Episode 8: Please Stop Me Before I Do Something Stupid


Well, not really stupid per se, but perhaps unwise (although completely in character). A lot of the evening was taken up with exciting things like buying furniture, fixing the plumbing, and improving the minimalist security of their building. Psycho-Virgin Rose got a letter from her sailor (boy) friend, but she keeps forgetting to open it. Christie continues her part time job as an exotic dancer at the local ‘meat market’ with the manager continuing to offer her better shifts if she would “spend a little time with him in his office….alone”.  As far as she is concerned that isn’t going to happen. The manager is aware that she is a member of an Edgerunner team so he realizes that he must tread carefully. Christie is also one of his prettier dancers and is starting to bring more money in. Doctor Freeman works on his plans for the building, Tyree on getting his apartment in shape, and Takashi hides in his room, terrified of the ‘Combat Zone.’ And Bea, well, when not helping someone get their place ready, she just walks around with a stick looking for bee hives to wack and buttons to push.

Important Note: Do not bring your ‘wise ass’ friend to a dojo when you are trying to impress the Sensei. Rose wanted to find a place to work out so she found a very old school Koppo Dojo in Night City. She brought Christie with her (good move), and Bea too (bad move). While Rose doesn’t have Koppo, she has Ninjitzu, which is close. Rose lied about her previous training (she sort of has to), and then sparred (light contact) with one of the masters. Her first match she held back, and the master noticed and told her to use all her skill. You know, I have rarely seen a PC botch three rolls in a row before! She did not make a good impression. Especially when Bea shouted, “Show him your tits!” This distracted Rose, and she was swept to the floor (again). The master stopped the debacle and (in Japanese) told Rose to come back tomorrow without her friends.

Of course, this was not to be because when they got home, they found the neighborhood crawling with Militech security troops, armor, and ACPA’s. Now smart Edgerunners, who work for a fixer associated with CINO/Arasaka, would stay inside (or leave the neighborhood). No, Bea suggests that the girls take a walk around. They go straight to the ‘Association’ offices, which are closed (they have climbed into a hole a pulled the ground over the entrance). They were then stopped and asked for their identifications, which they showed them. Well, kind of a problem with that. In Episode 5 of this tale, Takashi, the Netrunner, had a Dog program trace his run (from his own cell phone), which was located in the same city as his run was (Aberdeen, WA). They got his name, found where he was staying, and got the names of all his friends (they had checked in togather), and were then entered into the Militech database of known Arasaka/CINO agents. They had used their own names on the Op, which was a conscious choice as they were not known to work for Arasaka/CINO, and their cover was that they were “on vacation”. It was a good choice at the time. They were not arrested in Aberdeen because the entire OTEC operation was a disinformation campaign, and they wanted them to bring back (the wrong) Intel. Now to the party’s credit they brought back a lot of other valuable information too, so their efforts were ‘successful’.

This Militech security sweep was looking for Arasaka/CINO agents (Iron Sights boostergang just moved into area), and hey, they just found three! Even better, Rose, as a foreign national, did not have a permit to carry, and had a weapon on her! After two days of light interrogation and sensory deprivation, Christie and Bea were released, and Rose was turned over to NCPD. This questionably legal security sweep was heading towards a major confrontation and Militech (being outnumbered in ‘Arasakaville’) backed down. A negotiated agreement with the city led to the release of all detainees, who had no local charges that could be filed on them. Rose was arraigned on a Monday, where an official of the Japanese Consulate produced a valid License to Carry for Rose that predated her arrest. Rose was released and whisked away to a meeting with the rest of the group with their fixer. They have a new job! But that is for the next session.


Bea’s take on Episode 8: Please Stop Me Before I Do Something Stupid

GM quote:  “And Bea, well, when not helping someone get their place ready, she just walks around with a stick looking for bee hives to wack and buttons to push.”
Bea’s POV: Everyone needs a hobby. She gets a little wacky when she gets bored. If there is no action, she’ll make some. Did I mention she was a bit nuts? She was a tank gunner after all.

GM quote: “Do not bring your ‘wise ass’ friend to a dojo when you are trying to impress the Sensei…(abridged)…Especially when Bea shouted, “Show him your tits!” This distracted Rose, and she was swept to the floor (again). The master stopped the debacle and (in Japanese) told Rose to come back tomorrow without her friends.
Bea’s POV: She seemed to be having real trouble in the sparring match. I was offering helpful suggestion for how she could distract him to get in a shot or two.

GM quote: “Of course, this was not to be because when they got home, they found the neighborhood crawling with Militech security troops, armor, and ACPA’s. Now smart Edgerunners, who work for a fixer associated with CINO/Arasaka, would stay inside (or leave the neighborhood). No, Bea suggests that the girls take a walk around.”
Bea’s POV: ‘Yes, and I cringe every time I think about it. Still it was definitely something Bea would do. I was hoping that the other gals would tell me it was crazy and stop me from going…but no, they tagged along and we all got pinched. It’s their own fault for listening to the crazy person. I guess Titus was right:

If you’re normal, the crowd will accept you. If you’re deranged, they’ll make you their leader. -Christopher Titus

I’m sure it will be something that we can look back on and laugh about. “Hey remember when we were interrogated by Militech?” Definitely an ice breaker at parties. ‘




Episode 9: How We “Lost Our L.A. Privileges”

Well, the ‘B-Team’s’ latest job was right out of the ‘fluff’ from the Fourth Corporate War Books. Well, they were sent to the East L.A. Indian Housing Projects under the “cover” to help the residents fend off an incursion by the L.A.P.D. and Militech. Their real mission was to kill six members of an Edgerunner team who lived there (unbeknownst to them, they were L.A. sub saboteurs, whose cover was broken and could implicate Arasaka and CINO).

Of the five who went, three bagged up captured Militech assault rifles, one a Militech shotgun, and the other a broken down M60D machine gun. Gear in bag they were dropped off 400 meters from the Project to hump the last bit of distance in under the cover of (relative) darkness. While crossing the train tracks a policeman stepped out with his service weapon and shouted, “Halt, police!” Four of the five ran, but the Doctor stopped. It kind of reminded me of the old cartoon where two convicts are sitting in a jail cell, and one says to the other, “So, the cops yelled stop, and, like an idiot, I stopped.” The doctor finally reached for his weapon only to remember it was in his duffel bag. Needless to say, the police opened fired and dropped him unconscious and in Critical. All would have been fine except he had an assault rifle in his duffel, so he was taken to a hospital (security) ward, then off to jail.

Well, this allowed the others to make it to the Projects, which were preparing to meet the police/Militech assault. They had all the right passwords and were accepted in. They met their contact, who also happened to make the team assignments and hooked tem up with their ‘marks’ to defend a two-story perimeter building. There they got to know the ‘targets’ at bit and meet some of their families. Yes, I can be a bastard as a GM.

Amusingly, one of the party asked why the police and Militech were making this assault and one of the team told them that it must be that the police thought that some of “the Sub Saboteurs” were here. In the aftermath the exact wording used eludes me, but Bea made a comment that could be taken two ways. She used the word “you” meaning that someone in the Projects were the saboteurs, but when said to these people (who WERE the saboteurs) it sounded like she knew they were the ones, which was known only to the Arasaka/CINO handlers. The ‘B-Team’ actually had no idea what was happening. This led to some distrust and their ‘targets’ were now on their guard.

The next day both teams fought side by side repelling two assaults on their building. Bea became the target of RPG fire for her effective use of the M60, but managed to survive only lightly wounded. During the start of the third assault infiltrators got into the building but the ‘B-Team’ managed to kill them, and then the opportunity to strike their real targets arose. In a brief but bloody firefight they killed the opposing team, the dozen residents who were helping them defend their building, and every witness (man, woman and child) who could identify them. They fled the building as a Militech armored, ACPA and infantry follow up attack to reinforce the infiltrators stormed the building. ‘Fled’ is kind as the two who were still mobile dragged the two who were badly wounded. They fell back to the Project Recreation Center for medical treatment, and to access an old sewer line that went from the bottom of that building to the highway to the south.

The highway formed the last containment ring of the police, so they waited till nightfall to cross. By that time the line was manned an intervals of 150 to 250 meters, but one of the sentries thought he “saw something” so walked over to investigate. The party responded with assault rifles and the M60. They succeeded in getting into the neighborhood south of the highway, getting rid of their large illegal weaponry, which they rightly figured, might make them stand out at a distance. At that point they used the phone they were given (they were told NOT to bring their own) and were told to go to a data term in Glendale (25 miles away) and be there in two hours for the next leg of their extraction.

They called a cab to their location, which they were informed was in a police action quarantine zone. They asked how far south they would have to go before they were out of that zone. The group was asked politely to wait a minute. They hung up and walked away. They did not, however, shut off the power to the phone, and in a few minutes a police helicopter appeared over where they had made their call and started coming toward them. At this point Bea realized what was happening and they dropped the phone in an alley, broke into a building (setting off the alarm), and finally hotwired a car before ground back up arrived.

Well, they only person who had any sort of driving skill was Bea (at Mortal 0), and that was her ability to drive a tank (this gave her some default drive skill, and so they careened across Los Angeles in a series of stolen cars leaving some bodies in their wake (and in a few of the trunks of the cars). They eventually reached all their pick up points on time and ended up being flown back to Night City. Back at their Combat Zone ‘Fortress of Solitude’, Milo (their fixer’s assistant) dropped by to pay them and told them that there is new name for them being bandied about the office for them: “The Killer B’s”

Unfortunately, they have left quite a number of weapons behind with their fingerprints on them. Only Rose had the foresight (and training) to use gloves. The Militech weaponry was lost recently in their neighborhood in Night City, which Militech will know as no one erased the serial numbers off the weapons. It will take Militech a little while, but they will figure out that the party was involved. Whether or not they share this information with L.A.P.D. remains to be seen. With the evidence they could have Militech could put together a pretty convincing case for Murder against some of them. Why give up that kind of leverage? Might be useful someday. Anyway, I have to decide how much of the evidence they actually recover and how much they put together.

Ah, yes, the Jail Bird Doctor! Well, he convinced his interrogators that a fixer named, Susie, hired him to help man the Project’s medical section during the siege. He is a licensed doctor, so his story rang with enough truth to be convincing (along with a great Persuasion/Fast Talk verses Interrogation roll). Due to the VERY bad publicity of the police and Militech conduct during the action, and that the police shot the Doctor, whose only weapon was in stored in a duffle bag, he is facing a weapons charge only (a fine and get out of town). Oh well, another successful mission! Militech’s dossier on them continues to grow. They are now an official ‘minor annoyance’. I have faith the group, and I know they can “really, really” piss them off if they try!




Episode 10: Back in the Sandbox, or How Lies Sometimes Catch Up With You.


Well, the valiant Killer Bees got back to Night City, were paid, and began to worry about their ‘clients’. When they saw the news that the suspected cargo sub terrorists had been ‘killed in a shootout with police’ and could no longer identify who had hired them, they realized they had not only been used as assassins, but also as ‘cleaners’. This made them ponder their own future, but the thick stacks of crisp, new Euros eased their minds a bit, for now.

Sid, their fixer, arranged some discounted Enhanced Antibodies and/or Nanosurgeons for the group so they could “improve” themselves. Rose finally remembered to open the letter from Archie, her sailor admirer from the Aberdeen mission. What do you know; his ship is coming to the navy base in North Oak in two days (Friday) for an extended weekend shore leave (depart Tuesday). Better yet, all of Bea’s friends (and fuck buddies) are looking forward to see them, if they are not too busy with their classes as the university! Oh yeah, those lies just seem to catch up with you!

Common sense might dictate to just lay low, but Rose is young, and is starting to like Archie who seems (and actually is) a nice young gaijin and an admirer of Japanese culture. And Bea, well she is just crazy as loon anyway, and the prospect of the web of lies they spun in Aberdeen coming undone just doesn’t dawn on her. Bea and Rose meet the ship all dressed up (under the watchful eye of the shore patrol) and head off their gaggle of seamen. The sailors rent a limo for the weekend, sans driver, and Bea invites them to stay with them at their CZ headquarters. Tyree, was less than happy with five rowdy sailors showing up at their ‘Fortress of Solitude’ for a weekend of drunken debauchery. The sailors won him over with a couple of cases of beer and some ‘soldierly’ camaraderie. The girls take them to the Clam Shack (local strip club) that night where Christie happens to be working (what not studying!). All goes well as Christie identifies the sailor’s as ‘friends’ of hers so the bouncers cut the rowdy navy guys a little slack. Disaster is avoided by Bea as she stops one of the sailors from going over and starting trouble with Morgan, the President of the ‘Association’, who is talking with Christie and inviting the “team” for a get together tomorrow at noon.

The encounter the next day with Morgan (as leader of the ‘Association’ he is head of that criminal enterprise) starts as they wait for him to finish his previous ‘business’ appointment which ends with the other gentleman being thrown out of the twelfth story window. Morgan is extremely charming (picture Dollar Bill from the Crow without his psycho sister and more ‘business’ sense). He seems to like the fact that the group has moved to the neighborhood and is renovating the building. Everything goes well with the party putting forward a few ‘observations’ on problems in the neighborhood and Christie complaining that the manager of the Clam Shack won’t give her any good shifts unless she ‘sleeps’ with him. Morgan expresses his willingness to look into these issues, but he is now so overwhelmed with ‘problems’ of his own. In particular is one troublesome local fixer, who, for street political reasons he can’t move against. Morgan gives a good performance of the ‘will no one rid me of this troublesome cleric’ speech from Beckett (as Roscoe, Morgan’s chief lieutenant) drops a sheet of paper in front of them with the pictures of the fixer and his ‘crew’ and a map of the neighborhood he lives in with the hotel penthouse where the guy lives marked.

Well, Saturday night, and everyone piled into the limo and head off downtown, by way of the San Morro entrance ramp of Interstate 16. As they passed the San Morro Militech Building a Militech Patrol car pulled up behind them, and pulled them over as they crossed through their corporate patrol zone in front of the building. They stopped in San Morro Park, and noticed as four heavily armored and armed uniformed men got out of the cruiser and approached their vehicle. They hit the gas and sped away, as the Militech Corporate Police ran back to their car to pursue. The dice gods must have been smiling on the group as Militech botched the drive roll badly and T-boned a car in the next intersection, so they got away. Lesson for Today: Do not enter Militech Corporate Patrol zones. Archie took Rose to the Bodukkan Center for the Performing Arts to see the Nakagowa Kabuki Troupe. There Rose noticed an Arasaka Eciplse borg with a stylized Oni mask. It seemed to be watching her. Archie and Rose didn’t have great seats, but his only a sailor after all. Archie, not being a fool, asked Rose, “You and your friends really aren’t students, are you?” Rose said, “No not really”, and he was polite enough to drop it there.

The rest (Christie, Bea, Tyree, and four sailors) went to the Rainbow Nights Dance Club where the band, Cheap Sex, was playing a surprise concert (O.K. that band was from a rocker campaign that we ran years ago they got real rich, famous, and unplayable). As they left the club and headed north to where they parked the limo, thirty screaming boosters (the Slaughterhouse) came roaring around the corner into the crowd. The group headed back to the club, only to have the door slammed in their faces and they now found themselves cut off with their backs to the wall surrounded by twenty of the boosters mowing down the crowd. The other ten had continued down the street. The girls were unarmed (a weapon would have made an unsightly bulge in their outfits). One sailor had a knife! As the boosters cut through the crowd towards them, Tyree pulled out his compensated 14mm Big Government with his D-Tek cyberarm. As he started dropping boosters, he became the target of their wrath and they started to swarm him. Each of the two girls had a pair of sailors who stood in front to protect them, but they were ignored as the big man with gun was borne down upon with wolvers, rippers, foot spikes and big knucks! Tyree realized they were serious, so he pulled out his second Big Government with his other cyberarm (with D-Tek) and he got serious. The boosters were able to close and get a few hits in driving him to Mortal 1, but his enhanced body with his Adrenaline/Endorphin Surge Chip kept him on his feet. SWAT backed up by C-SWAT arrived quickly and the Slaughterhouse broke leaving nine dead boosters around the group (out of a total of ten of their numbers killed). There were also two more dead civilians amongst the large number that the Slaughterhouse killed that had been hit by stray 14mm DP rounds from the Big Governments (hey, those misses into a crowd go somewhere you know). The party bolted before the police line reached them, but a police camera caught the entire scene across the street (see the local map in the Night City Sourcebook). The police looked at the recording and are making ‘every effort’ (none at all really) to identify Tyree. The media got hold of it, and he is (at this point) the unidentified ‘hero’ of the evening. Hey, even Cheap Sex is working on a song, “It’s Raining Boosters” after seeing it. All are happy, well…..except maybe the head of the Slaughterhouse who keeps seeing it and wants to know just who that guy is!

Well, Sunday night they decided to mix business with pleasure and talked the sailors into renting the penthouse next door to that ‘troublesome fixer’ for a night of partying (and reconnaissance). Both were extremely successful, and they met a new friend, a girl named Amanda Greene, who shared Bea and the sailor’s appetite for drunken revelry. Unfortunately, Amanda’s father is Director of Militech Security for San Morro, and her brother, Seth, is his assistant. Worse than that, Seth was waiting for them when they all came down to the lobby the next morning. The brother insisted Amanda, who is seventeen, come with him and a uniformed security guard moved to take her. The sailors objected and knocked him right out. Seth pulled his weapon and put a round in the ceiling, hotel security pulled their weapons and insisted he drop his. The group decided it was time to leave, and the hotel thought that was a good idea too. When they were two blocks away a Militech AV landed and disgorged a dozen troops who went into the hotel. They kept driving.

They kept one step ahead of Militech for the next couple of days and on Tuesday morning, Bea, Rose, and Amanda went down to see the boys off when the DeWert left port. Papa Greene, brother Seth, a couple of Militech security men and a dozen shore patrol and Marine MPs were waiting for them. Amanda left with Daddy, and the shore patrol slipped Bea and Rose out another gate into a Combat Cab. It has not been lost on Mr. Greene who Bea and Rose are and who they work for.

The final event of the session was the briefing on their next job. An Arasaka agent was captured smuggling illegal equipment by Mexican troops. He is being retained by Militech as a prisoner over Arasaka’s protests (yes, right out of the Fourth Corporate War fluff). Their mission: to make sure he does not divulge any information to Militech either by retrieving him or…….

Well, it least the money promises to be good!


Bea’s POV:

GM quote: ‘Well, the valiant Killer Bees got back to Night City, were paid, and began to worry about their ‘clients’. When they saw the news that the suspected cargo sub terrorists had been ‘killed in a shootout with police’ and could no longer identify who had hired them, they realized they had not only been used as assassins, but also as “cleaners”. This made them ponder their own future, but the thick stacks of crisp, new Euros eased their minds a bit, for now.’
Bea’s POV:  Please, I think everyone knew that going in…except for maybe Takashi. I guess its best that he is bed ridden (from all of his injuries) and hasn’t been watching the reports.

GM quote:  ‘Common sense might dictate to just lay low, but Rose is young, and is starting to like Archie who seems (and actually is) a nice young gaijin and an admirer of Japanese culture. And Bea, well she is just crazy as loon anyway, and the prospect of the web of lies they spun in Aberdeen coming undone just doesn’t dawn on her.’
Bea’s POV:  Thinking about it and caring about it are two very different things. Militech has already pulled us in and questioned us at length about our activities in Aberdeen. They seemed to know an awful lot about what we were doing up there. They also ‘interviewed’ some of the sailors, so they either know the score or are blissfully ignorant, like Rose’s beau till she burst his bubble of course). He was the only one that was really asking any questions about it and, from where I stand, he’s Rose’s problem. If their shocked that a girl lied to them, then they must be as naïve as Taco (Takashi). Besides, I wasn’t the one who came up with the lie. That was Rose and the others. I was just there on ‘vacation’.

GM quote:  Tyree realized they were serious, so he pulled out his second Big Government with his other cyberarm (with D-Tek) and he got serious.
Bea’s POV:  Now he pulls out the second gun. If he had the ability to fire both at once with little to no penalty, you’d think he would have been smart enough to be blazing away with both from the start. If he had, maybe he wouldn’t have been kabob’d as many times as he was. Yes, hail the great hero who saved our lives, after leading the charge back towards the club, which got us cornered in the first place. Yes, he saved the day in the end, but he’s still a doofus.

GM quote:  Well, Sunday night they decided to mix business with pleasure and talked the sailors into renting the penthouse next door to that ‘troublesome fixer’ for a night of partying (and reconnaissance).
Bea’s POV:  Hey, it’s the perfect cover. Who would look twice at a couple of “party girls” and a bunch of rowdy sailors, doing what sailors do when they’re in port? The little family drama between Amanda and Junior Greene, was just icing on the cake. I doubt anyone will believe we were there casing the place. That little episode also gave us a wealth of information (The reaction time of the Hotel’s security, a rough idea of the size of their security force, placement of weapons and possibly what their standard armament is). Thanks Junior, you were a big help.

The final event of the session was the briefing on their next job. An Arasaka agent was captured smuggling illegal equipment by Mexican troops. He is being retained by Militech as a prisoner over Arasaka’s protests (yes, right out of the Fourth Corporate War fluff). Their mission: to make sure he does not divulge any information to Militech either by retrieving him or…….
And someone stupidly asked (I think it was Rose) if Arasaka was hiring us to do this. Asking questions like that is what’ll earn us a visit, like the one we gave the group in L.A.




Episode 11: More Cleaning


Well, someone has to clean up those unsightly messes that screw-ups can make. Usually it’s good to hire disposable, deniable freelancers to do this type of work. It’s not good to send your own people on jobs like these because then they get to thinking about their own mortality and ‘corporate retirement plan.’ Well, this one is right out of the Corporate War fluff too.

On Tuesday January 25th, at Mexico City airport, an Arasaka agent, Zane Quellio, was captured smuggling illegal equipment by Mexican troops. Militech retained him as a prisoner under special custody of Charlie Maxwell, a special operative, and Arasaka quietly protested. On Wednesday January 26th, the Killer Bees were dispatched to Mexico City to free/kill the captured Arasaka agent held in Militech’s Mexico City Office. It was a High Priority mission with good compensation.

Rose and Takashi flew out to Honolulu on the 27th received the identities as husband and wife tourists of two other people, and then flew to Mexico City. There they were put up in an economy hotel. Doctor Freeman flew in the night of the 26th to perform an operation at St. Salve’s Hospital. This operation was to be done the night of Friday the 28th. A moderate hotel was secured for him thru Monday night. Christie was given weekend end feature replacement “gig” at the “El Coqui” Gentleman’s Club, which is within three blocks of the Militech compound. She arrived by commercial jet the night of Thursday the 27th, and got a room in a cheap hotel one block from the club. Bea and Tyree were flown in on a chartered transport with gear the group needed in the early morning of the 27th, and was brought to a safe house for their use in Mexico City. On arrival Tyree and Bea were given the name of a local “fixer” who had NO ties to their “client”, but could be helpful in acquiring what they needed on the mission. Everyone was issued new phones, but only Tyree and Bea had everyone’s number, although Takashi and Rose had each other’s. The false identities were good for 1 week from Wednesday the 26th then they would start to break down. Rose and Takashi had actually changed places with a real Japanese couple that resembled them but were still under the same time limit.

Actually all went rather well. The clients had gotten Christie, who was using her real identity for travel and a ‘stage name’ in Spanish for performing, the job because Charlie Maxwell, who was single and liked the ladies, and Militech personnel frequented that club. The group was not informed of this though. Rose and Takashi ‘cased’ the rather extensive compound in the city, and got access to some of the inside (the Militech Museum), and were able to deduce correctly where the prison area was located, but couldn’t get anywhere near it. As Japanese tourists with cameras they were able to get important but none sensitive photos that helped later on.

Bea and Tyree spent a few days studying the area around the Militech compound and learning its roads. They also contacted the ‘Fixer’ and bought a set of plans of the Militech compound for 5000 eb. Now the plans were layouts of the public areas and just had notes of the private areas and their general function. It contained no inside layouts, but did have the location of some of the external security sensors (but not their specific function), and the location and designation of all entrances and exits. Tyree found an apartment house on a hill 3.2 kilometers away with line of sight to two of the three main exits from the detention wing. Tyree is an old character and former Delta Force sniper with insane rifle skill and jacked reflexes who fires an extended barrel Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle with all the ‘bells and whistles’ (and a good LUCK stat). Takashi ran the apartment house’s management computer, and got Tyree and Bea one of the empty apartments that he could use. It wouldn’t stand up long but they only needed a few hours in the apartment when the time came.

Christie was able to attract Agent Maxwell’s attention, and glean from their conversation that Maxwell’s driver had to drive someone important to a hearing in a Mexican court on that coming Monday. She also got a date with him for Sunday evening. Sunday was diner, drinks, and sex, but only if she was going to stay the night. No, she made it clear that “WHAM, SLAM, BAM, thank you Mam” was right out. Breakfast with him had to be part of the deal. That night she was able to get a look at his PDA, and it mentioned the time and the door designation that his driver must be at during the timeframe of the prisoner movement. Christie got this information to Tyree and Bea, and was driven back to her hotel the next morning. She wisely checked out and left the country immediately.

Takashi suppressed the security recording when Bea and Tyree (disguised) moved into their ‘new’ apartment. Bea, acting as spotter, was able to pick out the target as they left the building to the car (it was NOT the obvious center man in handcuffs). Tyree turned him off like a switch using all his Luck, and they ran for it. Good thing to as they had a security AV-6 hot on the pad, and the complexes sensors were able to immediately deduce the general direction of the shot, and there was only one place that could have come from. Here is where the party made its only miscalculation, and they missed the second suppression on the security cameras as Bea and Tyree fled. Takashi quickly found himself facing three Militech netrunners but jacked out before they could get a trace.

Bea and Tyree almost got away in their van except building security gave Militech a description of it and the chase was on. They picked them up in traffic and the first minigun shot was wide (extreme range). Then Tyree and Bea banged a turn, got out of sight and bailed from the vehicle. Now here is where the value of their getting to know the neighborhood paid off. They were able to slide thru the area for two blocks and carjack another vehicle while the AV-6 turned their previous ride into a flaming “weenie roast”. Good driving and their newly acquired area knowledge got them out of there. They called for and got immediate extraction and transportation out of the country.

Takashi and Rose checked out of their hotel the next day and went back to Hawaii because Takashi wasn’t ‘feeling well’, which they had established before the hit ever went down. They got their identities back and spent the rest of the mission working on their ‘cover’ and their tans. The doctor had a successful operation (rolled a ten and ended up with a 40). Since no one was injured he spent the time going out to dinner, playing golf with his fellow doctors, and generally enjoying himself.

Now, eventually Militech will probably figure this out, but all they will have is suspicions. Agent Charlie Maxwell will discover who Christie is, because she didn’t really try to hide her identity, and she was on ‘legitimate’ business. Doctor Freeman was in town, but he was there on medical business and has an ironclad alibi. ‘Takashi and Rose’ were in Hawaii, and Tyree and Bea never left Night City. Agent Maxwell may not want to bring up that he slept with a ‘suspected’ Arasaka agent the night before his prisoner was terminated right under his nose with obviously insider information.

The Killer Bees continue their climb in the shadowy annals of the Fourth Corporate War. Will their luck fail them, or will they continue to gel and become a force to be reckoned with? We shall see.

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