to be a date, date; unless you wanted it to be?”
Beebe is amused and asks, “What kind of music do they play?”
“Kind of a bluesy rock, with a Cajun feel.”
“Do I have to get dressed up?” she inquires.
“Oh, no,” Jason assures her. “It’s very casual.”
“Good! “Cuz, I’m gonna wear something like this.” Beebe points to her bib overalls. “I’ll go. Sounds like fun.”
“Great, I’ll pick you up at 6pm tomorrow at Charlie’s place,” Jason tells her.
That evening is the monthly meeting of the Blackwater Town Council. Ricco, Brandon and Crank are in attendance. Often, members of the hotel security staff are made constables of the town so they can pursue people off hotel grounds into the town. The council consists of Mayor Mildred Hodges, Councilman Tran Xuan Giap, and Councilman Gardner Weems. The three hotel employees recognize Councilman Weems as he runs the fuel dock at the marina. Ricco recognizes Councilman Giap as the older Asian man who held court on the lawn of Saint Peter’s Church last Sunday.
Most of the council business is mundane. They approve funding for sewer repairs in town. Hope Young is granted a permit for her roadside flower stand at the entrance to Young Farm. As the proceedings continue, Sheriff Mason arrives. The council finally gets around to the hotel business. Sheriff Mason gives both Ricco and Brandon glowing recommendations. The two are asked if they wish to make a statement.
The Brazilian ex-cop stands up and states, “I will be honored to be of any assistance to the town.”
Brandon replies, “I will let my record speak for itself.”
Ricco is approved unanimously and Brandon gets two votes for with only Councilman Giap voting against. Mayor Hodges tells the two that Magistrate Carlton Thomas will swear them in after the adjournment and asks if there is any other business. The small, rotund man in the town constable’s uniform raises his hand.
“Yes, Freddy,” the mayor says, “What is it?”
“Well, now that there is more than me on the force, I was hoping that I could be approved as ‘permanent’ chief constable rather than ‘acting’ chief constable?” There is a certain pathetic pleading to the man’s voice.
A quiet chuckle wafts through the room. The mayor sighs and replies, “Alright, all in favor of making Freddy Timmons chief constable raise your hand.”
Mayor Hodges immediately raises hers. Gardner Weems looks on. Councilman Giap just stares. Freddy’s expression crashes into disappointment. Finally, Councilman Weems rolls his eyes, sighs and reluctantly raises his hand too. Freddy bursts into a smile.
“All opposed,” the Mayor asks. Giap raises his hand. “Motion carried, Freddy Timmons is appointed Chief Constable; Carlton will you swear him in too?”
A snore sounds from the chair where the elder magistrate sits.
“Carlton!” The mayor’s shout wakes the old man with a start. One she has his attention, she continues in a calmer tone, “Will you swear in the new constables?”
Magistrate Thomas nods and the mayor adjourns the meeting.
People come up to congratulate the new head constable. Freddy sticks out his hand as Alice Timmons, the manager of the Petersen Point Trailer Park, passes. She merely glares at him as she walks by without saying a word. Sheriff Mason approaches Ricco. He received the security chief’s letter and invites him to stop by his office at ten tomorrow for a talk.
Finally Charlton Thomas swears all three in. Freddy turns to the two new town constables and says, “I am so looking forward to working with you two guys. Let me show you our office and give you the keys.”
Ricco and Brandon are brought in, but Crank is politely asked to wait outside. The office is small but clean and efficient. There are desks, two cells, a radio base station and armory with one shotgun; Freddy’s personal weapon. The two new constables are issued badges and a set of keys to the office; cell numbers are exchanged. Finally with business concluded everyone returns home for a well-deserved rest.
Friday, January 11, 2047:
At 8:30 amCarrie Anne calls a partial staff meeting. Attending are Crank and Betty Lu. They have received a reply to their inquiry about the off-limits status of the Hotel. The letter reads as flows:
From the Joint Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board for the Pensacola COG
January 11, 2047
Dear Sirs,
In regard to your inquiry as to the status of various establishments in the Blackwater area, I am sending you the following list:
- Petersen’s Garage was declared off-limits on April 2, 2031 due to gang activity.
- Blackwater Café was declared off-limits on June 9, 2032 due to gang activity.
- The Petersen Point Trailer Park and Guest Houses was declared off-limits on December 11, 2039 due to the large number of pirates residing there. It was deemed a security risk.
- The Panhandle Saloon was declared off-limits on November 11, 2043 due to excessive violence and drug dealing.
- The Blue Moon Revue was declared off-limits on November 15, 2045 due to prostitution charges being filed against various employees and an outbreak of Syphilis II on the base traced to there.
- The Petersen Point Hotel was declared off-limits on December 11, 2045 due to an infestation of bedbugs.
Sincerely yours,
Lt Com. Arthur Billings
A second communication provides the current regulations for appealing the ban. The next meeting of the control board is on February 5, 2047. Applications to have the designations reviewed are due today by five pm! Since Sam has still not returned from the hospital, Carrie Anne announces she has made some decisions. The trailer park and cottages have more pirates (nomads) in residence than when they were first banned, so she doesn’t think it would be wise to appeal that yet. She has all the paperwork made out for the hotel itself and need only change the date.
The paperwork for Crank’s two establishments is much more than he could possibly do in a day. Carrie Anne comes through yet again with all of the employee information, health reports, and county clearances for the Blue Moon Revue. She gives Crank the phone number of a friend in the records department of the sheriff’s office. Her friend is putting together all the recent police reports he will need for the application. Betty Lu looks through the petition procedure. With the head start Carrie Anne has given them, she thinks they can make the deadline. The lawyer and the Food and Beverage manager get to work.
Ricco shows up promptly at 10 am to meet with Marcus Mason. The sheriff is warm and friendly. It is clear that the local lawman has done his research and complements the Disney cop on his work in Rio de Janeiro. Once the pleasantries are out of the way, Ricco asks if there is anything he should be aware of to do his job well?
“Don’t get killed,” Mason tells him. “The locals don’t like strangers.”
That sounds like good advice to Ricco. “Anything I can do for you in my position as head of security at hotel?”
The sheriff smiles and tells him to keep his pirates in line. Ricco presses on this point and inquires about any particular crime problems or suspicions at hotel he should be aware of and/or can pursue?
Sheriff Mason leans back and chuckles. “Other than the place having a reputation of being a den of thieves and criminals? You might start with your new General Manager, Sam Fisher. He has quite the record; a government assassin gone rogue and ex-con from what I hear. And besides, there are more unsolved murders at that hotel than anywhere in the county and no one ever sees shit!”
Ricco informs the sheriff of the assault on Gardner Weems yesterday and the dead end in the investigation.
“Did you check the security feed?” Marcus inquires.
“It doesn’t work,” Ricco informs him.
“Too bad,” the Sheriff muses. “He spent a lot of money on it.”
(GM Note: Here is an example of a pronoun mix-up. Sheriff Mason knows the hotel’s surveillance system is down there and has been for some time. The ‘he’ the sheriff is referring to is Gardner Weems, not anyone in hotel security or management. Gardner bought his own camera a recorder and installed it to watch the dock. At the time Ricco was there, the old man was a bit ‘punch drunk’ so it slipped his mind. Oh well, no biggie.)
Ricco asks, “The Hotel needs both another ‘MacGyver’ type and I need another security person. Do you have any recommendations?:
“MacGyver type?” Marcus laughs. “That’s a great old vid, but I’m not sure if recommending anyone would be appropriate given my position. If you make a formal application about hiring an individual for a specific security position, I can give an official response.”
There is another issue that Ricco is curious about so he asks, “The Visigoths—clearly you know the Prez. Would it be a bad idea to take my car there for service?”
Sheriff Mason thinks for a minute before responding. “I’ve known Hank Tremont for years; even arrested him a few times, but he can be dealt with. The MC is definitely bad-ass and they don’t like cops. Since you are new, and you work for the hotel it should be OK. That is until you tangle with them.”
Ricco mentions his suspicion about the young man he thought might be dealing drugs at the Panhandle Saloon last Saturday night. The Disney cop realizes he has no picture of his suspect. The sheriff questions him about just what he saw. With no money exchanging hands and nothing incriminating said there is little to go on. He tells Ricco if he gets anything substantial give him a call and he will try to act on it.
The two part amicably. Ricco feels (correctly) that he has started to make a friend.
About mid-afternoon, a Trauma Team AV delivers Sam and Rianna back to the hotel. Dr. Ricci examines the ex-C.I.A. operative and orders bed rest for the rest of the day. He can see people tomorrow and start back at work on Monday. Sam calls Crank and Charlie to invite them to a cookout Sunday. He tells Charlie to bring Beebe.
At 6 pmBeebe waits at the end of the wooden walkway leading to Charlie’s house on the end of Petersen Point. A faded blue panel van with the words: Velvet Blue, pulls up. Jason is at the wheel. He is all smiles, till he realizes her leather strap over he shoulder isn’t to a purse or bag, but is actually a gun belt. Being from Nevada, wearing a firearm is second nature. With some convincing Beebe returns the gun to her room. She still insists on bringing her knife. Returning to the van, she climbs in back and meets the band.
It’s a close fit with all of the equipment and passengers packed in the back of the van, but they move to make room. Beebe recognizes Jason’s sister, Amy, who introduces her to Sammy Trang. The wiry Asian drummer unwraps himself from Amy long enough to shake hands. Snuggling back into her beau’s embrace Amy continues the introductions. Ty Saint Claire plays guitar. The buff, bald, ebony skinned youth gives a nod and salute in greeting. Natty is the group’s bassist. The pale brown haired girl reacts to her name, but doesn’t seem to catch the rest of the exchange. It takes her a moment to respond when Beebe puts out her hand. Paris Saint Claire is the last member of the quartet and the band’s lead singer. Her Afro-Asian features lend her an exotic quality and according to Amy she plays a mean harmonica.
On the short ride to the venue, Beebe learns that Ty and Paris are cousins. The party is actually really close; just north of the state boat ramp. If not for all of the equipment, they could probably have walked there. The van turns off towards a house, but slows at a barricade across the drive. Through the front window Beebe can make out several young men in slacks and white shirts manning the barrier. They are all armed. For a moment she quietly curses Jason for making her leave her gun at home, but all is well. The band’s van is waived right through. Driving beyond the house into a field, Jason parks the van near a fenced off area behind a large hay wagon. Beebe helps with the set up, but has hard time following the conversation between the band members. They slip from English into something that sounds like French. It could be (Cajun) Creole or possibly some local slang.
Noting her confusion, Ty explains, “Natty’s English sucks.”
“I no suck,” the brown haired girl protests.
“That’s the problem,” the guitarist sighs.
It takes a second and some snickering from the band, before Natty punches the smiling Ty.
Local teenagers pour into the field as the band starts to play. Beebe is impressed. They sound awesome! Paris is soulful and sexy. She makes love to the microphone. Her voice oozes with a sensuality far beyond her years. Ty is a smoking hot guitar player who makes his instrument sing along with his cousin. Sammy and Natty lay down a solid beat the other two weave their music through. Beebe and Jason dance along with the crowd that pulses to the siren call of Velvet Blue’s music.
At 11 pm a deputy sheriff shows up and the band stops. The hosts put on some recorded music that the police make sure the volume is set low. The guests gather around small fires as the night winds down. Suddenly an Asian girl in a torn tee-shirt and no shoes bursts from the woods off behind the stage. She runs wide eyed towards the band. On her heals are three young men. Paris is instantly up and moving towards the girls pursuers.
The lead one starts to shout, “Get out of my …..”
A punch to mouth from Paris cuts him off in mid sentence. Blindsided, he hits the ground hard.
Seeing how fast his buddy went down, one of the two remaining attackers pulls a knife. Natty brandishes her own switchblade and stands by her friend. Beebe steps up on the other side of Paris with her knife at the ready. Ty walks up with a Louisville slugger in hand. With the odds mounting against them, the third youth pulls out a small handgun. It doesn’t have the desired effect. None of them are intimidated by the brandished weapon.
The firearm does draw the attention of the party’s security. A voice booms out from the right, “Put that shit away!”
Two members of the ‘button down brigade’ saunter over. Both have weapons drawn; one a large caliber pistol and the other a 12 gauge (shotgun). The weapons are decidedly pointed at the three interlopers. Having recovered from being decked by Paris, their ring leader picks himself up off the ground. Dismissively he tosses back, “Fuck it, this is a shitty party anyway,” as the three head back towards the woods.
During the standoff, Beebe had been too preoccupied to notice, but now she catches a whiff of turpentine on the air. She asks but none of the others smelled it. The scent is gone after the three leave.
During the fight, Amy and Sammy had moved to protect the girl they were chasing. She seems calmer now, but still ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. Paris approaches, speaking to the girl in Vietnamese. When in arms reach, the singer embraces her.
“They’re cousins,” Ty explains to Beebe; adding, “from the other side of her family.”
“Lilly!” The girl’s head jerks up at the shouted name. A young Asian (Vietnamese) male quickly walks up to the group. It’s clear that he’s agitated, but Beebe has trouble reading if he’s just upset or angry. The confusion is not long lived as the lead singer and young man exchange hostile glares. He continues to shout at the girl till she disengages from Paris and walks over to him.
The two walk off; the girl following the boy. Natty consoles her friend, while the rest of the group tries to recapture the earlier festive mood, but can’t. They decide to call it a night. On the ride back to Charlie’s place, Beebe is asked if she wants to come to band practice tomorrow night. The band usually practices at Ty and Paris’ grandfather’s farm. She eagerly accepts. Even with the whole family drama, the nomad had a fun night. Beebe would have liked the opportunity to tussle with those three dick weeds. Guys like that need to be put in their place. As she wends her way home along the walkway, the nomad hums one of Velvet Blue’s songs.
Saturday, January 12, 2047:
In the later part of the morning Sheriff Mason comes to interview Sam about the recent murder attempt. He asks about Logan Hawke. With him is Deputy US Marshal Clayton ‘Clay’ Johnson. The two lawmen tell the ex-C.I.A. operative that they have identified the three hitters. They were out of Philadelphia, which makes this an interstate matter.
(GM Note: During Sam’s time in Atlantic City he didn’t have a great relationship with the Philadelphia LawDiv office to say the least. Therefore this case has been assigned to the US Marshals Service.)
Marshal ‘Clay’ Johnson tells Sam the fixer, the three men normally work with, has gone to ground. They are still looking for him. Sam is helpful and answers all their questions. The two assure Fisher the case is being taken very seriously and the Feds along with local law enforcement are still following fresh leads. Sheriff Mason mentions the attack on Gardner Weems, and Sam is surprised by this. After the two leave he summons Ricco, and angrily demands why he wasn’t informed. The security chief points out that Sam was off the grounds and in the hospital at the time. He tactfully doesn’t mention that Fisher is officially not back at his job. Rianna has made it quite clear that Sam’s recovery is not to be disturbed. Ricco gives a full report on the incident and the facts that Gardner could not describe his attacker and there were no witnesses. The Brazilian does comment on the old man’s ‘difficult’ attitude and adds, “I think I know why (the kid hit him).”
Sam is not pleased.
The sound of a heavy truck pulling up, outside, ends any further discussion of the matter. Fisher runs for his handguns while Ricco moves to protect Rianna. Sam comes back into the front room, but doesn’t look outside. He may not admit it openly, but the though of another attempt on his life weighs heavily on his mind.
There is a knock on the door. Sam tells Rianna, “Answer it.”
She may be many things; stupid is not one of them. Both men are obviously expecting trouble and he expects her to answer the door. Rianna has a lot more that she wants to say to Sam on the matter, but for the moment, she simply answers “No.”
Ricco bites the bullet (so to speak) and moves to answer the door. Sam moves to the side, out of sight. Hiding his sidearm behind his back, the security chief opens the portal to confront the man on the stoop. Their would-be attacker is dressed in coveralls, carrying an electronic clip board. “Sam Fisher?” he asks.
Ricco isn’t sure how to respond. Was he asking if he was Sam Fisher or asking if Sam Fisher was home? Rather than asking for clarification, he looks over to Sam, who shakes his head, no. Turning back to the man at the door, the security chief states, “No, he’s not here right now.”
The deliveryman does his best to stay cool. Petersen Point’s Trailer Park and Cottages have a reputation as a den of thieves and murderers. The cargo is Sam Fisher’s mint condition 1970 Charger. It costs a fortune and is worth killing for. He looks down at the clip board to buy time, trying to figure out if he can walk away from the sketchy Latino (Ricco) without getting shot. If holding an arm behind his back wasn’t enough of a giveaway, the delivery man caught sight of the muzzle of the gun, when the Ricco turned to look at Sam
“OK, tell Mr. Fisher we’ll be back Monday.” The deliveryman walks back to his truck with sweat rolling down his brow; all the while thinking, “Oh God, please don’t let me get shot today.”
(GM Note: The delivery man has pictures of both Sam Fisher and Rianna, along with instructions to not release his delivery to anyone but them)
With the immediate danger passed, Sam remembers his car was supposed to arrive today. Turning to Ricco he shouts, “Stop that truck! Don’t let it get away!”
Ricco jumps in his car and flies down the road after the fleeing moving van. Pulling up behind the truck he holds down the horn and flashes the headlights. The truck driver stomps on the gas, but is unable to pull away. Ricco edges past the swerving truck. Once in front, he speeds up the road. Cutting the wheel, to block the lane with his car, the security chief steps out with gun drawn and badge in the air. The terrified driver tries to run him down. Ricco puts a bullet through the window into the man’s chest, causing the truck to veer off the road and come to a stop. The driver’s assistant bails out. He pleads with the security chief to spare his life. Angered by the whole situation Ricco cuffs the blubbering man before calling the sheriff’s department and Dr. Ricci. The doctor arrives but the driver is dead. He was killed instantly. (No skinweave or armor vs. 12mm Dual Purpose)
The driver’s assistant confirms that Ricco identified himself as a policeman. His friend just didn’t believe it due to what happened at the house. Even though he’s off the hook, the security chief spends the next couple of hours filling out paperwork at the sheriff’s office. The truck and Charger are impounded as evidence. Sheriff Mason’s report of a tragic but justified shooting is sent to the county prosecutor, and Ricco is released.
Ricco returns to the security office. Brandon comes on duty. The security chief tries to issue him a walkie talkie, but Heath tells the Disney cop he doesn’t need it. He has a cyber-radio implant and can set the frequencies to those used by the hotel’s security. Given the scarce number of working radios, Ricco is fine with this solution. He takes the walkie talkie over to Rianna to give to Sam. The Brazilian then continues his investigation on who ordered and installed the armor glass in Sam’s office.
Crank spends the day studying the records showing how this hotel operates. By late afternoon he has a good overview. Each of the money making entities operates autonomously. The hotel proper, the fuel dock, the two clubs with the restaurant and bar, the Marina (if it was open) and the Trailer Park and Cottages handle their own finances monthly. Their independence keeps all from being shut down if one entity gets in trouble. The profits (if any) are sent to a main account at the end of the month. It is cumbersome, but an acceptable business model. What surprises Crank is that this place is even still open given its financial situation. Carrie Anne Thorne, the assistant manager, bookkeeper et al isn’t the somewhat sweet, batty old woman behind the front desk he had thought. She is a financial and organizational genius! Carrie Anne has single-handedly kept this place going for years. Crank has a new found respect for the woman.
About 6:30 pm Ricco has narrowed the candidates for the window installation down to four possible places in Pensacola. He will deal with that next week as all of them are closed. What grabs his, and everyone else’s attention now, is the sounds of motorcycles coming down Petersen Point Road. A score of the Visigoths in full colors are escorting an old, battered yellow school bus. Ricco watches through the security monitors, Brandon and Crank step outside. The column drives by the main hotel building and into the school parking lot. Twelve of the bikers loop around the parking lot and head back up the road out of sight. A bunch of teenagers pour off the bus. Crank and Brandon head towards the school.
A male student gets on the back of one bike and a cheerleader jumps on the back of another. Those two bikers pull away. The remaining six watch as the kids get picked up by waiting vehicles or disappear into the trailer park. Brandon slows to a stop and waits just across the road from the school and watches. Crank is furious. The Visigoths are banned from the hotel. The roar of their Harleys and sight of their colors may well frighten away guests. Crank walks up to one of the bikers and asks, “What are you doing here?”
The Visigoth who is covered in road grim and sweat from his multi-hour ride looks at Crank dressed in his tailored suit (to hide his weapon) and his hair combed in place. The biker’s rely is, “Fuck off, asshole!”
Owen considers ripping him off his hog and pounding the crap out of him, but there are five other bikers there. He looks to Brandon, across the street. It doesn’t appear as he is going to back him up. Heath can’t hear the exchange over the sound of the motorcycles. Ricco is not to be seen. Well, the security chief is monitoring the situation from the security console. By now the bus is empty and the kids are gone. The remaining six Visigoths ride leisurely up Petersen Point Road and out of sight.
Crank goes up to Brandon and shouts, “Why didn’t you back me up?”
“Over what?” the security officer replies.
“They (the Visigoths) are banned. They’re not supposed to be here.”
Brandon just looks at him and says, “They were dropping off some kids, so what?”
“When there was only six, we could have taken them,” Crank responds.
“Oh, yeah, then the rest of them come back and what happens then?”
Crank stalks away and calls Sam. Rianna gives Sam the phone. After hearing Crank’s account of events, he calls Ricco to demand an explanation for his inaction. Ricco points out that there was little they could do to stop them and the situation really didn’t merit intervention.
“Do your job!” Sam shouts into the phone, before hanging up on his security chief. Rianna takes the phone from him and tells the ex-Delta Force sniper to calm down.
Jason Fry borrows an old pickup truck from Charlie, so that he and Beebe can head over to the Saint Claire Farm. Beebe brought her gun, just in case, but promises to leave it in the truck. Jason doesn’t object. After last night, it seems a sensible precaution. The farm is out of town down Hickory Hammock Road. There are two houses, a barn and some smaller outbuildings, but what really catches Beebe’s eye as they drive up is the large screened in tent. The band practices in the barn. The dynamics of this group are becoming clear to Beebe. Paris is the leader with her cousin, Ty, serving as her strong right arm. Natty and Paris are BFFs, but there is a hint of something more. Sammy and Amy are the good time followers. Jason, like herself, is a recent addition to their tight knit circle. Standing with them last night seems to have made an impression.
The band is hot and they practice hard. Sure, they drink a little booze and smoke a little pot, but it’s all about the music. A little after 9 the power goes out, ending the rehearsal. Beebe looks back towards town. Blackwater is dark too. The band members take it in stride, pulling out flashlights and lighting lanterns. Ty explains it’s not an uncommon occurrence. While the band cleans up, Jason heads off to light the fire in the tent. Beebe tags along, with nothing better to do. A low platform strewn with cushions encircles the open fire pit. Smoke from the fire is vented through a screened smoke hole at the peak of the tent. Jason takes a hoe and carefully pokes and moves the cushions. This seems curious to Beebe till she hears the telltale sound of a rattler. Jason lifts a large diamondback from among the cushions. Ty unrolls an electric cord from one of the houses to the tent. The main house has a backup generator. Confirming Beebe’s earlier guess, he tells the two nomads that the power is out all over town.
Taking the hoe from Jason, Ty coaxes the snake into wrapping itself around the end of the gardening implement. He takes the reptile to the edge of the woods and lets it go. Beebe is surprised, “Why didn’t you cut off its head? Rattlers are tasty.”
Ty explains that there have been a lot of chemical spills and outright dumping in the area. Catching and eating the local wildlife can be risky.
The band checks the perimeter of the tent’s screen and fixes the place where the snake got through. They get a fire going, put on some Cajun/Blues, and flop onto the cushions.
Beebe learns more about her new friends. Ty works for his (and Paris’) grandfather, Eustis Saint Claire, on the local water and sewer system. He is paid by the town. Natty’s mother is a dancer at the Blue Moon Revue. She attends the hotel school. Beebe wonders how much she’s learned, given her atrocious English. Sammy’s parents are dead. He lives with his sister who works as a cocktail waitress at the Blue Moon.
A soft sensual tune starts to play and the group of friends call to Natty in Cajun French. The girl stands and starts to dance an erotic striptease. Paris may be the siren of song, but Natty is mistress of movement. It takes her a few endless minutes to shed her two pieces of clothes. With her young body glistening in the firelight, she slowly pushes Ty down with her toe, straddles his stomach and grinds her hips on his chiseled abs. The music ends and there is silence.
Ty looks up at her with a matter of fact expression and asks, “Eskize m ‘, men tout cheve nan tèt piblik nou an, ap pikotman nan vant mwen.”
The group shrieks with laughter. Natty falls off Ty and rolls around on the ground giggling. She gets up and looks for her shorts and tank top. The brown haired girl finds her pants and pulls them on. Paris holds up her T, but rather than handing it over, she makes the other girl come to her. She coyly holds it away, making her friend get close. Paris’ hand grasps the bassist’s waist band and pulls the brown haired girl down to sit in her lap. The two kiss.
Ty smiles, gets up and says, “OK, time for me to go to sleep. I’m on call tomorrow.” He heads for the darkened house.
All that can be seen of Sammy and Amy are limbs moving slowly amongst the pillows and cushions. Jason looks at Beebe and asks, “I can drive you home, or …. We could stay awhile?”
Beebe agrees to stay, but tells the young nomad not to expect to get to second base. The two cuddle and an occasional kiss is exchanged. Mostly they just enjoy the warm Florida night, the low fire and sounds of nature around them.
When the power goes out at the hotel, the emergency lights cut in. Within ten seconds the backup generators roar to life. Power is restored along with the air conditioning. Blackwater is still dark. Before the power outage, the Panhandle Saloon was having yet another slow night. But, as one of the few places still with electricity, people begin to show up; drawn in like moths to a flame. Within an hour, the place is rocking. Brandon is on duty and Crank is there as well. With the sudden increase in customers, Crank jumps behind the bar and assists his grateful bartenders. This could be their best night in months!
Sunday, January 13, 2047:
A little after one in the morning, Charlie is woken up by the incessant barking of a dog. He tries to bury his head in his pillow to block out the noise, but it doesn’t help. Dark thoughts of shooting the dog dance through his head as the barking continues. It seems some one else shares his sentiment. There is a bright flash and distinctive hum followed by a short painful yelp. Charlie sits bolt upright. Someone just fired a laser. One of his nomad guards starts to yell, but is cut short by another flash of light.
The weaponsmith is out of bed. He starts to move towards the window, but doubles back to hit the alarm. It doesn’t sound. A third flash elicits a scream. Whoever was hit continues to howl in pain. The smell of ozone fills the air. Now armed, Charlie reaches the window to scan for the shooter. The laser fires again. Instead of a quick flash, a small sun blossoms in the yard. The resulting explosion from the catastrophic overload blows the gunsmith to the floor. All the windows in the house are shattered as the shock wave rolls over the surrounding area.
At the Saint Claire Farm, Beebe sees the flash followed by the boom of the shockwave. She immediately knows what it is. Jumping up she yells at Jason for the keys to the truck. Jason jumps up too and they both run for the vehicle. Like Beebe, he knows where the explosion came from, as do the other half-naked teenagers lounging around fire. Most live at the Resort. They snatch up their clothes and chase after the nomads.
Ricco sees the flash on the monitor in the security office. Seconds later the shockwave rattles the windows of the hotel. The Brazilian sprints to his car and heads towards Charlie’s bungalow. Sam is woken up by the blast. He instantly has flashbacks to Bolivia. Pulling on his clothes he runs towards Charlie’s house with Rianna behind, telling him to slow down. As he exits his house he sees Ricco’s car screaming down the road. Fisher calls Crank and tells him to get to Charlie’s place. Inside the Panhandle Saloon the loud music masks the sound of the explosion, leaving Brandon blissfully unaware.
Ricco arrives first. A flash of his badge gets him past the now heavily armed cordon of nomads. Crank is there soon after, but is barred from entering. A word from Ricco gets Owen through. They go up to see the site of the explosion. There is a circular blast mark cutting through the wooden planked walk way into the sand below. Much of the sand has been fused into glass. Nobody there has seen anything like it. Dr. Ricci rushes by led by some Snake Nation nomads. They go into the house. Sam finally reaches the scene and is let through by some of Charlie’s people. Ricco is allowed to examine the area closely. Crank asks to take a sample of the glass, but the nomads refuse to let anyone disturb the scene. Last to arrive is the truck full of teenagers. Beebe and Jason are immediately let through. Amy, Sammy, Natty and Paris hang back with the crowd of onlookers outside the perimeter. The wail of sirens announces the arrival of the Sheriff’s department.
Sam wants to know where Brandon is. When told the security officer is still at the Panhandle he sends a text telling him to get over to the cottages now. Once outside the noisy bar, Brandon calls Ricco on his radio. The hotel security chief fills him in. Sam sees the radio and demands to know why he wasn’t given one. “I brought one over to your house and gave it Rianna,” the Brazilian replies. A few of the nomads snicker. Rianna hands Sam the radio.
Beebe heads right for the house to check on her personal laser pistol. Sam follows and tries to talk with the young nomad about the presence of laser weapons on hotel property. Beebe puts him off to make sure hers is secure. Sam is denied entry to the home. Waiting for Beebe to return he encounters Dr. Ricci helping Charlie out of the house. Bandages cover the gunsmith’s eyes. He caught the flash full on. Dr. Ricci is taking him to the infirmary. He worries that there may be permanent damage to Charlie’s retinas, but only time will tell.
Beebe’s laser is still in its hiding place, but downstairs one of the older type 2 prototype is missing from the display case. The nomad security head reports two addition two, found with snapped necks and a third man missing. The house’s security system has been hacked and compromised.
Outside, the police and security lock the site down. The nomad security chief informs Ricco and Sheriff Mason that the explosion was from an experimental laser overload. He fails to inform the two that this information is classified. Brandon, Crank and Sam mill around for a while and discuss the situation. Finally Brandon returns to the Panhandle. Crank decides there is nothing he can offer here. As he leaves he does notice the four teenagers that arrived with Beebe are wearing some of their clothes inside out or backward. Rianna finally gets Sam to go to bed. Morning is only a couple of hours away.
Both Sam and Ricco attend the service at Saint Peters by the Sea Catholic Church. Sam pointedly ignores Ricco and doesn’t even acknowledge his presence. After the service Ricco goes through the little rituals he has observed. He talks briefly with Father Rivera and goes to pay his respects to Mr. Giap. This time he gets more than a curt nod. The elderly gentleman actually shakes his hand. Sam is watching and heads over to pay his respects after talking to the priest. Before he can get to Mr. Giap, a young Vietnamese man steps in his way with his hand up and tells Sam, “Go away, you are not wanted here.”
Sam retreats to his car and heads home.
That afternoon is Sam’s cookout. Charlie’s eyes are starting to see light and vague shapes, but the doctor is keeping him in hospital. Beebe has spent the night at Charlie’s bedside in the hotel infirmary. When the time for Sam’s cookout comes, the nomad gunsmith insists she go to the cookout in his stead. She and Rianna have already gotten to know each other. Crank arrives and Sam fires up the grill. Ricco has been feeling bad about this morning and the fact it’s been a rough first week. He goes to Sam’s and knocks on the front door. There is no answer. The Brazilian hears the sounds of the cookout in the back and comes around. Sam glares at him and curtly rebuffs his attempt to talk.
“We’re busy now,” he tells the security chief. “I’ll have something to say to you tomorrow at the weekly staff meeting.” Sam turns his back on his security chief and concentrates on the grill. Ricco leaves.
Beebe breaks the tension by introducing herself to Crank.
(GM Note: Yes, the two PCs haven’t officially been introduced to each other)
Sam wants to discuss this mornings ‘explosive’ incident, but Beebe balks at this.
Crank looks around and says, “Standing outside isn’t a place to talk about classified subjects.”
Beebe tells them she’s sorry but she can’t discuss this subject anywhere.
Sam assures her, “It’s OK, the same people that vetted you, vetted Crank and me.”
The nomad techie says nothing, but doubts that the Department of Defense would give an ex-felon and a strip club manager any kind of clearance.
(GM Note: I think what happened here is that Sam’s player didn’t think. It was stated right from the beginning that neither Charlie nor Beebe was part of the ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. Their sole connection is Sam and Charlie’s friendship and the fact that they would help each other due to that friendship. Also, Sam is the only one aware of the Federal government’s involvement. The rest were hired through fixers. Oh well, pay attention or pay the consequences!)
Crank turns to Beebe and asks, “So are you more than just Charlie’s eye candy?”
Anger fills the young techie’s eyes, “WHAT?”
“Hey, I don’t mean to be insulting,” the young man explains, “but you’re kind of young and have a great bod, full hips, lovely breasts. I was just wondering if that old man just kept you around for looks.”
Beebe restrain herself, informing the hulking slab of beef that she is an active member of Charlie’s development team, and well qualified for her position.
Crank laughs dismissively, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but with you’re looks, it’s hard for anyone to take you seriously.”
She considers shooting the smug prick, but doesn’t want to ruin the party.
Sam and Crank discuss their first week on the job. It is clear that the ex-C.I.A. operative thinks no one but he and Crank are doing their job. Fisher seems to hold Ricco up for the most scorn as a useless appendage to the hotel. He also derides pretty much all the rest of the staff as lazy good for nothing loafers. Crank completely disagrees and the two almost get into an argument over it. Beebe retreats with Rianna and the two women have a wonderful time together.
Monday, January 14, 2047:
All the department heads are at the morning staff meeting. They all seem attentive and ready to get down to business. Sam starts out by demanding to know from Ricco what happened last night.
“Nothing much happened, it was Sunday night,” the security chief replies.
Before Sam can recover Ricco adds, “Late Saturday night an experimental laser overloaded and exploded down at one on the nomad held cottages.”
Many of the staff look surprised. “Would you like my report now?” Ricco asks.
Sam gives him the floor and Ricco delivers a detailed report on the condition of his department with its malfunctioning and missing equipment. This is followed by a complete overview of the security incidents of the previous week and the progress in discovering the details of who and how the armor glass was installed. With four candidates left Ricco expresses confidence he will find out today when these stores open. His report finished the Disney cop sits down.
Fisher announces a major personnel shake up. Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf is being promoted to assistant manager of the hotel. He will be second only to Sam and everyone will be subordinate to him. A hush falls around the table.
Carrie Anne speaks up. “Excuse me, I am the assistant manager here.”
“Not anymore. You can continue on as front desk manager.”
Crank is stunned. Sam hadn’t told him about this. Yes, he is a good club manager, but has absolutely no experience or training in hotel management. He knows the only reason this place is still open is due to Carrie Anne’s prodigious skills. Owen looks at the older woman he has come to admire and she is livid. Crank immediately launches into listing a litany of the good work Ms. Thorne has done here and expresses every confidence in her work.
Carrie Anne points out that Sam doesn’t have the authority to demote her.
The ex-C.I.A. operative makes it clear that he will override her at every point to support Crank. She will be effectively demoted in actuality, if not in name. The mood of the room becomes very somber. The optimism shown by the staff heads at the beginning of the meeting is gone. No one has anything to say, so they are dismissed.
Later that afternoon, Sheriff Mason comes by with Sam’s 1970 Camero and he doesn’t seem in a good mood. The power outage last Saturday night was caused by car hitting pole up near an Interstate 10 interchange just north of the Blackwater Cafe. He tells Ricco and Crank, that the driver died of drug overdose behind the wheel and not from hitting the pole. The lawman goes on to talk about the problems the blackout caused in this part of the county. Ricco’s ‘cop sense’ begins to tell him that this man is playing for time. Finally Mason informs the two that the deceased driver had liquor in him and his investigation has discovered that the man had just left the Panhandle Saloon. The autopsy showed that the drugs were consumed during the time the victim was at their establishment. By the way, his deputies are searching the Saloon as they speak.
“There wasn’t anyone there to serve a warrant on. I’m delivering it to you now as just a courtesy,” the sheriff slaps the warrant on the desk and turns to the door.
“Well, fuck you very much,” Crank replies.
Mason stops dead in his tracks and turns slowly before speaking, “I’m heading over to the Panhandle right now. Maybe my boys have found something.”
Ricco and Crank follow the sheriff over. Brandon sees the parade and goes over too. The deputies have finished a cursory search and report finding no drugs. “There are just some small health code violations here; nothing too bad,” a deputy reports.
The police are about to go when Crank throws out, “Don’t set foot in my place again without a warrant.”
Sheriff Mason looks at his men and tells them, “I don’t think you’ve looked through everything. Bring in the tool kit.”
The deputies spend the next few hours dismantling all the beer dispensers, refrigerators, air conditioners and just about any place drugs could reasonably be hidden. They find nothing, but a few more small health code violations. With just about everything in the Saloon taken apart the deputies leave.
Crank calls in Johnny Tucker, his assistant manager and head bartender, and Jesse James, his other night bartender to start reassembling everything. Brandon offers to help and they discover he is a very handy tech. It takes many hours, but the place will be up and running by tomorrow.
Episode 3 – A Change in Management
Ricco has a sit down with Hank Tremont, the president of the Visigoths MC, and sets up a meeting with him for Sam Fisher. The new general manager, Sam is willing relax the resort’s restriction on the MC (partially) in exchange for some aid in repairing the hotel’s security system. This technical help comes from a wholey unexpected source. Sam’s efforts to get the hotel back on its feet are hampered by the history beteween the nomads and the Peterson Point Resort. He enlists Charlie’s help in finding out why. Members of a rival MC start trouble at the Panhandle. Brandon builds a local reputation by quickly resolving the problem. NCIS and Army CID go over Blue Moon Revue and its staff with a fine tooth comb. Crank keeps his eyes on the prize (having the military ban recinded) but the process is drags on as the investigators show special interest in one of the dancers.
After her demotion by Sam Fisher, Carrie Anne Thorn resigns, setting off a potential financial crisis. Corporate honchos step in to difuse the situation. The result is another change in management. The Martin Luther King’s Day Festival gives the team a chance to mingle and learn more about complicated relationships within the local community.
Sam Fisher, retired Delta Force colonel and C.I.A. assassin, has finally been ‘officially’ released from prison after serving his sentence for extortion due to a botched operation in the Atlantic City part of the Burn Notice Campaign. Part of his (unofficial) deal for pleading guilty at the time was that he would receive his government pensions on his release from prison, but the government isn’t able to honor that part of the agreement. He is informed by his old friend, Nathan Forrest, Deputy Director for Clandestine Services at the C.I.A., that his pensions could be restored if he assists in a very black operation on United States soil.
President Whindham has decided to bring the four southern states known collectively as the ‘Cotton Kingdoms’ to heel. Sam, accompanied by his fiancée Rianna Prescott, will be sent to Santa Rosa County in the Florida panhandle near the Pensacola COG to manage the Petersen Point Resort, a seedy old tourist destination that will serve as a ‘safe house’ for operations to bring down the state government of Alabama. He will also be tasked with the occasional mission himself. To help him, a ‘Dirty Deeds’ group has been assembled whose covers are as employees of the hotel. Only Sam knows this is a government sanctioned operation.
Dramatis Personae
The Team
Beebe Laugherty: A young tech and member of the Snake Nation helping Charlie with his various projects. She is the daughter of retired Major Beatrice ‘Bea’ Laugherty, who gained fame (or infamy) by firing the first ortillery strike of the Fourth Corporate War on NightCity.
Betty Lu: An attractive 25 yo lawyer of Chinese descent. Despite her appearance she is a Texas girl, through and through.
Brandon Heath: A solo who will serve as a security officer at the Petersen Point Resort. He is a member of the ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. Unknown to everyone but Doctor Eduardo Ricci, Brandon is an experimental Biomechanical (cyborg) with one of Doc Freeman’s ‘cyberbrains’ sent by the Collective in response to Sam’s daughter’s request to watch over her father. Brandon was originally Grave, a cyborg from the Fourth Corporate War, who was later (2026) convicted of authorizing the murder of a young hacker and his family. Grave was supposedly executed but the government put him in their Project Kill Switch Program (see Super Solo 2 Campaign for details). He was rescued from a top secret government lab by his friend, Caitlin Jones.
Charlie Bibbliodoc: A master weaponsmith and owner of Boss Arms. He is a Snake Nation nomad in the area who is working on two projects. One is a government DARPA sponsored program to develop next generation laser technology. The other is to rearm and rehabilitate weapons systems for the floating colonies and vessels of the Thelas Nation in the Gulf of Mexico. He is an old friend of Sam Fisher from the Romanian Campaign.
Doctor Eduardo Ricci. This man is the hotel physician and a ‘Dirty Deeds’ employee. He is a Brazilian national who used to work with Roca Terrier, and is trained in bio-mechanical repair.
Owen ‘Crank’ Wolf: A young, muscle bound solo with experience in managing bars and other watering holes. He is a member of Sam’s ‘Dirty Deeds’ crew. His cover is Food and Beverage manager at the Petersen Point Resort.
Rianna Prescott: A younger woman from Sam Fisher’s past, who reconnected with him in Atlantic City and stood by him through his years in prison. They are engaged to be married.
Ricco Torres: A former member of the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police who became a private investigator when his friendship with certain ‘unsavory’ characters came to light. The Disney Corporation hired him to assist an Edgerunner team brought in to push their political agenda in Rio. In the process a monstrous plot that cost the lives of thousands of residents of the infamous favelas was uncovered and Ricco figured prominently in bringing the conspirators to justice. He was promoted and moved to Walt Disney World in Florida. When the United States government asked Disney for help, they sent Ricco to take over as head of security at the Petersen Point Resort.
Sam Fisher: Retired Delta Force sniper, CIA black operative, assassin, cleaner, you-name-it. He has just been released from prison after pleading guilty and serving a five year sentence for extortion to protect his friends and his daughter from the fallout of a botched operation. He is the general manager of the Petersen Point Resort and Team Leader.
The NPCs
Alice Timmons runs the Trailer Park and the Guest Houses at the Petersen Point Resort.
Alina Lanikova is the lead dancer at the Blue Moon Revue. She is a stunningly beautiful (ATTR 10), tall 29 year old Czech woman. Her skills are exceptional and she acts as ‘Den Mother” to the other dancers. She lives at the Resort with her teenage daughter.
Amy Fry is a young Thelas and sister of Jason Fry. She dates Sammy Trang, the drummer of Velvet Blue.
Carrie Anne Thorn is Front Desk Manager, also asst. hotel manager and bookkeeper at the Petersen Point Resort. She is a small white woman is her early sixties. Carrie Anne has arthritis so she doesn’t walk a lot.
Charles Ingersoll is the grandson-in-law of Sophie Petersen, widow of Randy Petersen and heiress to the Petersen Family Trust. He serves as CEO of the Petersen Point Properties Group.
Eustis (‘Useless’) Saint Claire is an old black man who runs the water and sewer system at the Petersen Point Resort.
Gardner Weems is the old white cracker who runs the resort’s marina. He is also a Blackwater Town Councilman.
Father Ernesto Rivera is the Puerto Rican born priest of St. Peter’s by the Sea. He is 32 years old and very warm and friendly.
Frank Michaels is the senior NCIS agent at the Pensacola COG.
Freddy Timmons is a rotund little man in his forties, who stutters a bit and seems almost comically nervous. He is a town constable.
Henrique: A former Favela drug lord (nicknamed the King Snake) and leader of the Red Command who took a government amnesty offer and got out of the drug business. Henrique used to belong to a Brazilian pop group manufactured by a record company. When his voice changed he was fired and thrown back into the favela where he rose to the top of the local gang. The man now runs a media company which works with Disney. He and Ricco Torres grew up together with Ricco being the younger ‘brother’ (nicknamed Cobrinha – Little Snake).
Henry ‘Hank’ Tremont is the president of the local charter of the Visigoths MC.
Jason Fry is a young Thelas nomad serving of Charlie’s test ship, the Sea Snake. His sister is Amy Fry. He has a thing for Beebe.
Jebediah Biggs is the junior agent (probie) from NCIS and partner to Agent Michaels. He wears a Marine crew cut.
Jesse James is the sloppy (with the money, but honest) bartender from the Panhandle Saloon.
Johnny ‘Squint’ Tucker, a not overly bright man about 36 years old who is the assistant manager and head bartender for the Panhandle Saloon.
Karl and Anne Petersen, are the parents of Nancy Petersen, and their two other children, John and Todd.
Major Rachel Fredericks is an Army CID officer on the team inspecting the Blue Moon Revue. She is a no nonsense kind of person who only smiles with permission from higher ups.
Mayor Mildred Hodges: An older white woman and mayor of Blackwater.
Mr. Zeitsev is the code name for Sam Fisher’s contact on this secret, black project. He is the government’s ‘Mr. Johnson’.
Nancy Petersen is a 25 year old cocktail waitress at the Panhandle saloon.
Natty Lanikova is the daughter of dancer Alina Lanikova and the teenage bassist for Velvet Blue. She dates Steve Zelinsky, a prospect of the Visigoths and speaks little English.
Obadiah ‘Obie’ Terhune is an Afro-American male about 51 years old and is the maintenance chief at the Petersen Point Resort. Actually, he is the entire maintenance department which should number at least ten.
Paris Saint Claire is the lead singer for the band Velvet Blue and granddaughter of Eustis Saint Claire. She and Natty are best friends.
Reverend Ezra Brown is the minister of the Blackwater Jubilee Baptist Church. He is a happy jovial man in his fifties and his church is filled with singing and music. He and Father Rivera are good friends. The two have a standing checkers game every Thursday about 5 pm at the Blackwater General Store.
Richard King is a highly placed Disney executive that deals in ‘delicate’ situations. He is the man Disney sends, when things are going wrong and action must be taken. He has the nickname ‘King Dick’, but never to his face!
Sammy Trang is the drummer of the band, Velvet Blue.
Sandomir ‘Sandy’ Zelinsky is the Vice President of the Visigoths MC. He is a tall blonde, green eyed man. Wild and fun loving in his youth, Sandy has matured into a clever and experienced leader. He and Hank are best friends.
Sheriff Marcus G. (Garvey) Mason of Santa RosaCounty is a powerfully built African-American with a bald head and piercing brown eyes. He has been sheriff for seventeen years and on the force for eight years before that as well as twelve years in the Army. He has a cyberarm and two cybereyes as well as a lot of smaller cyberware. The man has a reputation as a tough, honest cop who protects his county.
Stefan ‘Steve’ Zelinsky is the eighteen year old son of the V.P. ‘Sandy’ Zelinsky of the Visigoths MC and has the same good looks and coloration as his father. He is seeing Natty Lanikova.
Tran Xuan Giap is the elderly patriarch of the Tran family and a town councilman. He is very conservative and old school.
Ty Saint Claire is Paris’s cousin and the smoking hot guitar player of Velvet Blue. He is a bald (he shaves it) ebony skinned teenager.
The Action
Monday, January 14, 2047:
Ricco is at Petersen’s Garage when it opens at 8 am. A man in green coveralls walks out of the second bay and enquires, “What can I do ya for?”
“I’d like to get an oil change and the tires rotated on my car.”
The mechanic scratches at his cheek while assessing the Brazilian’s vehicle. There’s nothing up on the lift so there no wait. Ricco ask how long it will be and if there is some place he can wait?
“Blackwater Café’s over there.” The mechanic indicates with a jerk of his thumb over his shoulder.
Noting the door marked by a sign reading ‘ENTRANCE”, Ricco begins to walk towards the restaurant, but pauses. Turning back to the man who now has his keys, the security chief asks “by the way what’s your name?” The mechanic points with his thumb at the patch sewn to the left breast of his coveralls. “Bob”, he responds.
Ricco leaves the mechanic to his work and continues towards the Café. The members of the Visigoths, hanging in front of their clubhouse, pay him no mind.
The current patrons look up when Ricco enters. After a moment, they return to their own business. A pretty young waitress working the floor finishes pouring coffee for a customer, but ignores the Brazilian. Put off by the lack of service, he decides to avoid the tables set closer to the door and bellies up to the long lunch counter and orders breakfast from an older waitress working the counter. Other than Ricco, there are only two other customers in her section.
A man in a Visigoth cut is talking amicably with a much older gentleman at the far end. Both have half finished plates of food in front of them. Two other Visigoths are sitting in the far corner. After his entrance, the two returned to eating. The only other patron is an elderly man sitting alone at a table by the front window. He sips with relish from the steaming cup of coffee just filled by the young waitress. The chief of security sits patiently waiting. He takes the opportunity to look over the woman working the lunch counter. While not as young as the other waitress, she is attractive in her own way.
The minutes drag on, but no one approaches. Fed up, Ricco moves down towards the end of the counter. The biker and old man stop their conversation and glare at the Brazilian.
Ricco offers a greeting to diffuse the situation. “Hi.”
“Hey, we’re having a private conversation here,” The biker declares.
Ricco leaves the pair to their chat and heads towards the Visigoths in the corner. Their meal is forgotten as the two turn to look at their unwanted guest.
“What do you want?” one of the bikers demands.
“I’m looking for Hank Tremont,” Ricco offers with a smile.
Turning back to the table, the second biker grasps his coffee mug. “Never heard of him,” after pausing to take a sip he adds. “What are you doing here?”
From the grip on the mug it is obvious to the security chief that the biker intends to use it as a projectile of things turn ugly. He tries to keeps it light.
“I’m having breakfast.”
“Then go eat it,” The first biker nods back towards the counter. Ricco acknowledges the nod, but also notes that the Visigoth’s left hand has moved below the table. The Disney cop turns back to the counter. There is indeed a plate of food waiting. Walking back to his seat, scanning for possible threats, he catches sight of a small tattoo on the calf of the younger waitress. It is a smaller version of the Visigoth’s helmeted barbarian symbol. From his experience this may mean she ‘belongs’ to one of the gangers. Sitting down to his breakfast, he tells the counter waitress, “I’m looking for Hank Tremont.”
Her response echoes that of the bikers, “Never heard of him.” She doesn’t give Ricco a chance to ask any further questions. Walking away from the security chief, she heads for the end of the counter to check on her other customers. Two more Visigoths enter and sit at a table. From the reflection in the napkin dispenser, Ricco can see that they are watching him.
The security chief quietly eats his meal. A foursome enters the café. Looks like a mother and father with two kids in tow; probably tourist judging by their dress. The kids see the bikers and burst into smiles. The parent’s eyes widen in fear and they hustle their offspring right back out the door. A few of the bikers snicker.
When Ricco is half way through his breakfast, three more Visigoths walk out of the back. The two bikers in the corner nod towards Ricco as the trio enters. In the lead is a tall, handsome blond giant of a man, with a patch on his cut which reads vice president. Second is the Sergeant at Arms; a grim faced cyborg, with nary a glint of humanity in his eyes. His sparse attire, biker vest with no shirt and cutoff jeans, displays the fact that all four of his limbs have been cybernetically augmented. Last to enter is Hank Tremont.
Hank and the blond giant take sets at the counter on either side of the Disney cop. The glowering cyborg stands behind him. While not invading Ricco’s personal space, he is close enough to grab the security chief in a heartbeat.
“So, I hear your looking for me,” Tremont offers as way of greeting.
“Yes, I’m Ricco Torres.”
The MC President is unimpressed. “I know who and what you are. What do you want?”
“Well, you clearly have a lot of experienced technical people here, and we need some maintenance personnel, so I was wondering if you could recommend anyone?
Hank scoffs, “Well, since the MC is banned from the hotel, I don’t fucking think so!”
“How long have you been banned?” inquires Ricco. “Why did that happen?”
“It was a long time ago, and it was Randy Petersen that did it. That pencil neck dick, Ingersoll still won’t lift it.”
The security chief and MC president cautiously feel each other out. It is clear that Hank has done his homework. The gang leader knows what happened in Rio. He is impressed, especially by the fact that Ricco went after (and took down) the rich and powerful. It’s clear to the Brazilian that’s earned him a measure of respect.
Feeling more comfortable, the security chief asks about all the bikers coming to the school. Hank explains they always escort the school sports teams when they travel any distance as ‘a community service’. It’s a point of pride that this year’s basketball team is undefeated. The two make small talk, but finally Hank comes out and asks “What do you need?
The Brazilian starts to talk about maintenance staff. Hank cuts him off.
“No, what do you need?”
Suddenly Ricco remembers the kid who gave them the pictures of the getaway vehicle used by the trio that tried to take out Sam. “Well, the surveillance system is a mess and my communications are in bad shape.”
Hank yells for someone to get Steve. The gang leader pulls an old letter from a plastic bag. It is the original notice banning the Visigoths fifteen years ago. No reason list. Hank also points out that the wording of the letter is ambiguous. Depending on how you read it, the ban could be said to only apply to full members of the MC. If they were to have signed letter, stating that the ban doesn’t apply to Visigoth prospects, Hank could see his way clear to sending Steve over to work on the security systems. Ricco’s signature may not be enough, the MC President presses to have the general manager, Sam Fisher, sign the letter as well.
During the negotiations, Steve arrives. Ricco learns that the young prospect is the son of the vice president, Sandy Zelinsky (the big blonde man). Steve is willing to look at the radios, repair or replace any cameras that Ricco knows are down and debug the security computer. The hotel will pick up the cost of materials. The prospect states he will need his programmer friend for the computer. This elicits a groan from his father. Pressing on, Steve demands $2000 apiece, for him and his friend; half down and half on completion.
Hank expresses his hope that this gesture might lead to better relations between the hotel and the club. It is clear he wants the ban lifted. When Ricco’s check arrives, Hank tears it up and just requests, “Leave a good tip.”
Ricco does and heads back to the hotel.
Crank decided to give Carrie Anne a day to calm down after her unceremonious demotion. He heads for her office, but notices that his name, rather than hers is now on the door. Cautiously he opens it and looks in. Carrie Anne has vacated the office. Wolf turns and asks the front desk clerk where the ex-assistant manager is.
“She left on a two week vacation,” replies the nervous woman.
Owen goes into his new office, looks in the company directory and calls her cell phone. The desk drawer rings. The number is listed to the hotel’s assistant manager which she no longer is. He locates her home number. After several rings it goes right to voice mail. Unable to reach her by phone, Crank hunts through the personnel records for her home address. He doesn’t want to ride over on his Harley, but the only company vehicles are those used by the Maintenance Department. Obie, is cutting the grass around the hotel, but agrees to let him use the pickup. “Sure, I won’t need it for an hour or so.”
Carrie Anne lives on the northern edge of Blackwater. Her home is one of two side by side houses. Both are the same style one floor bungalows; probably built at the same time and by the same builder. There is no answer at Ms. Thorn’s home. Crank tries the twin house. Mayor Mildred Hodges answers the door. Owen says good morning and asks, “I’m looking for Ms. Thorn, do you know where I can find her?”
“My sister said she was going away for a couple of weeks,” Mildred replies pleasantly.
Crank’s heart sinks. Sam not only demoted and infuriated the one person holding this hotel together; she’s also the Mayor’s sister. “Do you know where she went?”
Mayor Hodges thinks and says, “No, she didn’t say.”
Owen smiles and thanks the Mayor for her time and drives back to the hotel.
Betty Lu has had her hands full. As the new attorney for the hotel, she has been reviewing the past and existing litigation. Her work has been made more difficult by the deplorable state of the resorts digital filing system. Neglect or outright sabotage has left the computer systems irretrievably corrupted. Betty Lu has been forced to sift through the stacks of hard copy files. Her search has turned up six outstanding issues among the boxes of paper.
- One: John Wilson Jr. et al vs. Petersen Point Marina (lawsuit)
- Two: Pension Issues Pending from Pre-reorganization of Petersen Point Properties
- Three: The State of Florida and Santa Rosa County vs. Petersen Point Properties Entertainment
- Four: Trailer Park Issues (lawsuits) – Petersen Point Properties Trailer Park vs. A) Samuel Gomez et al; B) Raul Aldecado et al; C) Bloods Entertainment et al; D) John Watson Nautical et al
- Five: Legal Issues regarding the Beach Creamery;
- Six: Petersen Family Trust.
She stops by Sam’s to find out which case he wants her to concentrate on? Looking the brief overview that Betty Lu has prepared, it strikes the general manager, “I’ve never even heard of the Beach Creamery. Look into number four, the four lawsuits regarding the trailer park.”
Betty Lu sighs. She was hoping he wouldn’t pick that one. The case file and legal filings take up eleven whole boxes. She returns to her office, prepared for a long night of work.
After returning Obie’s truck, Crank heads for Sam’s office to tell of Carrie Anne’s resignation. The ex-C.I.A. operative rummages through his in box and finds her letter:
Monday, January 14, 2047
Mr. Sam Fisher
General Manager
Petersen Point Resort
Blackwater, Florida
Dear Sir;
I am sorry you find my 32 years of experience here not at all valuable in your efforts to rehabilitate the Petersen Point Resort. I was hoping in the week you have been here you would at least inquire about my thoughts on how to improve resort operations, but as so many before you that has not been the case. I am sure Mr. Wolf will serve you well in the capacity of Assistant General Manager. Your extensive background in hotel management will be a great boon to the young man.
Perhaps it is all for the best. As for myself, I will be taking the two week vacation starting Tuesday the 15th that I approved for myself last Sunday, as was my right under the hotel’s operating regulations since I was still Assistant General Manager at that time. You will find all the required paperwork in my personnel file.
You may consider this my letter of retirement and the two weeks’ notice I am required to give. On my return, I will expect the balance of my paycheck and the three months outstanding vacation pay I am owed left to be ready as per Florida state law. Also, my bank will be contacting you as to where to transfer my pension fund that is owed under the court decree governing the re-organization of Petersen Point Properties Group.
Again, I wish you all success and the knowledge that this town and many of its people are depending on your excellent management skills to guide this hotel to profitability and success.
Sincerely yours,
Carrie Anne Thorne
CC: Mr. Charles Ingersoll, CEO Petersen Point Properties Group
The good news just keeps on coming. Crank leaves, jumps on his Harley and heads up the road to the county seat of Milton. It is time to ‘kiss the Sheriff’s ass’ …. Err apologize for his attitude yesterday.
Ricco arrives back at the hotel after having his car serviced. He drops by Sam’s office to give him the name of the company that installed the armor glass. The security chief discloses that the work order would be under the name of former GM, who paid for the installation himself. Ricco also gives him the names of three other Pensacola area companies in case Sam wants to compare prices to have the glass repaired. With the old business out of the way, the Brazilian fills his boss in on his meeting with Hank Tremont. Sam agrees that prospects aren’t really full members and the ban doesn’t apply to them. He instructs Ricco to get Betty Lu to draw up the letter Hank wants and deliver it to him. Sam also wants to meet with Hank before Steve and his friend come over to work on security system. Leaving the general manager’s office the security chief goes to see Betty Lu.
“When do you need it?” the lawyer asks.
“When you can get to it.”
Since Ricco didn’t indicate there was any rush, Betty Lu puts it on the back burner, to continue her research of the Trailer Park court cases. She figures it can wait a day or two.
Ricco calls Crank, but he is at the Sherriff’s office still trying to make amends. Problem is he can’t get an appointment to see the sheriff. The Brazilian ex-cop tries to call on his behalf, but the sheriff is busy on another call.
Sam contacts the armor glass company. They agree to send a sales representative over on Thursday. The general manager receives a call from Charlie about an hour later. He invites his friend to stop over. The nomad gunsmith arrives with his assistant, Beebe. Before the two can start talking, the young nomad insists they sweep the office for bugs. Given Sam’s attempted interrogation at the cookout, she can guess the primary topic of discussion. The sweep actually turns up a listening device, under the lip of Sam’s desk.
Not even the least bit curious of its origins, Sam and Charlie are ready to drop the bug in a glass of water. Beebe nearly lunges across the desk to stop them. “Shouldn’t we study it first?”
Wrapping the device in a wad of paper and, Charlie hands it to Beebe. He asks her to take it out of the office. The young woman feels as if she’s been ‘dismissed’ for speaking up. Rather than sit out side the office waiting, she takes a walk down to the employee’s cafeteria. Try as she might, Beebe can’t help but worry about what’s being discussed in the office. The young nomad grabs a sandwich and a drink, in hopes that eating with divert her attention. Whiling away the time in the cafeteria, she spots a couple of students from the school come in hanging up a poster. Idly munching on her sandwich, she walks over to give it a read.
“Martin Luther King Day Festival at the Blackwater Jubilee Baptist Church.”
The poster promises food, fun and games. Velvet Blue will be playing too. Sounds like it might be fun.
Back in the office, Sam asks Charlie about his laser project and whether any more of the weapons are on hotel grounds. The weapon smith apologizes but tells him, “That’s classified.”
No amount of wheedling can get the nomad to open up. He in fact asks Sam to talk to Crank. It’s come to his attention that the Food & Beverage Manager has been asking around about laser weapons and it needs to stop. Any loose talk by Sam or his people could bring nasty men who will scoop them up and drop them into a deep, dark hole. Charlie isn’t trying to scare his friend or be overly dramatic. It’s just the way things are. Powerful people have a lot invested in his project.
Sam drops the discussion of laser weapons and moves on to the problems of the hotel. He asks if Charlie knows anyone who would be interested in working on the maintenance crew. The weapon smith is shorthanded due to the recent deaths on his staff (during the intrusion early last Sunday morning), but he will ask around to see if any of the nomads staying in the trailer park are interested. Charlie collects Beebe and the two depart.
Sam checks with Ricco to see if the letter is ready for his signature. When told he is waiting on it, Sam tells his security chief to get it now. The general manager also gives Ricco 2000 euro, to cover the full fee for Steve and his friend. Letter in hand, Ricco heads back to the Blackwater Café. Hank comes out to meet him. The two head inside to take care of business.
The President of the MC is pleased with the letter. Ricco tries to hand over the 2000 euros, but Hank tells him to give it to Steve when he shows up for work. The security chief calls Sam to pass along an invite from the head of the MC. The gang leader and Disney cop have a pleasant conversation till they are interrupted by another member of the Visigoths. “There’s a guy in a suit standing in the parking lot.”
For some reason Sam took “Come over to the Café” to mean come stand in the parking lot. Ricco steps outside to collect his boss. There is a little snickering as they re-enter the café, but Sam ignores it. He shakes hands with Hank and the two sit down to hash it out. Excluding the deal that has already been brokered, the leader of the MC is unwilling to help with maintenance or recommend anyone until the ban against the MC is lifted. They especially want access to the bar and strip club.
Sam would like to, but circumstances don’t yet permit it. They agree to see how Steve works out and revisit the issue later. Sam invites Hank and the rest of the gang outside to look at his 1970 Charger. As they talk about bikes and cars the former Delta Force Colonel notices a lot of military tats among the bikers. If their ink is any indication, most have seen service and are probably combat veterans. Sam’s own tattoos are covered up by his suit. This could provide common ground that he can capitalize on later. For the moment he sticks to talking about vehicles. They all part amicably.
Obie comes to see Ricco around 4 (pm), to report the golf course has been vandalized yet again. The security chief questions him about the frequency and timing of these incidents. As far as Obie can tell, the attacks have been random; maybe every couple of weeks. These new dead patches weren’t there last week, meaning the vandalism probably occurred over the weekend.
Evening finds Crank at the Panhandle still working with Carlos, the bar back, to clean up all the ‘minor health code’ violations the sheriff mentioned during his search. The Saloon is nearly empty except for a couple of regulars, when four men breeze through the entrance of the bar. From the road grime and leathers, they look to be bikers, but not members of the Visigoths. The patches on their cuts mark them as members of the Rattlesnakes MC.
There is no ban on wearing colors, otherwise the nomads, who make up a large part of the weekend crowd, wouldn’t come. The four pass through the scanway (which is set to only sound an alarm if firearms are present) and take a seat at one of the many vacant tables. Jesse James heads out back to notify Crank. The manager decides to review the scanway cache before stepping onto the floor. No guns; just a small folding pocket knife in the pocket of one of the bikers. Brandon discretely observes the smiling and joking bikers. No one seems bothered by their presence. In fact they liven up the place.
Crank walks up to greet his new customers. The four seem fully at ease and are even courteous; standing politely when Nancy Petersen comes over to take their order. The leader offer Crank his hand and introduces himself as “Fang.” Distracted by the hand shake, Owen misses the other biker coming up behind him. He is sucker punched in the back of the head and goes down (The attacker is a martial artist and uses stun damage). The two remaining Rattlesnakes grab a screaming Nancy and try to drag her out the door. Standing over the body of the fallen bar manager, the Fang warns the crowd not to interfere.
Brandon closes on the leader, taking him down with a single strike. The security officer ignores the biker who hit Crank and goes after the two dragging Nancy. They are almost to the door when he catches them. In a flurry of fists and feet Brandon subdues both Rattlesnakes. The last attacker pulls up short.
Not interested in getting beat down like his buddies, the biker raises his hands, “Hey man, we were just fooling around.”
Brandon is at a loss of what to do. As Grave he never took prisoners. No one he fought ever survived unless they ran really fast. Killing them now would create too many problems, so instead, he tells the two bikers that are still conscious, “You and your friends leave.”
Gathering their fallen brethren, the Rattlesnakes retreat from the bar. Once the door closes, the staff and customers break into applause. Nancy gives Brandon a kiss.
[GM Note: At the first sign of trouble, Jesse called Ricco waking from a dead sleep. Once Brandon sprang into action though, the fight lasted all of 10 seconds. This led to a very abbreviated call.
“Hey, we got a problem down here … wait …. No …. It’s OK. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you <click>.
Not sure if he was dreaming or being crank called, the security chief rolled over and went back to sleep)
Dr. Ricci is summoned to check out Crank, who is still unconscious. He has the manager brought to the infirmary for observation. Brandon decides not to call the police.
Wednesday, January 16, 2047:
With Crank out of action (undergoing tests in the hospital), Sam fields a call from Sly at the Blue Moon Revue. Two NCIS agents, an Army CID major and two MPs are on the premises conducting interviews. The general manager heads right over. Forgetting about the scanway, he walks in the front door with his two 14mm Big Governments. The screeching alarm grabs the attention of the three customers near the stage. An MP burst out of the door leading to store rooms and draws down on Sam with his Colt AMT. The former Special Forces Colonel just looks at him. A leathery faced man with a droopy moustache and rumpled suit comes in the same door; a Colt model 1911 in hand. Seeing who set off the alarm, he holsters his sidearm. The ex-Delta Force officer recognizes the other’s NCIS credentials. The barrel of the MP’s handgun never wavers from its target.
The man in the rumpled suit walks past the gung ho youth, telling him “Put that thing away.”
He walks up to Sam and introduces himself as Special Agent Frank Michaels. “My team and I are here to inspect the premises and interview the staff pursuant to your petition to have the ban lifted. We picked today, figuring (correctly) it wouldn’t be too busy in the middle of the week. No need to disrupt your business, too much.”
As Agent Michaels chats with Sam, a woman in in BDUs comes out of the back. The NCIS officer waves her over and introduces Major Rachel Fredericks to Sam Fisher. The major seems wholly uninterested in the frivolities of small talk. Holding out an electronic table, she interrupts the agent in mid sentence. “It’s your turn to have a go at her.”
Excusing himself, the NCIS officer heads back towards the door to the store rooms. Major Fredericks walks away from the Sam without further comment. Based on her rigid demeanor and short blunt answers, the Major seems like a no nonsense officer. Given her by the book attitude, she probably wouldn’t smile unless ordered to by a higher ranking officer.
Sam talks to Sly and his assistant, Claude ‘DJ’ Clemmons, to find out what happened before his arrival. Sly seems uncomfortable as he explains, “Every employee’s been in for an interview. Most were quick. Five or ten minutes tops. Alina though…they’ve had her back there for like two hours. That guy with the mustache and the lady in uniform, have been going at her hard.”
(GM Note: The interviews of most of the employees were conducted by junior NCIS agent, Jebediah Biggs. Agent Michaels and Major Fredericks showed special interest in Alina Lanikova, the Blue Moon’s lead dancer)
Sam tries to complain to Major Fredericks about the prolonged interrogation. “You’re monopolizing the club’s best asset.”
She is unmoved. “If you want, we can just leave and tell the board that management was uncooperative.”
Finally, the three interrogators finish. Sam is informed that they will be back for at least one more inspection. Alina exits the interrogation and heads right for the stage. The other girls are not happy they had to take up the slack during her long interview. Sam wonders why they focused on her. When she finishes on stage, he tries to ask her, but is brusquely rebuffed. Alina is annoyed and offended by what happened and sick to death of answering questions. Sam backs off.
Steve Zelinsky arrives at the security office at 4 (pm). The Visigoth prospect introduces Ricco and Brandon to his programmer, who is also his girlfriend, Natty. He asks the security chief what problem he’d like them to tackle first. As the two talk Natty starts to fiddle with on of the walkie talkie chargers; taking it apart. She has it fixed in about the time it takes them to finish their conversation. Natty and Steve spend hours studying the malfunctioning security system. When its time to leave, the prospect translates for his girlfriend. “She’d like to take all the broken walkie talkies, one working radio and a charger home with her, so she can work on them.”
Having watched how diligently they worked, Ricco says, “Sure.”
The docks of the closed marina provide a perfect place for Beebe to unwind. The air currents off the water are perfect. Some people do yoga or meditate, she flies a kite. It reminds her of home. Lost in the moment, she is surprised by a familiar voice from behind her. “What’ca doing?”
Keeping one eye on the sky, the nomad turns to say hello to her friend, Paris Saint Claire. Bebbe explains that she is relaxing and waxes poetic about the Zen of kite flying. To her surprise, Paris seems to ‘get it’. Both girls express a keen awareness of the world around them. A kite tries to pull free of its tether, but without a guiding hand it would come crashing to the ground. But the kite flyer is not in control. They are powerless with out the wind. A kite can’t be forced into the sky. It requires being in the right place at the right time and open to the moment.
Beebe shows Paris how to fly the kite and the younger girl is a fast learner. The two revel in the subtle dance of the multicolored craft, till a pickup truck pulls up to the end of the dock and beeps its horn. It’s Paris’ grandfather, Eustis, and cousin, Ty. The young guitar player waves to Beebe. Paris thanks her friend and jumps in the back of the truck for the ride home. Beebe continues to enjoy her afternoon.
Thursday, January 17, 2047:
Ricco heads for Pensacola. His destination is the police supply and gun store recommended by Sheriff Mason. The security chief buys two Glock 17 handguns, extra clips and a box of 9mm dual purposed cased ammunition. He also picks up a Sternmeyer 35 with an extra clip and a box of 11mm dual purpose. While in town, he also stops to purchase an armor saver drink to repair his damaged skinweave (thanks to the Alabama State Police).
Charlie continues to ask around about the ban on working at the Petersen Point Resort. It is clear a number of the nomads don’t like Sam very much.
The weapon smith tries to set them straight. “Just ‘cause my friend is a flaming douchebag sometimes, is no reason to dislike him. He’s really not a bad guy.”
One of the nomads finally clues him in on the situation. The Wilson Family has put a ban on working for the resort. His source won’t go into the details and with no one from the Wilson family around, Sam is pretty much dead in the water. Charlie put out the word that he’d like to talk some one from the family. When told, Sam presses for information on Wilsons, but Charlie is reluctant to talk too much about his fellow nomads.
Beebe plans to make a large batch of Lemon Squares for the Martin Luther King Day celebration on Monday. She head for the Blackwater General Store to pick up baking supplies. As she walks into the store the woman behind the counter challenges her immediately. “No guns allowed in here!”
Yes, the girl is carrying her sidearm. In the part of Nevada she calls home a pistol never raises an eyebrow. Two men in clerical collars look up from their game of checkers, sitting on a pickle barrel. One is an older grey haired black man and the other is a young Hispanic male.
“Come on, Sally,” the older cleric says. “She’s new in town. Besides, she doesn’t look like she’s going to shoot anybody.”
“Can I just leave it with you while I shop?” Beebe asks the woman.
“Alright,” the clerk relents. “Just keep it at home next time.”
Beebe thanks her and unslings the gun belt from over her shoulder.
The store has a quaint early twentieth century feel. Customers come and go at a leisurely pace, even stopping to visit. The atmosphere is warm and comforting. Beebe purchases her ingredients, takes back her takes back her gun belt, with a polite thank you to the clerk and begins the walk home. As she heads down the street, a car pulls up behind her and issues a short, sharp burst from its siren.
A short roly-poly man in a uniform steps out. “Excuse me miss, but it’s not customary for people to walk around town packing sidearms openly.”
Beebe apologizes, “I’m from Nevada and it’s no big thing there.”
The officer smiles and replies, “Oh, that’s OK. It just scares the women and the kids. I’m Chief Constable Timmons, Welcome to Blackwater.”
The two chat pleasantly for a few minutes and Beebe continues on her way home. Along the way she pops by to say hello to Rianna. The two have begun to develop a friendship. Beebe asks if she knows about the coming Martin Luther King Day festivities.
“Yes,” Rianna replies. “I helped put the poster together. I am volunteering at the school now and teaching science to the kids.”
Sam’s fiancée tells the young nomad that she has a Master’s degree in environmental engineering. She used to work for the SoCal government until cut backs eliminated her position. Beebe helps with the dinner and when Sam gets home she is invited to join the couple. They all spend a pleasant evening together.
Friday, January 18, 2047:
At 9 am, the front desk clerk informs Sam Fisher that Charles Ingersoll, the CEO of Petersen Point Properties (the resort’s holding company), is on his way to the resort. He is coming for a meeting with the general manager at 11 am. Sam checks his calendar, but there is no scheduled meeting. It looks to be a surprise visit.
A few minutes before 11 two AV limousines and a Militech AV-4 arrive by air. Before the limos land, a 6 person AA Threat Militech Security Team deploys from the AV-4. They lock down the immediate area. The AV dusts off and stands on station. With the LZ secure, the limos land. Charles Ingersoll and another ‘suit’ emerge from the lead limo. With them is an obvious bodyguard. Out of the other limo steps Richard King, a very high level Disney executive based out of Orlando. Ricco recognizes Mr. King. He is the man Disney sends when things are going wrong. Behind his back people call him ‘King Dick’.
The faces of the resort employees harden when they see Ingersoll. He seems as popular as the plague. The CEO wears an expression of bored indifference that does not change even after entering the general manager’s office. Taking a seat on the couch, he let’s the Disney executive handle the introductions.
The name of third man puts Sam on guard. He is introduced as Mr. Zeitsev; the cover name for the ex-agent’s new C.I.A. handler! Sam expects Zeitsev to be calling the shots, but the man seems happy to let Richard King to take the lead.
King Dick begins. “Congratulations, Mr. Fisher in less than two weeks you have managed to drive this hotel to the brink of bankruptcy!
Sam is stunned.
“What possessed you to fire the assistant manager Mrs. Thorn, a woman with over thirty years’ on the job, and replace her with a twenty-five year old bar manager with absolutely no hotel management experience?”
The question is obviously rhetorical. King doesn’t even pause for a reply as he lays into Sam, listing every managerial misstep and poor decision. Through it all, Ingersoll remains silent. He simply looks on with impatience as King continues to dress down the general manager.
He wonders why the CEO is even there, till they get to the matter of Carrie Anne Thorn’s pension. Sam remembers she mentioned it in her letter of resignation. Sadly she didn’t disclose the amount. Current valuation puts it in excess of $600,000. The company can’t cover this. Worse still Carrie Anne is not the only employee interested in the status of their pension. Obie Turhune, the maintenance head, has made inquiries. If they retire, it will force the hotel into a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. If any more of the old guard leave it will probably drive the company into Chapter 9 liquidation within two to three months. Mr. King finally gets down to it. Sam Fisher is removed as general manager effective immediately. Mr. Wolf’s promotion as assistant manager is NOT approved by corporate. Carrie Anne Thorn has agreed to come back and continue as assistant manager. The Disney executive insists that his man, Ricco Torres, will become the new general manager. Brandon Heath will replace him as head of security.
King Dick continues, “We are not unmindful of the sacrifices you and your fiancée have made in moving here, so we are prepared to offer you a position on the security team under Mr. Heath. If you decide you accept this new position, there will be a cut in pay and you will have to move to more ‘suitable’ quarters away from executive housing within a week. Please think about our offer and give us an answer within 24 hours. We have to go talk to Mr. Torres now. You can clean out this office while we do. Oh, Mr. Ingersoll has this decision in writing for you.”
The CEO pulls the documents out of his briefcase and mechanically hands them to Fisher. Then both he and Mr. King stand. Mr. Zeitsev remains seated and says, “I’ll be along. I want a word with Mr. Fisher.”
After the other two executives and the burly bodyguard leave, Mr. Zeitsev pulls out a white noise generator, sits back and asks, “Did five years in prison turn your brain to mush, or did that bullet to the head give you brain damage?”
This is too much. An agitated Sam gives a spirited defense of his actions. Perhaps he takes a little more credit than is his due for the detente with the Visigoths (Ricco’s name is not even mentioned), but that is typical of most bosses. As to the employees here he pulls out the former manager Frederick Harrington’s letter (Episode 1) and says, “I have a file full of reprimands on these do nothing slackers.
Zeitsev asks to see the file. Sam hands it over while continuing to list all the good things he has done at the hotel (pretty much all of them true). His C.I.A. contact looks up from the file, “All of these complaints are from Harrington and none from any previous managers.”
“So, did it occur to you that there was a reason Harrington got fired. Maybe he couldn’t get along with anyone here, because he was a terrible manager?”
Sam attempts to explain further, but his contact cuts him off. “Look, I don’t care. Our deal is still in place. You will remain in charge of the ‘Dirty Deeds’ Team. Only now you will have to brief Mr. Torres completely on each assignment and hold nothing back. Only he can release the Team to you. He will be told to cooperate, but you both will have to work together, got it?”
Sam Fisher nods.
“If not,” Zeitsev continues, “we may have to terminate this part of the project and take care of any loose ends that can connect this back to Washington.”
The ex-C.I.A. assassin knows that means only one person.
Charles Ingersoll and Richard King go next to see Ricco Torres. Mr. King lays down his bombshell and Ingersoll confirms the Brazilian’s promotion. Again the Petersen Point CEO seems to be just an observer to this exchange. They briefly go over Ricco’s new duties and inform him that Brandon Heath will be taking over as security chief. Sam Fisher has been offered a position as a security officer. Mr. Zeitsev comes in eventually and adds his congratulations. Then the C.I.A. flack and the CEO leave with their Militech bodyguards and AV4 in tow. The foul mood that settled over the hotel on Charles Ingersoll’s arrival lifts with his departure.
Mr. King has a few more words for Torres after the other two leave. “Watch your back, Ricco,” the executive begins. “There is something else going on here.”
“What?” the Brazilian asks.
“I don’t know,” Dick replies. “Those other two have some sort of hidden agenda. Maybe each has their own that they are keeping from each other. Just be careful.”
“If you want this place to succeed, Dick, I’m going to need some things and money.”
The American Disney executive sighed, “There is no money. We (Disney) had to fund Carrie Anne Thorn’s retirement account ourselves. Ingersoll said he was overextended. The possible loss of the hotel didn’t seem to faze him, or at least he gave that impression.”
“Look, we don’t even have a security vehicle. I need some security cameras and a few other items,” Ricco insists, “And at least one more security person. I have a list.”
King extends his hand and Torres gives him the list. The Disney executive looks it over and says, “I’ll see what I can do.”
With that Richard King is out the door and winging his way back to Orlando.
Ricco goes to talk with Sam who is already packing up his things. Both are hesitant at first, but soon agree to work together and not let this role reversal poison their working arrangement. Ricco moves into the General Manager’s office and goes to see Crank who is still in the infirmary. Dr. Ricci is worried about a concussion.
Sam heads home to tell Rianna what just happened and that they will need to relocated to new quarters next week. He gathers up some of his personal long weapons and brings them to the security office’s gun rack. While he is setting up, he and Brandon discuss their new working arrangement. There is a knock on the door. It’s Steve and Natty come to work on the system. Steve translates for his girlfriend, but knowledge of their shared language (Polish) isn’t very broad. She keeps having to refer to her e-book. Finally, Sam goes through the languages he knows. Both he and the girl speak a little French, but Natty also speaks fluent German and Sam’s mastery of that tongue is pretty good (5). The teenage girl finishes her briefing in German.
Around 4pm, Johnny Tucker calls Ricco. “Hey, there are some county Health Inspectors going through the Panhandle right now.”
“I’ll be right there.”
Thanks to Crank’s big mouth, Sheriff Mason reported the ‘minor’ health code violations along with some pictures. The inspectors are pleasant, but thorough. The Food & Beverage Manager’s insistence to get the place spit shine clean pays off. The inspector’s give the saloon an excellent rating! Failure of the inspection would have resulted in closure; something they definitely don’t need. They’ve dodged another bullet.
In the early evening Beebe is walking down Petersen Point Road. From the other side of the marina’s large storage building she sees a kite rise up in the air over the water. The nomad girl enters the closed marina. Paris is down on the dock, trying to keep her new kite airborne. With her are a couple of the younger nomad children; watching. The singer for Velvet Blue is happy to see her friend and grateful for any help that she can offer to keep her new kite out of the water. Paris’ ability to pick up the nuances of the sport impresses Beebe. That the singer shares her appreciation for the Zen aspects of kite flying makes the nomad extremely happy. Usually when she tries to explain her philosophy, people look at her like she’s crazy or just laugh. It’s good to find a kindred spirit. The two spend an hour together enthralling their young audience with an aerial ballet.
Saturday, January 19, 2047:
In the morning Beebe fills the house with the sweet aroma of baking delights. Seeing the heaping plate of Lemon Squares, Charlie asks for as sample.
The young nomad shoos him away, “Their for the Martin Luther King Day ‘potluck’ table.”
Charlie lays on the sad puppy dogs eyes. Sighing heavily, she indulges him. “Just one.”
Breaking into smile, the weapon smith grabs a square and pops it in his mouth. Munching on the warm lemony goodness, he asks, “Why are you making them?”
Wondering what wasn’t clear about ‘potluck’, Bebbe tries a simpler explanation, “Because it’s the polite thing to do.”
“Oh. Ok.” If it makes her happy he’s all for it. The gun smith hangs around till Bebbe turns her back. Grabbing another he lemon square he makes a run for it. The young nomad smiles after him. It’s nice to have someone who appreciates her cooking.
It’s a quiet Saturday at the Petersen Point Resort. That’s not the best thing in the middle of the tourist season. Ricco is watching the surveillance cameras as the hotel’s school bus returns with the basketball team. Curiously there is no Visigoth escort this time. The kids get off the bus and scatter. Some are picked up while others drift into the trailer park. The security chief concentrates on more pressing matters.
As evening approaches, the Sea Snake pulls into to the dock. Beebe is there to pick up Jason. The pair drives out to the Saint Claire Farm to listen to Velvet Blue rehearse. They’re all there except for Natty. She finally arrives on the one the back of Steve’s motorcycle. Hopping off the bike she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before running towards the barn. The girl is still wearing her cheerleader outfit. From the stupid grin on the prospect’s face, there may be another explanation, than lack of time to change, to explain Natty’s current attire.
As the band warms-up, Beebe can’t help herself. She starts to quietly sing the old Tony Basil ditty, Mickey (Replacing Mickie with Stevie). Sammy Trang picks up the beat on the drums and Ty starts improvising on his guitar. Natty grabs the mic and starts dancing and singing to the old retro pop tune. She may be a marvelous dancer, but her singing leaves something to be desired. It doesn’t help that her English is so awful. She really doesn’t understand the words, and mangles the tune terribly. Everyone has a good laugh.
Sunday, January 20, 2047:
At St. Peter’s by the Sea, Father Rivera encourages all the parishioners to attend the Martin Luther King Day celebration at the Jubilee Baptist Church tomorrow. St. Peter’s is one of the co-sponsors. Some in the congregation are warming up to Sam, but many of the older Vietnamese follow Councilman Giap’s lead and remain frosty. Ricco, however, is quickly being accepted by all.
Beebe is back at her home when Charlie walks by and complements her on the delicious Lemon Squares she made yesterday.
“You didn’t eat them all did you?” she asks.
“No,” Charlie replies. “I had just one …. Or two.”
A bad feeling creeps into her mind. The plate is still on the counter, in the kitchen, but there’s only a half a Lemon Squares left! Fuming, she storms into the living room, to confront her ‘family’. Try as they might to avoid her accusing eyes or feign innocence, a trail of yellow crumbs and sticky fingers betray the guilty parties. Needing some air, Beebe stalks out of the house. Once she cools down, she heads back to the Blackwater General Store for more baking supplies. The rest of her day is spent replacing the purloined treats.
Monday, January 21, 2047:
While getting ready for the Festival, Charlie watches Beebe carefully box her Lemon Squares. “Why did you make those?”
“Because it’s the polite thing to do,” Beebe replies.
Charlie thinks and decides she’s right. So, he heads down to the Blackwater General Store to pick up a pie to bring. The selection is small since apparently he is not the only person to think of this. However, he does go home and repackage the pie. At least it will look homemade!
Though held at the Blackwater Jubilee Baptist Church, the annual Martin Luther King Day Festival is cosponsored by St. Peter’s by the Sea. For a town with such a diverse racial and ethnic mix this day serves to remind them that they all have to live in this Dark Future together. Laid out on a little over two acres around the church are tables with crafts, community civic organizations, small carnival style amusements and activities to amuse the children. Ricco arrives early and greets Father Rivera, who introduces the Brazilian to the Reverend Ezra Brown, pastor of the Jubilee Baptist Church. Reverend Brown is a portly man in his fifties with close cropped grey hair and an ever present smile. Johnny Tucker and his mother, Mayor Mildred Hodges, say hello to Ricco as does Councilman Giap. Walking through the crowd are six pairs of Visigoths in full colors. Their apparent random movements cover the entire activity area and parking lots. No one seems fazed by their presence. In fact most are greeted by first name by people in the crowd. As the new general manager looks further he realizes there are a lot more of the Visigoths here dressed as just plain folks. Many of them have their wives or girlfriends and children with them.
At the potluck tables Ricco spies Beebe and Rianna. The nomad’s Lemon Squares are a big hit and Beebe’s contribution is almost gone. This frees the girl to walk around with Jason Fry. With Sam on duty at the hotel, Rianna has come alone, bringing a couple of pans of her Chicken Marengo. Beebe had helped her carry the succulent chicken from the hotel. Ricco tries her dish as he and Sam’s girlfriend chat.
“Oh, Rianna,” the Brazilian begins. “It won’t be necessary to move out of the general manager’s bungalow at the hotel.”
“Sam said that was ordered by corporate.”
“Well, I am the general manager now, and I have the authority to assign housing. Where you are now is way too big for me, and the only non-executive housing left is really too small for you. I am putting Brandon in the old golf pro’s bungalow, so there really is no reason to uproot you two from where you are.”
Rianna breaks into a smile and thanks the new general manager.
Moving off to mingle, Ricco runs into Carrie Anne Thorn, the once and future assistant manager of the Petersen Point Resort. Carrie Anne is pleased as punch and congratulates Ricco on his new promotion. She is cutting her vacation short and will be back in the office tomorrow.
“I hope we can work together to revive this place,” Torres offers.
“I’m looking forward to it,” Carrie Anne replies. It will be refreshing to work with someone of your experience with Disney.”
“Well, then, we should have a meeting first thing in the morning.”
“My thoughts exactly,” the older woman responds.
Charlie arrives with Beebe. She brings her Lemon Squares and he brings his repackaged pie to the free food table. Charlie then works the crowd introducing himself and handing out his business cards. These new cards have his latest sales slogan: ‘Big Guns for Smaller People’
Since Monday is his day off, Brandon Heath decides to attend the festival. He is a man with a mission; in search of a ‘flip’ style leather carrying case for his badge. The new security chief doesn’t wear a uniform in his role as town constable and he is loath to pin the badge to his suit. After prowling the vendor stalls, he stops at one called ‘Crafty Michelle’s’. A brassy, white haired woman in her sixties wearing male work clothes sells him exactly what he’s looking for. Brandon clips his badge into his new purchase and turns to walk away.
Nancy Petersen calls after him through the crowd. The Panhandle waitress walks up with an older man and woman. They are followed closely by a young man and preteen boy.
“Mr. Heath, this is my father, Karl and my mother Anne.”
Karl Petersen puts out his hand and says, “I want to thank you for saving my daughter this week at the Panhandle.”
Brandon notices Karl’s strong grip and rough-hewn hands of a working man. “It’s my job, Mr. Petersen, and Nancy is a fine girl.”
Anne Petersen also expresses her gratitude and introduces her two other children John, who looks almost twenty, and Todd. Heath doesn’t recognize John, but he has seen the younger boy at the hotel school. They all chat briefly and part.
After leaving the potluck table to give Rianna and Ricco a chance to talk privately, Beebe and Jason wander through the crowd. Velvet Blue is about to play. Give the audience, the band is going to tone down their show. The pair stop by to talk with their friends before they hit the stage. It seems that Ty plays at the church on Sundays and Paris sings in the choir. Natty is off to the side talking with her mother, Alina. Standing next to her is Steve Zelinsky. Although Bebbe can’t hear what is being said, the situation looks strained. Conviction shows on Steve’s face as he addresses Natty’s mom. Alina sighs and nods her head. Natty breaks into a smile and hugs her mother. The dancer shakes hands with the young prospect before walking off into the crowd. Ty calls to the young lovers and the bassist jumps up on stage. Velvet Blue’s show is excellent. The church crowd responds enthusiastically to the local favorites.
Ricco hears the music. His long friendship with Henrique, a popular teen idol in Rio, has left him with an ear for talent. This quartet has it. They are very good and potentially much better. The Brazilian pulls out his cell phone and calls his friend.
“Ei, Cobrinha (Little Snake)!” Henrique answers. “How is America?”
The old friends talk and Ricco tells his childhood friend about his new promotion. Henrique talks about Rio and their mutual friends. Finally Ricco gets to his point. “Listen, I just heard this band. It’s a group of teenagers, but they are something special. You’re still working in the music biz, yes?”
“Sim, claro (yes, of course),” the King Snake replies. “Send me a sample, I’ll take a listen.”
The two old friends speak of days passed and future plans before saying good-bye. After the set, Ricco goes up to the band and asks if they have any recordings of their music. The four laugh. No, studio time (even home recording equipment) is way beyond their means. As the Brazilian heads back to the Petersen Point Resort, he makes a mental note to inquire about local recording studios and costs.
Next: Episode 4: Such a Nice Little Town Soaked in So Much Blood!